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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 1

Funeral Services

Held in the Wasatch Ward Chapel
Tuesday, June 24, 1952, 12:30 p.m.


Remarks By -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Bishop Preston W. Parkinson

"Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted."

I am sure this promise of our Saviour has been made manifest in the home of the Glades this past week. I am sure the influence of our Father in Heaven has been there to abide with them, that it will continue to comfort them in this their bereavment [sic].

William Lester Glade was a faithful member of the High Priests of the Wasatch Ward. He was beloved by all that knew him. He was generous with his earthly means, he was honest in his dealings with our Father in Heaven, he was an active Latter Day Saint. The saints of this ward mourn his passing. We will miss his genial smile, his sense of humor, his attendance here at our meetings. But we rejoice this day in our acquaintance with him, in the many hours we have spent with him, in church, in the canyons, and every activity that drew us together. We rejoice that he has been relieved of his agony and suffering and that our Father in Heaven has seen fit to call him home.

It has been said that we have three responsibilities, that of living the gospel and teaching it to our family, to preach it to others, and to redeem our dead. Brother Lester has fulfilled these requirements to a very fine degree. He has a fine Latter Day Saint family. He always encouraged missionary work, performing a mission himself, supporting his son on a mission, and keeping in touch with the missionaries of the Wasatch Ward and the boys and girls of his friends who are on missions. He was always interested in genealogical and temple work. As a worker in the Temple he and Lucille [sic] spent many fine hours there laboring for those friends and relatives, and assisting others to do that fine and noble work.

Lester's will and determination to live was miraculous in my opinion. I haven't seen a man with stronger faith and the desire to accomplish those things he set out to do. I am sure that only the faith and prayers of his family and loved ones kept him with us long enough to see the return of his son, Robert, from the Great Lakes Mission approximately a week before his demise.

The love and devotion of his wife Lucille [sic] has been marvelous to behold. She has certainly given us a fine example of the relationship that should exist between a husband and a wife. There's [sic] has been a religious home. As Nephi of old they were born of goodly parents and, therefore, they were taught the teachings of their father and mother. We sympathize with them in their loss, with these fine children, the grandchildren, the mother of Brother Glade, his brothers and sisters at this time.

The Ward members will long remember Lester and I hope they will continue to be kind, to assume the burdens and hardships of this family, and to share their love and devotion.

The services today have been arranged by the family. The opening prayer will be offered by Brother James H. Sullivan, a member of the High Priests Quorum of this Ward, and also a Temple worker at the time Brother Glade was in the Temple. We will then be favored with a vocale [sic] solo by Sister Jessie Evans Smith, who will sing, "Thy Will Be Done." She will be accompanied by Melva A. Johnson who has played the Prelude Music. Patriarch Rulon J. Sperry will be the first speaker, the former Bishop of the Ward and a friend of the family. We will then be favored with two violin trio selections by [Dorothy] June Glade Moss [the daughter of Lester's cousin James Vernon Glade and Bessie Hocking Cushing], Marian Flandrow [Flandro], Mildred Gaddie, and accompanied by Lucille Swensen. We will next hear remarks by President Bryant S. Hinkley [Hinckley], a relative of Lucille's by marriage. Then President and Sister J. Stuart [and Clara Watkins] McMaster will favor us with a vocal duet, "Beside Still Waters." We will then have remarks by Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Council of the Twelve.

To be continued...

I wanted to include the musical selections from the funeral, but couldn't find them, so instead, here is a song by Clara W. McMaster, who sang a duet with her husband at the funeral.


  1. I heard a rumor that Uncle Mark has the recordings from Lester's funeral. Maybe I will email him...

  2. See an interesting discussion about the content of this talk here:
