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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, May 6, 1908

This is the underground & elevated road that we use so much.

[I can't read the diagonal text written over the subway line.]

Dearest brother:- This card has a picture of a train & as the European trains are so very different from ours, I thought I would send it to give you some idea of what we travel on in Europe. Then too you can see what the Zoological Garden station looks like. It is probably the place where papa & aunt Clara will get out when they reach Berlin. You can tell them they must be sure to tell me what station [On front:] they arrive at because there are so many here. But if they come from Paris they will arrive here I am almost sure. I got sister's letter this morning with Lizzie's picture. Tell sister it was a fine letter & I am waiting patiently for the pictures of the children. How is your baseball team getting along by now? Do you beat every time?

Warmest love, Jean
May 6, 1908

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