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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Burned the Church: William Glade in the Southern States Mission, Part 1



Report of the West Virginia conference held at Guthrie, Two Mile, Kenawha county, Saturday and Sunday, August 10th and 11th, 1895, Elder Samuel Brinton presiding. Twenty traveling Elders and many Saints and friends were in attendance.

10 a.m., Saturday—Singing & Prayer by Elder W. R. Rydalch. Singing.

Elder Brinton said that he hoped the Spirit of God would be with us, and that no prejudice or contention would exist, but that joy and peace would abound.

The Elders spoke briefly as follows: Olander Bradley, on the first principles of the Gospel; Henry E. Taylor preached the Gospel by the example of a righteous life; Curtis B. Smith said our salvation should occupy our highest thought; Herbert W. Beers spoke on our mission as a mission of peace; William H. Burrows, on free agency; and Geo. T. Taylor, on the power of faith.

Elder Samuel Brinton exhorted the people to follow the instructions of Jesus when He says: “If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself.”

In closing, the congregation sang, after which the benediction was pronounced by Elder Harvey H. Cluff.

The services in the afternoon were continued, by singing by the Bonham glee club; prayer was offered by Elder John G. Pearl; singing by the glee club.

Elders addressed the congregation in the following order: Henry Bartholomew on the fall and the atonement; Harvey H. Cluff on faith and works; William J. Glade on general and individual salvation; William H. Hindley on obedience to the Gospel; Judson Tolman on repentance and baptism; John G. Peart bore a faithful testimony; Fred G. Warnick spoke on salvation as an individual work.

Elder Samuel Brinton remarked that the Elders are not educated in colleges for the ministry, but go filled with the Spirit of God, to preach Christ and Him crucified, and the Gospel of peace and charity.

The glee club rendered a selection, and the benediction was pronounced by Elder William J. Glade.

On Sunday morning, meeting opened by singing; prayer was offered by Elder Orlando Bradley; singing.

The Elders again addressed the assembly as follows: George T. Taylor on authority; Henry E. Taylor on the Gospel the only plan of salvation; and Wm. N. Casper on the Gospel to be preached to all nations.

Brother Jasper Bonham, of Two Mile, was called on and bore a faithful testimony to the Gospel he had received.

Elder J. S. Campbell advised the people to search the Scriptures, and Elder Herbert W. Beers spoke on repentance.

Singing by the Glee club; benediction by Elder Wm. J. Glade. [Again!]

To be continued...

Part 3

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