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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — June 5–9, 1884

Thurs [June] 5 Weather warm I went to fast meeting went to the monthly Meeting went to see Em stayed with her untill her son was born. about nine at night I am glad it is a Son

Friday 6 Weather windy received two letters and five papers by last nights mail from Charley & Maggie [in Arizona] Went to see Eleanor she is very sick

Sat 7 Weather fine had a ride in the evening took Anne with me went to see Eleanor & Em Eleanor more cheerful

Sun 8 I did not go to meeting as I did not have a dress but flannel to warm Father took me for a ride over his land in the field Called on Em she was [indecipherable] ^well^

Mon 9 Weather warm I have written a letter to Charley Father gave me fifty cents called on Em had a ride

Brief excerpt from Charles Lowell Walker's Diary.
June 5  Getting to be warm weather....rains are helping the farmers much in this country.

Went to fast Meeting and spoke a short time, expressing my thanks to God for his blessings unto Me. Touched on the origin of Man, showing [him] to be of Celestial origin...[paragraph about Darwin, etc.]... The Brethers and Sisters expresed themselves as much interested and comforted at what little I said. This was also comforting to Me, knowing of Myself I could not do this unles God prompted the words and to him be all the praise.

Em's son — This is the birth of Thomas Cottam (1884-1970). Emmaline Jarvis and Thomas Punter Cottam's first child was a daughter, Emma Jarvis Cottam (1882-1976).

His land in the field — Since St. George followed the Mormon town planning system with all the settlers living in town and traveling to their farms in the surrounding lands, it would have taken awhile to take a ride to "the field," as they called it.

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