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Monday, April 20, 2015

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — December 16–19, 1884

Ann was very much a believer in dreams and visions and the other gifts of the spirit.

Tus 16     Weather cloudy went to meeting we did not have any

Wed 17     Weather fine Sister Snow died ^at^ three o clock this afternoon Anne dined here

Thu 18     Weather dull Sister Snow will be buried today at two o clock to day  last tusday week I was taking my nap after I had wake Josey and I dreamed that Sister Snow was to be buried on tusday  I called Josey and told her my dream I went to sleep again and almost forgot the Dream or impression such circumstances often occurs although I do not often mention it it proves at least that infidelity is wrong if all perish when we died and all is chance. as I asked an infidel what reveals things to me that no mortal could tell me May we live so that we can have the whisperings of the spirit it proves to me that docters can not save us they may give us some things that may dull the pain we are thankful for that  We had a letter from Maggie and a present from little Maggie

Fri 19     Weather cloudy it rained this morning Ore the gloomy hills of darknes look my soul be still and gaze


Charles Walker did not make any journal entries on these four days.

Sister Snow — Cornelia Lytle Snow (1849-1884), the wife of Mahonri Moriancumer Snow, the superintendent of the tithing office in St. George. She left six living children, one just a year old. Mahonri remarried four months later to Harriet Orilla Peters and they had eight children.

Maggie and little Maggie — Ann's daughter and granddaughter in Arizona.

Ore the gloomy hills of darknes — A Methodist hymn by Welshman William Williams. (Text, pdf score.)

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