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Monday, January 17, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 2

Opening Prayer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brother James H. Sullivan

Our Father Which Art In Heaven: We are met here this day to pay our respects to Brother William Lester Glade's family and to express our sorrow and our sympathy, and to acknowledge our presence here, and the tributes that shall be made and offered and the music rendered, to show our love and esteem for this thy servant who has passed on to his reward.

Our feelings today are that of mingled joy and sorrow. We sorrow because of the loss of this good man, our associate, and we sorrow because of the fine family for the great loss they have sustained. And yet our hearts are full of gratitude and thanksgiving that we come here today conscious of the fact that he has been a devoted servant of thee.

He has performed every duty and task assigned, faithful and energetic in all the labors of the Church. He has been a fine provider, furnishing a lovely home for his good family, giving them guidence [sic] and supervision for their good and for their benefit. We have rejoiced as we have labored with him and have observed his diligence in serving thee, his devotion to every task assigned, his anxiety for the growth and development of the church and for the welfare of its members. He has been a friend to those in need, at many times he has given them succor and helped them through tried [sic], seemed [?] and troubless [sic] times because of his goodness and greatness of heart. For all of these things, we are most greatful [sic] to thee our Father.

Notable among his labors in thy Church has been his long years of services as an ordained temple worker in thy holy Temple. In performing the task there, he has moved in a spirit of dignity, characteristic with his fine feelings toward sacred and holy things. He has been loved by everyone with whom he has associated. In that labor he has been careful not to offend those who frequented thy Holy Temple. He has treated them with consideration and kindness, he has been respectful to authority, bowing to every wish, consistent with thy holy mind and will. For all these things we are most greatful [sic].

We thank thee that we have known him, that it has been our pleasure to associate with him, to feel his kind spirit and to observe his desire to serve thee and to see thy great work grow and spread abroad in the earth.

Now we pray that thou will bless us throughout these services, bless those who shall address us and those who render music. May all be done to the end that this fine family may be comforted and consoled. Hear our humble prayer our Heavenly Father and bless those who shall take part in this program, that we may all be edified and draw nearer to thee by reason of these sacred services this day.

We pray for the fine family. We desire to express to thee too, our appreciation and our thanksgiving for the fact that our dear brother has been permitted to live to see the return of his son from his mission. In spite of the seriousness of the illness with which he was afflicted, our prayers have been answered and thou hast been good to him through all these months and years that he has suffered so much.

Thou bless his family. May they keep in mind his fine character, his desire to serve thee and his love and respect for his family and his loved ones and his friends. Accept of our gratitude and watch over us now while we further wait before thee. Let thy peace attend us in all of our prayers, we pray most humbly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . . . . . Amen[.]

To be continued...

Part 1

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