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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Burned the Church: William Glade in the Southern States Mission, Part 3

The Saints on Two Mile worked very hard to get everything arranged for a successful conference. The meeting house was nicely scrubbed inside and out. Preparations were in progress for its decoration and all seemed well. But the old spirit of prejudice and hatred that ever has existed against the work is not dead, even here where there are friends on every side. During the night of Wednesday, Aug. 8, some enemy was mean enough to set fire to the building, and in a few hours it was reduced to a heap of ashes. No clue is had of the perpetrator of the deed. The Saints naturally felt a little discouraged, and many of our opponents expressed themselves disgusted with the act. A very prominent man of the county has said that he will donate ten dollars for the erection of another house. The Saints have not given up hope of still holding their regular Sunday school and meetings, and John I. Guthrie has proferred [sic] the use of a good house until the time when a meeting house shall have been completed.

The burning of the church did not stop the preparations for conference. The Saints turned their attention to a beach [sic] grove near by, and by energetic work seats were arranged, a stand was erected, and ere long a very comfortable place to hold our meetings in was the result.

The grounds were very tastefully arranged with decorations and flowers, most noticeable of which was a banner placed back of the speaker’s stand, bearing the following inscriptions: “The first principles of the Gospel,” [“]Faith in Christ,” “Repentance towards God,” “Baptism for the remission of sins,” “Gift of the Holy Ghost,” “In God we trust,” “Holiness to the Lord.”

The southern people are noted for their hospitality, and they added to their fame on the occasion of the conference. Between the morning and afternoon services picnic in abundance was provided on the grounds. All partook with relish of the sumptuous spread, after which a very pleasant time was had in conversation and general handshaking.

Too much praise cannot be given the Bonham Brothers Glee club for their kindness in rendering a number of pleasing selections during the meeting.

It was estimated that fully five hundred people were present at the afternoon service on Sunday. Many were from outside counties, prominent among whom were Squire James Adkins and Hezekiah Bryant, of Lincoln, William Cartwright, of Caball, and Thomas Foster of Boone.

Great credit is due the Saints and other friends residing on Two Mile, for the manner in which they entertained the brethren and visitors. Indeed they have ever been true friends to the traveling Elders. Special mention is made of Grandma Guthrie, who, though not a member of the Church, has endeared herself to many an Elder by her acts of kindness.

In conclusion we would say that all the Elders are well and enjoying their labors.

          President of Conference.
          Clerk of Conference.
          Asst. Clerk.

Photo of the West Virginia covered bridge from

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