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Friday, August 12, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 10

"Harry," around the time of this diary

16 September – Tuesday
I have had a very dull day.

17 September – Wednesday
This morning Alice has gone home and Eddie has gone to California. He is much delighted to think of going on such a trip. I think he will be more delighted to get home. We all regret to see him go but sincerely hope he will have a good time.

18 September – Thursday
I have had very litle rest my tooth has ached so badly. I don’t feel much like going to the store. My tooth has ached all day and I went and had it drawn and suffered terrible pain. I came home with H. and went to bed early and was ready for a long nights rest.

19 September – Friday
Today I have had a pretty big row with our book keeper and his wife, which resulted in my having no farther use in any way for either of them. H. came to the store at noon and brought proofs of his photo which I thought very good. We got a card from Pa. He was in Denver.

20 September – Saturday
I have been busy and am very tired. Went to supper with Mrfs Bowers & Mr. Martin. Had a very nice supper. On our way back called and seen Harry. I left the store about 9 oclock. Walked slowly home.

21 September – Sunday
Have had a terrific headache all day. H. came over. We went to see Lizzie Thomas who is very low with typhoid. We then went to even. meeting. Harry Green and Bro. Carlquist spoke. We went home and stayed with Ma. She felt very lonesome without Pa.

22 September – Monday
It was late when I arose this morning. I hurried and went to the store. My head has ached all day and I feel more like being in bed than being any other place. I came home, drank some tea and went to bed.

23 September – Tuesday
My head is a little better. I have been to the store. Received a card from Pa. He was in Burlington when he wrote. I answered it immediately. Came home at my usual hour.

24 September – Wednesday
I have been reading considerably today. Business is dull. I left the store, came home, had supper. Harry came and spent the evening.

25 September – Thursday
Today I bought me a dress and took it to Mrs. Marcroft to be made. I went to the School house but there was no meeting. So I came home again. I received a letter from Eddie Seeley.

26 September – Friday
I went up to the Z.C.M.I. before I went to work and applied for a position. But without success in obtaining one. I spent my time at the store untill seven oclock. Went and had my dress fit on. Came home and went to bed.

27 September – Saturday
We have been extremely busy all day. Left at nine oclock. Found Harry waiting for me. Came home and sat on the porch for a short time. Two letters from Pa waiting for me.

28 September – Sunday
I have been working this morning. It does not seem like Sunday. My eye is very sore and inflamed. I have not been out today untill evening meeting. Grandpa stayed with us all night. It was late when Harry went home.

29 September – Monday
According to appointment I went to see Mr. Hall this morning. But no definate answer was given me. They made agreement to come to night but did not come. This is Dasies birthday and she has had a little company. H came over and spent the evening.

30 September – Tuesday
I have been reading a great deal today and feel real well and not tired. H has been down and we have been fixing the well. I have taken my first lessons in plumbing and made great success. It is beautiful and moon light. We lingered at the gate untill late.

To be continued...

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