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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 3

Many thanks to my daughter who is typing the rest of this diary. As mentioned previously, all spelling has been preserved as found in the previous typescript.

1 June – Sunday

This morning I arose not very early. I got breakfast and after the work was all done I lay down on the parlor floor and slept about two hours. Harry is at the store writing and consequently we did not go to meeting in the afternoon. He came down and we went to the Tabernacle and was to late the gates were closed. Came back. I retired about 11 oclock.

2 June – Monday
The only event of importance today was a little row with Mrfs Walker.

4 June – Wednesday
Wednesday morning was bright and beautiful. It came in like many spring mornings have done before. I resumed my work as usual looking forward to the evening with joy knowing full well that it would bring one that is ever true to me. Evening came, he came the time was spent as we hope to have many hours spent. He departed at a late hour.

5 June – Thursday
I have been to the store and the time has passed rapidly bring forth no unusual changes. I left at six and Harry came home with me.

8 June – Sunday
I went to school this morning. Harry walked home with me. We made ice cream in the afternoon to try our new freezer. It works like a charm. We went to evening meeting. Listened to Bro. J. Higgs and Geo. Lambert. Came home and ate ice cream. Sat on the porch with Pa and Harry. Pa left us about 10 oclock and when the hour of eleven came I was fast asleep. Harry left at half past ten.

9 June – Monday
The day has passed with out any thing of unusual occurance.

10 June – Tuesday
The day has passed as yesterday. I have been sick all day and not hardly able to get around and attend to my work so I retired early.

11 June – Wednesday
The day has been long and wearysome. I have not felt well and was pleased when evening came. Harry came down. Pa and Grandpa [Archibald Newell Hill] came home from the farm where they had been working. I have received a letter from Uncle Alfred [Pettit].

12 June – Thursday
I went down to Minnie Hawkins today and took my dress. I have also been up to the school house this evening but there was no meeting. I came Harry and Eddie was here. We sat on the porch until it was quite dark. H. went home and I went to bed.

15 June – Sunday
I arose about 6 oclock had breakfast and went to Sunday School at ten. Did not go to meeting it was so hot. I took a quilt and went out and found a cool shady spot on the bank. There I sat reading and fell asleep. Harry came and woke me. We then sat reading untill almost meeting time. We had supper and went to meeting. Came home and sat in the parlor until it was time to part.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful! I can only imagine all the many hours you have put into this blog. It is much appreciated though. My husbands grandfather was Wallace Ray Noble - grandson of Henry and Isabel Green.
