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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

John Morgan Diary, November 23-26, 1888

[Perhaps it would be of interest to note that John Morgan had been married to Mary Linton for just a few months at the time that they made this trip together.]

November 23

Administered to two of brother Kemp[e']s sons who were afflicted with sore throat. Started at 9 a.m. for Snow Flake over a rough road and arrived at 4:30 p.m. Stopped at Bishop Jno. Hunts. [John Hunt was bishop of Snowflake and the father of previously mentioned Ida Hunt Udall, and many other children.]

November 24

Rained this morning. President Jesse N. Smith [Jesse Nathaniel Smith was president of the Eastern Arizona Stake until it split in 1887, when he became president of the Snowflake Stake] and Bishop Cope called in and spent the forenoon pleasantly. Seventies Conference met at 2 p.m. and after I stated the object of our coming together brother J.R. Hulet, H.J. Perkins, and Jos. W. Smith [Joseph West Smith, a son of Jesse N. Smith] stated the conditions of the quorumn [sic] and gave some general counsel[.]

Adjourned until 7 p.m. Had supper at brother Larsens. [I'm guessing Alof and May Louise Hunt Larson.]

Meeting convened and was addressed by Elder B. Duffin [possibly Brigham Fielding Duffin of Woodruff, Arizona], brother Cope, and myself. A good feeling prevailed and much good instruction was imparted.

November 25

Conference met at 10 a.m. Bishop Jno[.] Hunt, President J.N. Smith, and Jno. Morgan spoke to the people. Dinner at brother Thomas Minnerlys where I met sister Cross and daughter.

At 2 p.m. Sunday School Conference met. Superintendent Jno. A. West presided. Brother West gave a detailed account of the condition of the schools in the stake and stated that but few of the Ward Superintendents were present. Assistant Superintendent P.C. Woods was the next speaker and he spoke on the general principles of the Gospel. Jno. M. spoke on educational matters.

Supper had at Jos. W. Smith [Joseph W. Smith, a son of Jesse N. Smith]. The speakers at the evening meeting were D. Webb of Woodruff on the subject of controlling Sunday Schools and conducting them without reading exercises. Superintendent J.H. Willis [probably John Henry Willis, one of the founders of Show Low] was the next speaker and gave quite an amount of information on the subject of Sunday Schools. Bishop Cope spoke at length on a variety of topics. President J.N. Smith closed by words of encouragement and counsel.

November 26

Rained during the night. At 8:30 a.m. Superintendent Jno. A. West; Assistant Superintendent P.C. Woods, Bishop Jno. Hunt, William Flake and J.H. Willis his counselors, also brother Lindquist met with me at brother Hunts to settle a dispute relative to the duties of the Stake Superintendent and a long council meeting resulted. Brother Hunt proved to be correct in the position he had taken with Brother West, but the Bishop seemed almost wild on the question of his rights in presiding.

At 11 a.m. in company with President J.N. Smith, J.R. Hulet, and wife we started for Woodruff. Arrived at 4 p.m. After a muddy wet ride, stopped with Bishop Jas. Owens [James C. Owens, another of the founders of Show Low] and at night held meeting which was lightly attended owing to the rain and mud. An excellent spirit prevailed.

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Arizona Memory Project: Show Low Collection Highlights
Arizona WPA Pioneer Interviews: Annella Hunt Kartchner
Colonization on the Little Colorado: The Joseph City Region (Tanner and Richards)
A History of the St. Johns Arizona Stake (Wilhelm)
Jesse Nathaniel Smith
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia (Jenson)
Latter-day Saint Women on the Arizona Frontier (Arrington)
Take Up Your Mission: Mormon Colonizing Along the Little Colorado River (Peterson)

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