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Monday, April 20, 2015

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — December 16–19, 1884

Ann was very much a believer in dreams and visions and the other gifts of the spirit.

Tus 16     Weather cloudy went to meeting we did not have any

Wed 17     Weather fine Sister Snow died ^at^ three o clock this afternoon Anne dined here

Thu 18     Weather dull Sister Snow will be buried today at two o clock to day  last tusday week I was taking my nap after I had wake Josey and I dreamed that Sister Snow was to be buried on tusday  I called Josey and told her my dream I went to sleep again and almost forgot the Dream or impression such circumstances often occurs although I do not often mention it it proves at least that infidelity is wrong if all perish when we died and all is chance. as I asked an infidel what reveals things to me that no mortal could tell me May we live so that we can have the whisperings of the spirit it proves to me that docters can not save us they may give us some things that may dull the pain we are thankful for that  We had a letter from Maggie and a present from little Maggie

Fri 19     Weather cloudy it rained this morning Ore the gloomy hills of darknes look my soul be still and gaze


Charles Walker did not make any journal entries on these four days.

Sister Snow — Cornelia Lytle Snow (1849-1884), the wife of Mahonri Moriancumer Snow, the superintendent of the tithing office in St. George. She left six living children, one just a year old. Mahonri remarried four months later to Harriet Orilla Peters and they had eight children.

Maggie and little Maggie — Ann's daughter and granddaughter in Arizona.

Ore the gloomy hills of darknes — A Methodist hymn by Welshman William Williams. (Text, pdf score.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

“The past is a force that is alive…”

“The past is a force that is alive, and, like all living things, growing and maturing, yet preserving a pattern that can be recognized and defined. From the past, we inherit not only patterns and standards, but we inherit vision, insight, strength and courage. The past has passed on to us, as part of our heritage, its unfulfilled dreams and desires, and it bides us keep faith with it in these, as well as in other things, for these, too, are a part of the contribution to advancement and progress.”

(Belle Spafford, Relief Society Annual Conference Proceedings, General Session of the Relief Society Conference, Thursday afternoon, October 4, 1945, CHL CR 11 3/60, by way of I Love Mormon Women's History.)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — December 10–15, 1884

The community is on watch against the federal marshals, and a hotheaded young man shoots his cousin. Ann blames his mother. She came from the strongly matriarchal society of Tower Hamlets, East London, so it is not an unexpected reaction.

Wed 10     Weather cold snowing raining had a letter from Heber cooked dinner & supper Baked Bread read

Thus 11     Wet cold & miserable I feel to thank God for a shelter and food and all other blessings that I have Joseph Larsen is in prison for shooting his cousin he has threatened to shoot Father [George Jarvis.] I think Mothers should teach their children to act different there is a fearful responsibility on Mothers when they do their duty few turn out like that

Fri 12     Weather raining

Sat 13     Weather wet & cold I did not attend conference I was sick

Apostle George Teasdale (1830-1907)

Sun 14      attended conference Br Teasdale & Br lyman preached Br Teasdale showed us it was not good to be hearers of the word ^alone^ I felt the good influence ^the^ sprit was abundant^ly^ poured out I felt I lost a great deal by not being their on Saturday we serve a merciful parent and we shall get all we deserve.

Mon 15     Wea fine the glourious sunshine makes the heart glad we have an invitation to the first party of the season I do not think I shall go to it.

From Charles Lowell Walker's Diary
13 Sat Attended conference this A. M. Some of the Bishops reported the condition of the wards. F M Lyman made some timely remarks... and discretion Presiding officers should use in recommending people to the Temple to receive sacred ordinances. Pres Snow touched on the same topics in a clear and lucid style. Night on duty as usual.

Sund 14th A.M. attended the Young Men and Ladies Conference.....There were other Meetings of interest during conference of which Br Geo Teasdale spoke, but I could not attend.

Monday 15 Dec 1884 It appears from the Papers that the courts in Arizona have sentenced Br Ammon Tenney, Bishop Christofersen [and] Kemp to serve a term of 3 years and a half in the Penitentiary for Polygamy....And this in a land of Liberty where a man ought to be protected in his constitutional right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. May God reward them for their works and all those who betray and testify against their Brethren.

Joseph Larsen — He must not have killed his cousin, or he would have been mentioned in Charlie Walker's diary. I can't find any newspaper accounts, and any court records would probably be in Beaver. 

The only person of this name and the right age in the region was Joseph Willard Larson (1860-1923), uncle of Washington County historian Andrew Karl Larson. Joseph's Swedish mother, Anna Jonsson Larson, had been dead almost a decade and his father had not remarried. 

Joseph seems to have mellowed with age. His granddaughter Dorothy Prince Carpenter recalled:
My Grandpa died when I was small, but I do remember him as being kind and loving.  He and Grandma Larson had a lovely home with beautiful flower and vegetable gardens and a few chickens and cows.  I particularly remember how neat and clean he was.  I can still see him sweeping the dirt from the walks and trails around the house and yard every day. He was ill and in pain from diabetes. He was a deeply religious man.
Br Teasdale — Apostle George Teasdale (1831-1907).

Br lyman — Apostle Francis Marion Lyman (1840-1916).

the first party of the season — She may mean the community celebration of Joseph Smith's birthday on December 23. The suspense is building: will she attend?

Dorothy Prince Carpenter and "patricianegren1," [pseud.], "Memories of Grandpa Joseph W. Larson," FamilySearch Family Tree, April 7, 2014.