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Friday, February 12, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, May 15, 1908

Berlin     Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse [Friedrich Street Train Station]

Dearest brother:- Here's where we arrived in Berlin. I hope it won't be very long before we leave at the same place. [She sounds a little homesick.] I am anxiously waiting for a letter from papa now, to hear just what the plans are. How's baseball by now? How's school?
[On front:] May 15, /08 Lots of love from Jean

Dearest mother:- Wednesday we went out to this little place near Potsdam for a holiday. You never saw anything quite so glorious in your life. The [?] village is one mass of cherry trees in fact furnishes all of Berlin's cherries & the trees are just a picture with the white blossoms, you just can't imagine how heavenly it looks. Then we came back by boat on the river & I really did not realize how glorious the scenery along the banks of a river could be. We all feel better for our trip, but of course we want more now always the way with good things isn't it? [?] the check & paid Jonás, so I guess [?] happy. It won't be long now [On back:] [?] we will all meet again in S.L. will it? I got a letter from Norinne & was awfully glad she wrote. Henry wrote & said he was going to see the fleet come in. I hope he did go & enjoy himself. Mr. [Tracy] Cannon says papa will let them know when & [?] station he arrived at, he will meet him if he possibly can. He thinks he can stay very [?] at the same pension where he is. I will try to write you a letter every so often.
Best love to all
May 15.

1 comment:

  1. I was going through a stack of music that had been given me and found that most of it had written on it "Jean Wessman." Maybe I can scan something and send it to you.
