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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 8

Lester and Lucile at "The Ranch" with unidentified friends or family.

Lester and Lucile were both very friendly and made friends easily in any situation. They were active in church. Lester was MIA president and Lucile taught a class of girls in YWMIA. Sisters Melissa and Florence Glade were in her class. They also were both busy working: Lester at ZCMI wholesale hardware as a buyer and Lucile at White House Furniture.

Lester belonged to an investing group called the Building Society. He had enough money saved so he bought two lots on the East Bench. Howard and Leone (Lucile’s brother-in-law and sister) and Les and Lucile built lovely six room homes next door to each other. These were Howard’s first buildings in his own contracting company.

Lester and Lucile spent many happy hours planning their new home at 1421 Sherman Ave. The living, dining and front bedroom had natural finished gum wood which never needed staining or painting. The kitchen was narrow but had a large eating area separate from the dining room.

Lester, Beverly, and Lucile, 1925.

On Monday April 21, 1924, a baby girl, Beverly, was born at LDS hospital. While Lucile was in the hospital Lester and Lucile’s sisters Mildred and Leone moved everything into the new home. Lucile came home from the hospital to her new home and lived there the rest of her life.

Marjorie Ann was born on January 5, 1929. She was a beautiful blue eyed blond baby. Robert Lester was born January 14, 1931, a chubby boy. How special to have a boy to carry on the Glade name.

Beverly, Lester, Bob, Lucile, and Marjorie.

As a family we had an easy, pleasant life together. Lucile occasionally threatened us with a little forsythia stick. I only remember her saying it once to me (Bev), “Do you want me to switch you on the legs?” We learned obedience early. I was five years older than Marge. She was two years older than Bob.

Beverly, Bob, Lucile, Marjorie.

Marge and I shared the same bed and room and closet. The closet was big enough to walk into and turn around. It had lots of hooks for clothes both high and low and shelving at the back. We were very comfortable in a wonderful roomy home with lots of storage in a nice area of the city.

Lucile was an excellent cook and served well balanced meals. Cold cereal for breakfast in the summer and cooked cereal the rest of the year. Milk was delivered to our kitchen window every day until World War II when delivery changed to every other day. There was an ice box on the indoor back porch. Ice came twice a week in a horse-drawn wagon until 1928 when they started using a truck. I remember our first refrigerator and new stove fit across from the area of the sink and cupboards which originally held one big stove with waist-level oven at the side of the cooking area and all on legs.

Lucile was meticulous about cleaning and keeping dishes washed up and put away. She worked fast and was fastidious. For example, in the summer for several years, Monday morning she’d get all her clothes washing done, hung outside, dried, and brought in, folded and put away. That was using the system of three tubs and through the wringer three times before hanging to dry. Breakfast dishes done, lunch put up and two or later three children ready. We were put in the “Essex” and she drove to the Saltair Train Depot to catch the 11:30 train to Saltair, a large resort on the Great Salt Lake. Monday was free day at Saltair and a free ride on the train. The children would play: swing, play in the sand, watch people or seagulls, run up sixty steps to the dance floor, and play in the fun house for an hour if we were old enough or had a dime. There were three other families of friends to play with and eat with while our mothers played bridge. It was a fun day for all of us.

One day when I was in first grade I slept in. I got up and went into the living room where Mother was dusting her hardwood floors and shaking the three Indian rugs and listening to Captain Dobsey. When she saw me she put up her hands and said, “Aren’t you in school, oh, I forgot!” She wrote a note and gave me to give to Miss North and told me to run all the way to school. She was a stickler for getting her work done! It didn’t happen again that I can remember.

To be continued...

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