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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Early Mormon Missionaries: William John Glade

The new Early Mormon Missionaries database covers the missionary service of a number of Glade descendants, but for today, here is William John Glade

We've covered some of the history of William John Glade's mission before in the account called "Burned the Church." (That link leads to an index to the different parts of the account of a memorable mission conference at Two Mile, West Virginia.)

Will was called to the Southern States Mission at age 26. As is also done now, but by letter, not online, he sent in an acceptance of his mission call to the President of the Church. 

Found in the Church History Library collection, "First Presidency missionary calls and recommendations 1877-1918," his letter read as follows, including the endorsement by his bishop, hymn writer and future apostle Orson F. Whitney, and office notation from J.F.S., meaning Joseph F. Smith, at that time Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

Salt Lake City  Jan 28  1895 
President Wilford Woodruff 
Dear Brother 
                         I write you in answer to the call, with regard to the mission to the Southern States.  As I have been thought worthy of this mission, I feel it my duty to respond, and try and fulfill to the best of my ability, any calling confered on me. 
I will make arrangements to start from this City on the date which was named. 
     February 23rd 1895. 
                        Your Brother in the Gospel 
                                        Wm J Glade  

     Prest Woodruff 
              Dear Brother: 
                                        I endorse the answer of Brother Glade. He is worthy of the call made upon him. Knowing his circumstances, I honor his faith and the resolution he has formed   (over)  to let nothing stand between him and his duty. 
                           Your Brother 
                                    O. F. Whitney 
                                              Bishop 19th Ward 
January 29, 1895. 
All right
        J. F. S.

William John Glade (1868–1951)

Will was set apart on February 22, 1895. He was already married to Annie Hamilton and had one child, Lester, with another on the way. A family history gives the following account:
William John Glade was given a farewell program in the 18th ward Independent School house. The home Dramatic Club furnished a skit and Maude May Babcock coached a dancing feature for the program. A fifty cent admission was required. They had a capacity house which raised $99.00 for Will’s mission. 
Will boarded the train in 23 Feb, 1895 for the Southern States Mission. The following August, after Will left on his mission, Mary, their second child was born. It was 28 months before William John Glade finished his mission to Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia. He was met at the depot at 2:00 am on 5 July, 1897 by his brothers George, David and George Vine in the buggy with an old sorrel mare. He traveled without purse or script and performed a successful mission. His family was well cared for, not wanting for more than the necessities of life. Their faith for the Lord’s work came first and they received the Lord’s pay.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I put some similar mission info from William Lester Glade on his family search record.
