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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Burned the Church: William Glade in the Southern States Mission, Part 2

On reassembling the congregation sang and Elder Curtis B. Smith offered prayer; singing.

Elder Charles A. Higginson was the first speaker, and dwelt upon the principle of faith. He was followed by Elder W. E. Rydaich, who spoke upon the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Elder Samuel Brinton thanked the people for their many acts of kindness during the conference and asked the blessings of God upon them. Exhorted the Saints to press forward and put their trust in God.

A hymn was sung, after which conference adjourned and the benediction was pronounced by Elder Henry E. Taylor.

During the conference four regular Priesthood meetings were held, where much valuable instruction was given in regard to the labor of the Elders in their fields. Elder [Elias S.] Kimball, president of the mission, also communicated by written word.

On account of the illness of some of the Elders in the South a general fast was observed by the brethren on Monday, August 12th.

At Priesthood meeting Saturday, August 10th, the Elders were assigned their fields of labor by Elder Brinton, president of the conference, as follows:

Samuel Brinton and H. E. Taylor to Mercer county.

George T. Taylor and Fred G. Warnick to Summers county.

Orlando Bradley and W. E. Rydaich to Monroe county.

Herbert W. Reese and W. D. Elder to Mingo county.

Curtis B. Smith and J. S. Campbell to McDowell county.

Harvey H. Cluff and Judson Tolman to Pocahontas county.

William J. Glade and W. N. Casper [1] to Logan county. [2]

William H. Handley and John G. Peart to Monroe county.

Henry Bartholomew and C. A. Higginson to Wyoming county.

Owing to the sudden death of Elder Charles S. Hall, in Texas [3], Elder Elias S. Kimball was unable to be with us; but a letter was received from our worthy president containing many words of encouragement.

The West Virginia conference is in a flourishing condition. At last conference there were twelve Elders; now there are twenty Elders in the field. During the year there have been thirty-four baptisms, and many children have been blessed. Nine counties have been closed, leaving seven more, which, with the present force of workers, will be completed in a few more months.

There are two prosperous branches of the Church in this field, in connection with which the same number of excellent Sunday schools is conducted. The Saints are stricing to live up to all the principles and privileges of the Gospel and are very much encouraged. Many of them are now regular tithe payers.

A Saints’ meeting was held Monday, August 12, at which the brethren spoke as follows: Elder Henry E. Taylor, on prayer; Elder W. E. Rydaich, on the Word of Wisdom; Elder Samuel Brinton, on tithing and general duties of the scattered Saints.

To be continued...

[1] Probably William Nephi Casper (1848-1932) of Charleston, Wasatch, Utah.
[2] Logan County is in southwestern West Virginia. It is a coal mining area.
[3] Charles Scott Hall (1845-1895). Here is an account of his life in the Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia.

Picture of the old Logan County, West Virginia cabin from under a Creative Commons license.

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