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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Story of James Glade, Part 3: “Dear Mother, I will tell you—and do not be angry...”

[James and Eliza] were married shortly after they arrived. 

James and Eliza Mary Litson Glade

Just after they were married he sent a letter to Eliza Mary’s parents and it reads as follows:

3 Oct. 1863

Dear Brother and Sister Litson,

I hope you will forgive me for the step that I have taken in marrying your daughter without your consent, but you know how we are situated, a long distance apart and it takes a long time for correspondence. So I sought the counsel of my Bishop’s wishes. He gave me his consent and blessing. He knows well what I am and what I have been ever since I have been in this city and as long as I got consent of the servants of the Lord, I trust you will have no objections. You know I crossed over from Cardiff two years ago and my wife died in crossing the plains, which I have been across since, living single until I was called upon by the Bishop to go down to Florence to help to bring up the Saints. I went there and saw Brother Morgan and your two daughters. I got a wagon for Brother Morgan to drive and took Joan and Eliza in my wagon and fixed it up for them as comfortable as I could and returned to this city. Soon after we came home, Eliza and I got married. The reason that we got married was because we love each other and saw enough of each other’s ways to know that we could live together happily. I know Eliza is a good girl and delights to make things around us comfortable. She feels happy and cheerful all the time since we have come in. I have not seen a sad look on her countenance.

You may depend, Dear Brother and Sister, that I will study to make her comfortable and to lead her into the Celestial Kingdom of God. It is salvation that I am fighting for and have been ever since I first embraced the Gospel. Mormonism was true to me when I was in Cardiff; it is still truer now that I know the theory of Mormonism. Now I know the practical part, my desire is to be faithful to this work and obey the servants of God. When Brigham says I go, I go; when he says come, I come. I know he is a good man and superior to all others now living on earth. I have worked for him and boarded in his house the first winter I came here.

Please to give my love to all the saints that know me and those that don’t know me as well, for we all shall know each other someday. Tell them to hold fast to the old ship and all will come out all right.
My prayer is that God will bless you continually with his spirit and to enable you to be faithful unto the end. I remain your dear brother in the Gospel.

James Glade
Great Salt Lake City
Utah Territory
North America

October 30th (1863)

Dear Father and Mother,

It is with a feeling of gratitude to my Heavenly Father that I embrace this opportunity of writing to you to inform you of our arrival in this peaceful valley. We left Florence on the 7th of August and arrived here on the 4th of October. We had a pleasant journey in crossing the plains, very pleasant weather all the way and have had ever since we have been here. 

I can truly say I felt to rejoice after traveling nearly 7,000 miles and got in sight of the city. I like the place very much and the people that live here as far as I have been acquainted with them. We came here two days before Conference so we had the privilege of going and seeing the Prophet of the Lord. A more handsome and fine looking man I never saw. His very countenance is a blessing to the Saints of God. 

Dear Father and Mother, I feel proud to be associated with the people and dwell in the beautiful valleys of the mountains where we can go and hear the Gospel proclaimed in its fullness and the Servants of the lord teach us how to live day by day and to prepare ourselves for Eternal Exaltation in our Father’s Kingdom. I hope the time will soon come when I shall have the pleasure of meeting you and my brothers here. Then how happy will be the meeting (and) joy each bosom will feel when we shall each other greet on Zions twice sanctified hill. When we came in the City Brother Glade drove the wagon with us and our luggage to Brother Keates’ from Cardiff. Jean Jenetta is still living there (in the) services of Brother Keates. I guess she will stop there this winter. Brother I.W. Morgan had got a good place with Brother Godby, the druggist. He is doing very well. Most of the Cardiff Saints have gone to Oregon excepting Samuel Evans, and he and his family are living here. He is working on the temple. We have not seen John Lewis since we left Saint Joseph in the States, but Brother Glade saw him at Florence and he told him that he was coming across in one of the trains behind us. Sister Davis crossed in the same train as we. She is stopping with some of her friends 4 miles out of the City. We saw Elizabeth Thomas at Conference. She is living at Casshens 12 miles from this City. She is married and doing well. 

Dear Father and Mother, I hope this will find you and our dear brothers quite well, as I am happy to say it leaves us at present. Thank God for it. We have enjoyed very good health ever since we left home except a little on the Plains when I suffered severely with the toothache and I have had it some since we came in, but I hope to soon get rid of it. 

Dear Father and Mother, I have told you all about the rest, but I have not said anything about my own condition, but Dear Mother, I will tell you—and do not be angry—I am married to Brother James Glade from Cardiff. We are living in the City and doing well. I have a good home and everything to make me happy. My husband is working at his trade and gets very good wages. He was called upon last spring to go to the States to assist in bringing up the Saints, which he obeyed and returned with the blessing of the Servants of the Lord upon him. It was there at Florence I got acquainted with him, and we came in his wagon. He got a wagon for Brother Morgan to drive which he got his passage free and had 40 dollars besides. 

Dear Father, I need not to ask you to make every effort to come here for I know you will, and you may demand that we will do the same for you here. There is some talk here that there will be emigration through the States next year, but I do not know if there is. Please write and let us know what prospects you have for coming and we will see what we can do to assist you. I believe it will not be long before the way will be closed up. Uncle Sam is determined to destroy this people if he can, but Brigham says he can’t do it. They are trying to send soldiers here all the time to keep the Mormons under subjection to their corrupt laws, but they never will do it. We have the Law of God revealed to us from time to time, and that will stand in spite of all opposition, and it will grow and increase in power and greatness until all wickedness is destroyed and righteousness reigns predominant over the earth. 

Dear Father and Mother, we want you here, and all good men and women to help build it up and become legal citizens in the Kingdom of God. I feel thankful unto the God of Israel for gathering me and my Sister out of Babylon and placing us where we are in these valleys of the Mountains. My prayer is that God will continue to bless us with His spirit, that we may be able to do right and live our religion and hasten the time when you will come here and be happy with us. Please let Uncle John and James know how we are and give our best respects to them. Tell them to obey the Gospel and gather out of Babylon. Please to remember us to all the Saints and friends. 

I told you that I did not know where John Lewis is, but I was going up to the City today and saw him. He is living in the City with James Chaning. When you come bring with you some light shoes for crossing the Plains. They are much better for traveling in fine weather that having (heavy) ones. We have the boots that Brother Peard made us. They are nearly as good as they were when we left home. Bring with you everything that is worth bringing, especially clothing. You (will) find thread very useful here. All (such things) are very dear in this country, but above all bring yourselves as quick as you can if you have to leave all behind you. Now dear Father & Mother, I must close for the present and wish you goodby until we receive a letter from you, which I hope you will write as soon as you get this. 

Kiss our little brother for us and tell Richard to be a good boy and grow up to help drive the cattle across the Plains. I have not enclosed a letter for Mrs. Roberts as I promised her I would for I intend to write a letter to her alone and tell her a little about Mormonism. Now I must wait for the present, wishing you every blessing that God can bestow upon you, from your dear and affectionate daughters,

Eliza Mary Glade
Joan Jenetta Litson

To be continued...


  1. Although I'm not sure of the relationship, I also have Litson ancestry and my family came from the same area as Eliza. Many of the family named their children the same things, William Litson being popular. I am a descendant of William Litson from Devonshire England. His son was William Henry Litson who came to America with his mother Elizabeth around 1840.

  2. Wonderful! If you have your family tree on FamilySearch, you can check the connection there with the "View My Relationship" feature:

  3. I'm just getting started with it on Family Search. I have a tree in Ancestry. Thank you.
