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Thursday, August 4, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 4

16 June – Monday
I went down to Mrs. Hawkins today and found there was another member added to the family since my last visit. All was doing well as could be expected. I brought my dress home again.

17 June – Tuesday
Today has been long, hot and drearysome. I have been to the store. Left work at six oclock. Harry walked home with me. He was not well. We had supper and Ada and Harry came over and later Archie Freebairn came. We had a pleasant time.

18 June – Wednesday
I walked to work with Harry this morning. The day passed as usual and we came home together and spent the evening together.

19 June – Thursday
I went to Y.L.M.I.A. We had visitors. Bro. & Sister Clark occupied most of the time in talking to us.

20 June – Friday
I left the store at 7 and Harry and I took the car and went out to see Nettie and baby Hudson had been sick but was better. We came back and went to the Y.L.M.I.A. conference and enjoyed the meeting immensely. It was eleven oclock when I got home.

21 June – Saturday
Harry came for me at 9:30 oclock this evening. We walked home with Mrfs. Bowers. I was so tired I was pleased to get home.

22 June – Sunday
I have not been to school this morning. The sun is very hot. I have spent most of the day in reading & playing. I made ice cream had supper. Harry came down. We went to meeting. Bro. Stayner and Emery spoke. 

24 June – Tuesday
Today has been extremely hot. I have been at the store. Nettie & Sam came in and stayed quite a while. In the evening we went to an ice cream festival. I enjoyed myself very much. The party kept up until late. It was about half past one when I went to bed.

25 June – Wednesday
A very hot wind has been blowing which has made the day a disagreeable one. I went to Susie M. to have my dress fit on and when I got home Harry was there. We sat on the porch untill quite late in the evening. I was very tired from being up the night before. And fell fast asleep.

26 June – Thursday
Today has been cloudy and a little shower at noon. I have not been feeling very well so I did not go to meeting tonight. Dasie [probably her sister Daisy] went and took the books but there was no meeting. Today I received a letter from Eddie Seeley.

28 June – Saturday
This has been a busy day. I worked untill about quarter to ten and feel thoroughly give out. Feel like I have had all of Walker Bros. Store that I want.

29 June – Sunday
I went to school and H. walked home with me. He then came down later and we went to meeting. Bro McAlister & John Morgan spoke. After supper we went for a little walk then sat on the porch with Archie & Ada and our family untill about half past ten.

30 June – Monday
This morning I arose about 6 oclock. It was so hot I could not sleep. After breakfast I went to the store. There I remained until seven oclock and Harry walked home with me. Emma told me something which worried me and made me feel very uneasy about Harry.

To be continued...

Picture of the Salt Lake City streetcar from The streetcars were converted to electricity starting in 1889.

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