Guide to Contents

Monday, September 27, 2010

An Enduring Legacy

April 11, 1917 — April 7, 1921

Elizabeth was the eldest daughter of Philip and Martha Roach Pugsley, born in Salt Lake City, Utah, December 23, 1854. Her parents were of splendid pioneer stock, having crossed the ocean from England in a sailing vessel, then crossed the continent by foot and ox team in order to be with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to which they had converted. They suffered the same hardships as other early pioneers. When Elizabeth was born, they were living in a little log cabin which had only a leaky roof and a rough dirt floor. She was told that upon the occasion of her arrival a quilt had to be held over the bed in order to protect her mother and herself from the storm.

Her early life, while one of sacrifice and hardship, was nevertheless a happy one, since she had the love of devoted parents and was a member of a large, congenial family. As the family grew in size and prospered in wordly goods, this helped to improve their advantages.

Being the oldest girl, Elizabeth did not have the opportunity for much schooling. Her time was spent in helping her mother rear the family, including two sets of twins. One boy of a set of twins was reared as her own. She had the entire responsibility for him from his birth until after her marriage.

In the early days, while she was at home, she helped with the making of tallow candles, the carding, spinning, and dyeing of wool for cloth, and other such necessary work. As a young girl she learned the art of dressmaking, and thereafter for many years made all the clothing worn by both the men and women of the family.

At the age of twenty-one, on her birthday, December 23, 1875, she was married to Henry J. Hayward. They moved into a little two-room adobe house he had built, most of its furniture having been made by him also. Here two precious children were born to them, but their home was saddened a few years later when both were taken in death by diphtheria. Her brother Albert, whom Elizabeth had raised from infancy, died the same day as her own boy died. They were buried December 23, 1879, the anniversary of their mother's own birth and marriage. During the next twenty years, seven more children came to bless their union, but only three survived to maturity: Jean, Elizabeth and John.

It was not until after the loss of so many of her children that she went outside her home to do public work other than her Church activities. Always interested in the welfare of children, her first public assignment was president of the Mother's Club of the Washington School. The aim of this organization was to improve conditions in the school.

In 1907 she joined the Daughters of Utah Pioneers and subsequently held the positions of corresponding secretary, assistant registrar, registrar, vice-president and president during the years 1917 to 1921. During World War I she was a special agent for the government, collecting and reporting on the prices of food in Salt Lake City and submitting a report concerning her findings every two weeks. She was also in charge of the state work of the Red Cross for the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Her interest in politics was rewarded by the Democratic Party when she was elected a member of the state legislature. She had the honor of being the first woman to preside over the senate, which honor was granted to her several times during the sessions of 1919 and 1921. [The legislature met every other year.] A sincere and ardent worker in the suffrage cause, as a member of the senate in 1919 she introduced a resolution endorsing national suffrage, and also introduced the resolution ratifying the National Suffrage Act.

A member of the League of Women Voters since its organization, through her interest and work in the cause of suffrage, she had her name placed on a roll of honor in the building dedicated to the work of the League at Washington, D.C.

The Salt Lake Council of Women, composed of representatives of thirty-eight women's clubs affiliated with the organization, selected Mrs. Hayward to their Hall of Fame, honoring the most prominent women of the city. Selection was made by ballot on the basis of each woman's civic contributions of permanent value to the community. This was indeed a highlight in Mrs. Hayward's life.

Although her public work was extensive, she was deeply devoted to her husband and children, interested first in their well-being. Death claimed her loving life partner in January 1927, but her splendid pioneer courage led her ever onward as a loyal adherent to every cause of justice and right.

She died January 27, 1942, at the age of eighty-seven, ending a life of useful service to mankind, beloved by her family and all who knew her.

Daughters of Utah Pioneers. An Enduring Legacy. Volume 1. "Presidents of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers." Salt Lake City: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1978, pp 236-238.

The dates listed under Elizabeth's name are the dates of her service as President of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sarah Hayward on Her 100th Birthday

Hayward cousin Nicky sent this photo of Sarah Ann Cripps Hayward on her 100th birthday. She lived in San Diego at the time. Read a newspaper article about her 100th birthday here.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ove Oveson, or Ovesen or Overson or Oversen or Jensen?

My father has a blog with a genealogy theme, Genealogy's Star. He posts about notable sources, new records, updates in New Family Search, legal issues involved with genealogy, and other related topics. In a post yesterday mentioning the variety of name misspellings in New Family Search, he said:
It might help to know that Ove Christian Oveson changed his name to Overson when he came to the U.S. from Denmark.
One of his readers saw that and replied:
If Ove Christian Oveson was Danish, then I'll eat my nose if his original name was indeed Oveson. No way. Either -sen or in older times -søn, not -son.
Well, okay. But "JP" didn't stop there. He or she continued:
Just looked a bit around. If it's the person mentioned in - which it very much looks like it might be - then his original name in Denmark was Ove Christian Jensen, named after his father Jens Andreas Ovesen ( who again was named after his father Ove Andersen.
Scans from the parish registers (found at and
For all my interest in the Overson line, I don't recall if I have made any but the most cursory look into the Danish records, and I have not been planning on returning to the Tanner (Overson) line on this blog until 2012. Here is the comment I wrote after my father sent me a link to JP's comment.
Wow. That's so cool, JP. I've done Swedish research on the other side of my family, but I don't know if I've ever gotten around to looking into the Danish records. Thanks for sending those! I'll have to put up a blog post tomorrow or Friday with those two records and a link to your comment.

As far as the -son and -sen problem: it was not unheard of for Danes to change their name to -son when they came to America. One notable example was Mormon Church Historian Andrew Jenson. He was Danish through and through, but used the -son spelling his whole life. I've assumed the immigrants changed to -son because it was the more American spelling and they were interested in assimilating and having their children be as American as possible.

Here is a post with Jens Andreas Ovesen's death notice:

The death notice uses the spelling "Oveson" and "Oversen." His gravestone says "Ovesen."

(Make up your minds, people!! :)

The descendants of his sons Lars Peter and Ove Christian use the spellings Oveson and Overson, although as you note in your comment, it should probably be Jensen.

Thanks again for the info!

Amy (James's daughter)

Here is a summary of the information in this post:

1. Ove Oveson was born as Ove Christian Jensen, before the Danes switched to a non-patronymic name form. At some point, he began using his father's patronymic as a surname, with the Americanized -son ending instead of an -sen ending. An "r" was also added in the middle of the name. He used that until his brother Lars Peter convinced him that it would be more respectful to their father to use the "Oveson" spelling. (Why not go all the way back to "Ovesen" as a show of respect to their Danish heritage?) Some of Ove's descendants go by "Overson" and some by "Oveson." I believe that Lars Peter's descendants go by "Oveson." 

2. Here is a summary of patronymics that my father linked in a subsequent post:
Sørensen, John Kousgård. Patronymics in Denmark and England. The Dorothea Coke memorial lecture in Northern studies, 1982. London: Published for the College by the Viking Society for Northern Research, 1983. (PDF)
3. JP pointed out Statens Arkivers Arkivalieronline. This is a site containing Danish parish registers and censuses. The State Archive has certain minor restrictions on the use of the records, but it is a wonderful site.

4. Here is Ove's birth record. I have not had the time to sit down and decipher it yet, besides making sure that it is the correct person.

5. Here is his father Jens's birth record. I have not translated it either. (I'm going to have to pull out my Scandinavian research and handwriting guides. I'm a little rusty!)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Utah in the World War

The book Utah in the World War by Noble Warrum is an exhaustive list of the servicemen involved in the First World War and a description of the war efforts. I find that I have a copy of three pages which encompasses the description of the list of servicemen, and lists John E. Hayward as an enlisted man from Utah. He is described as follows:

*Hayward, John E. ............. Salt Lake
     8-8-17 to 9-27-19, GS

The star means that he served overseas. Next are his dates of service, and GS means "General Service."

Family records note that he served in France.

Here is his draft record. It shows that he was a student at the University of Utah, working at Salt Lake Mill and Construction, and was not subject to the draft because he worked for the Red Cross Ambulance Corps, Div. 27.


Utah, and Noble Warrum. Utah in the World War: The Men Behind the Guns and the Men and Women Behind the Men Behind the Guns. Salt Lake City: Arrow Press, 1924.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Utah As It Is

This 632-page look at Utah culture and society in 1904 seems to have been published to sell copies of itself, rather than have any more idealistic views in mind, perhaps somewhat like Who's Who. But it has a nice little biography of Elizabeth Hayward.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hayward.
Among the prominent women who have become so not only through their womanly qualities and their motherhood in this glorious State, but also because of their active participation and achievements in public affairs, few are better known or entitled to more general recognition than the one above named. She was born in Salt Lake City, December 23, 1854, being the daughter of Philip and Martha Pugsley, who rank among the Pioneers, having come to Utah in September, 1853, and were among our best known and most respected citizens. The subject of this sketch achieved her present name by marriage, on December 23,1875, to Henry J. Hayward, the head of the Salt Lake Building and Manufacturing Company.

Mrs. Hayward has contributed nine children to the population of the State and has performed a wide measure of womanly duties otherwise. She has taken an active interest in politics, having been a member of the Woman's Democratic Club since its organization, immediately after Statehood. She was assistant Secretary for one year, Secretary for two years, then President for the years 1902 and 1903. She was also President of the Parents' Club of the Washington school district, for the years 1901 to 1903, and is a member of the Library Board of Salt Lake City. She has an extensive acquaintance throughout the State and is greatly respected wherever known. She will undoubtedly be heard from as the times advance.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Utah Central Railway Jubilee

Fifty years after the driving of the last spike, January 10, 1920 completing the construction of the Utah Central from Ogden to Salt Lake City, a great jubilee was held in Salt Lake City.

The celebration consisted of three parts: first, an informal reception at the Hotel Utah; second, a banquet for those who were engaged in constructing the road; and third, a meeting in the Mormon Tabernacle in the evening. At the informal reception the original tie, still containing the last spike driven at 2:00 P.M., January 10, 1870, was exhibited. The reception was attended by approximately 250 of the original builders of the road, who were the guests of the city, free transportation being furnished to all the veterans and all expenses paid.

The General Committee consisted of Gov. Simon Bamberger, Mayor Mont Ferry [William Montague Ferry, Salt Lake City mayor, 1916-1920], Mayor-elect E. A. Bock [Edmund A. Bock, Salt Lake City mayor 1920], C. W. Penrose,  C. F. Stillman [Board of County Commissioners], Andrew Jenson, D. S. Spencer, John A. Widtsoe, D. W. Parratt [President of the Board of Education], Emma Lindsay, B. H. Roberts, H. V. Platt [railroad], J. E. Galligher [mines], A. C. Reese, Elizabeth Hayward [state senator], Gen Richard W. Young [he's not listed in the program, probably because he died two weeks earlier of appendicitis], J. S. Early [railroad], Jerrold R. Letcher [founder of the Utah State Historical Society], Joseph Decker, Lily C. Wolstenholme [member of the House of Representatives], George D. Pyper, Earl Jay Glade, Col. Willard Young.

The Executive Committee consisted of Mayor-elect E. A. Bock, Chairman, Andrew Jenson, Vice-Chairman, C. F. Stillman, D. S. Spencer, A. C. Reese, D. W. Parratt, Secretary and Treasurer.

Carter, Kate. Treasures of Pioneer History. Volume 1. Salt Lake City, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1952.

The souvenir program is from the American Libraries Internet Archive.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Early Salt Lake City Flowers

As [the early settlers of Salt Lake City] shared bread with one another, so they shared their flower seeds and roots. Along the walks of nearly every home were rows of marigolds, mignonette, bachelor buttons, larkspur, and near the little home could be found the wild rose brought back from the canyon and replanted. Many are the stories told of the men going to the canyon to get wood, bringing back a wild rose, a honeysuckle root, or a bluebell to transplant in Mother's garden. Watering the plants was a problem, and most of the pioneer mothers carried water in buckets from the irrigating ditch or the well for their plants...

[A] flower garden noted for its beauty in those early days was that of Haslan Redfield, pioneer of 1850 [1]. He was a skilled gardener and brought some nursery stock with him when he came to Utah. His home was located on the northwest corner of 3rd West and 2nd North of Salt Lake City. His grandson told us of a huge trumpet vine that grew over his house and reached the chimney. His flags (iris) were the pride of the neighborhood. Many of the flowers that grew around their home and the home of their neighbors were grown from seeds brought to Utah by the Redfield pioneers. Mrs. Elizabeth Hayward recalls the joy this garden brought to the people that passed that way. She also tells of the flower garden of Pioneer Bevadlint (1853) [2] located on 5th North and 2nd West. They brought many seeds from England. They raised wall flowers, daisies, buttercups, and lilac bushes. Mrs. Hayward said, "They gave me a lilac start when I was very young, and I saw that bush bloom for over forty years—they were my mother's favorite flowers..."

J.E. Malan [3]... made five trips back to Florence [perhaps as part of the "Down and Back" Companies in the 1860s] and each time he brought back, securely wrapped, a variety of seeds for the flower garden. His pride was the hollyhock. They were one bit that reminded him of the Quaker garden his people left behind on the old Brandywine in Pennsylvania. Many times my grandmother has been called from her busy round of household tasks to answer the door and have someone with eyes filled with tears ask to be allowed to sit among [the] hollyhocks...

An excerpt from the book Our Pioneer Heritage, Volume 19, by Kate B. Carter, page 531-532. Kate Carter was one of the presidents of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and a prolific author. She spoke at Elizabeth Hayward's funeral. I have added the following footnotes.

[1] Probably Levi Harlow Redfield (1801-1866) one of the founders of Provo. Besides his family, there are no other 1850 pioneers named Redfield listed in the Overland Trail database. According to an article in the Deseret News, he was in Provo in 1855 with a broken leg, but he shows up in the 19th Ward in Salt Lake City in the 1860 U.S. Census. He was the grandfather of Reed Smoot's wife Alpha Eldredge Smoot.

[2] He is not in the Overland Trail database; perhaps this is a misspelling, or perhaps he's not in the database. I read through the 19th Ward census and surrounding wards, but could not find anyone with a similar name. Unfortunately, the home addresses are not included in the 1860 census. I cannot find the Haywards in this census either, although I see the Pugsleys, and Brigham Young's family, and many others, including some who traveled in the same pioneer company as the Pugsleys and Haywards.

[3] Kate Carter seems to be getting people mixed up. Jean Daniel Malan was from the Piedmont in Italy, so she must mean someone else from the Brandywine.

Photo of the hollyhocks provided under Creative Commons license by Picture of the wallflowers (erysimum) from

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thomas Parkinson Collection

I was looking for something else entirely when I found a link to a description of the Thomas and Mary Ann Parkinson Family Collection at the Brigham Young University Library. I cannot link to the description in the library, since it seems to be password protected, so here is a link to the description of the collection in a cataloging site.

The collection also shows up in WorldCat, but will not allow a link. Search on the subject "Thomas Parkinson," and you will find:

Parkinson family. The Thomas Parkinson Family Photographs. 1868. 65 photographs and 11 negatives. Harold B. Lee Library. BYU.

Parkinson, Thomas. [Family Papers]. 1855. 1 box. Harold B. Lee Library. BYU.
Letters, journals, scrapbooks and photos dealing with the Parkinson family.
Here is a biography of Thomas and Mary Ann.

[Ed.—I looked at this collection last summer and got a few copies of photographs. It is a collection documents and pictures used in the production of the Parkinson family book by Diane Parkinson. March 12, 2012.]

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ammon Tenney Bibliography

This blog is regularly visited by people who arrive here after googling "Ammon Tenney." Perhaps they are looking for a contemporary Ammon Tenney, since there are three men of that name listed in Facebook. But perhaps they are looking for Ammon Meschach Tenney (1844-1925).

Two entries on this blog mention Tenney. One is about a beautiful letter my great-great grandfather Henry Martin Tanner wrote to Ammon Tenney.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Guide to Ancestors

Blogger now has a feature called "Pages." Each page is like a post, but it is a permanent part of the blog sidebar. I've been playing around with the feature, and have created an index to the family of each of my grandparents. Included in each page is a list of five generations of ancestors and links to the posts about them. I've also added a few favorite pictures. I imagine that these guides will be of most use to my close relatives that share a complete line of ancestry.

The pages are a work in progress, so I'll continue to add new pictures and links.

Below the "Guide to Ancestors" is the search bar, a list of some of my most-visited posts, and the index by first name and subject.

The search feature does not always seem to find everything. If you want to search for something on this blog, you may want to do a site search in Google. In Google, type:
site: "search term"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Hayward Homes

Included in the collection of family photos and documents that Emily sent is a set of pictures of the different homes of Henry Hayward and Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward. Here is the complete set.

The house father built for his bride — 1875
1st No. between 5th and 6th West.

Moved to this home in 1885
Located on 1st North between 2nd & 3rd Wests

Pugsley Court.           1892
Between 3rd & 4th No. & 2nd & 3rd West.

272 No. 2nd West — 1906
(Another copy of this picture notes that this is Jean Hayward, and that Henry built this home.)

274 No. 2nd West                  1912
X marks apartment where they lived.

1140 Herbert Ave               1919