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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 7

Lucile loved to travel and did so every opportunity she had. She traveled more than most women her age. Several trips to California, Los Angeles and San Francisco. She went by train to the Northwest. She and Aunt May Green (Hinckley) went to Yellowstone Park in 1922 by train.

She talked so many times about her trip to Yellowstone. They stayed at the Old Faithful Lodge and traveled all over the park. May had been on a mission for the LDS Church to Independence, Missouri. When May and Lucile were at Canyon Falls (now Yellowstone Falls) there were four young returned missionaries there: Lester Glade, Rulon Sperry, Bill Birkenshaw, and a Brother Ludlow. May knew Lester Glade from the missionary reunions so she introduced him to Lucile.

Lester (left) and Lucile (second from right) at Yellowstone.

They met again at Mammoth Hot Springs that night. There was a dance held at the Lodge so Lester asked Lucile for a dance. They kept running into each other the rest of the Yellowstone trip. A few days after they got home he came to the White House Furniture to ask her for a date. By Christmas they were engaged. When Lester asked Henry for Lucile’s hand in marriage, he told Lester he could marry Lucile provided they were always at his home for Christmas.

William L. Glade married Lucile Green on June 6, 1923 in the Salt Lake Temple. They were married by Joseph Fielding Smith, then President of the Temple and later tenth President of the Church.

Lucile’s dress was beautiful white crepe with delicate lace of roses with pleated panels with lace on them. The yoke was beaded with little pearls in a solid string over the roses in the lace. The style at that time was pointed-toed shoes. No pictures were taken. She later dyed the dress pink and wore it after her marriage.

Lucile's engagement picture. 
Note the distinctive W.A. Wilcox photo and Lucile's marcelled hair.

A wedding reception was held at the Green home 127 F Street in Salt Lake City that evening. The Deseret News account is as follows:
In honor of the marriage of Miss Lucile Green and W. Lester Glade, which took place in the Salt Lake Temple yesterday morning, a reception was given at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green, on F street, last evening.

The house was decorated throughout in garden flowers. In the living room the bridal party stood in an alcove which was banked with ferns, palms, white peonies and pyrethrum.

The bride wore a gown of white crepe trimmed in silk lace and pearls. Her tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms and she carried a shower of Ophelia roses and sweet peas. Miss Beulah Glade, bridesmaid, wore pink organdy and carried pink sweet peas. Miss Mildred Green wore orchid organdy over pink satin and carried pink sweet peas. Miss Hazel Parry wore apricot organdy and carried lavender sweet peas. Rulon Sperry was best man.

A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the dining room. The table had for its centerpiece a basket of white and pink peonies.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Glade assisted Mr. and Mrs. Green in receiving.

Mrs. H. J. Layton presided over the dining room and was assisted by Miss Melissa Glade, Miss Lola Green, Miss June Birkinshaw and Miss Virginia Glade and wedding cake was served by May Green and Hazel Glade. Music was furnished by a stringed orchestra.

Mr. and Mrs. Glade will be at their home on C street after June 20.
Lucile and Lester spent their first night in their apartment at 331 C Street. Then they borrowed Lester’s father’s Dodge and drove down to a cabin in Vivian Park in Provo Canyon for their honeymoon. They visited where Lester worked his first job for Telluride Electric Co. in the mouth of Provo Canyon. They went into Provo and visited the insane asylum. They drove to Payson and visited the little towns.

After their honeymoon they returned home to their jobs and the 331 C Street apartment which was furnished by Lucile’s purchases at her work, White House Furniture, including a living room, dining room, and bedroom set. Grandpa William J. Glade owned the apartments which had been part of the James Glade home but were now rebuilt into four apartments. Each apartment had a bedroom, kitchen, bath and living room. Lucile and Lester lived in the second floor front apartment for almost a year. Incidentally their daughter Beverly and her husband John lived in the main floor back apartment 25 years later.

To be continued...

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