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Monday, July 6, 2009

John Morgan Diary, November 17-22, 1888


[November 17, St. Johns, Arizona]

At 7 p.m. another meeting was held. The speakers were J.R. [John Riley] Hulet, D.K. [David King] Udall, and Jno. [John] Morgan. We stayed at brother Udalls for the night.

November 18

Meeting at 10 a.m. The speakers were Elder Jno. Brown [John W. Brown, first principal of the St. Johns Academy], a recently returned Missionary, W.H. [William Hoover] Gibbons, and Jno. Morgan. The meetings were all well attended. Sunday School Conference convened at 2 p.m. Supt. Rancher [William David Rencher] called the meeting to order and spoke to the people. He was followed by Chas. Jarvis, Assistant Superintendent. Brother Doxie [sic] spoke to the people followed by John Morgan.

At 7 p.m. meeting convened. Superintendent [John H.] Murdock of the St. Johns Sunday School spoke first.

Brother D.K. Udall spoke at some length, followed by J.M. after which conference adjourned.

November 19

Brother Eliza [Elijah] Freeman called with his wagon. Mary [Linton Morgan], Ida [Hunt Udall], and myself drove over to the Reservoir; from there to the mill. In the afternoon visited with brother Freeman and family.

November 20

In company with brother W.H. Gibbons, H.J. Perkins, we went to brother Udalls ranch at Springerville, a distance of 35 miles. Ida and David [Udall] followed in another wagon. Arrived after dark.

November 21

Wrote a letter to Annie [Smith Morgan] and wrote up my Journal. Afterwards in company with Brother W.H. Gibbons and brother D.K. Udall, drove to the town of Springerville. Had dinner with Bishop George Crosby and at 2 p.m. met with the Saints.

Brothers H. J. Perkins, D.K. Udall, and myself were the speakers. From there we drove to Eagerville [now Eagar] and called on sisters Eager [Eagar] and Tenny [Tenney] and from there to Brother Udalls where we spent a most enjoyable evening.

November 22

Bid the folks goodbye and in company with brother H.J. Perkins and William A. Jones, started for Erastus [now Concho], a distance of thirty-five miles. Arrived there at 5 p.m. and stayed with Bishop C.I. Kempe [Christopher Jensen Kempe]. Held meeting at 7 p.m. It was addressed by Brothers Perkins, Jones, and Freeman, and myself. Erastus is a good location, but is poorly managed.

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Arizona Pioneer Mormon
Freeman Family History
Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star
Mormon Settlement in Arizona
New Family Search
Wake Family History
What I Remember of the Benjamin Brown Family
Young Woman's Journal

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