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Thursday, August 11, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 9

1 September – Monday
I arose early this morning. Harry came over at about 7:30. We went to the depot and took the 8:15 train for Ogden. This was my first trip to that place so I made good use of the time in seeing all I could. We went to the Broom Hotel had dinner. Went driving then went to the depot. Met a Mr. Brown of Denver. Had supper and came home in Pulman sleeper at 8 oclock.

2 September – Tuesday
I feel very much better after my day of recreation not at all tired. Went to work at eight with H. Have been at the cash desk today and find it not such hard work as I have been accustomed to. I think I will like it. I left about seven oclock and walked home as usual.

3 September – Wednesday
I have been more busy today and the time has passed slowly. I expected to find the [f]olks from California here but was disappointed when I got home. Harry came down and we spent the evening in the house. The weather is much cooler.

4 September – Thursday
This morning it is quite cool. I prepared breakfast but seemed to be laboring under dificulties. It took me so long. Finaly we ate breakfast and I started for the store a little late. I fulfilled my duties for the day and returned home in company with Harry about half past seven.

5 September – Friday
It is quite cloudy and looks like rain. I have a lively time now. Not much hard work. My neck and shoulders are very stiff and painful. I must have taken cold. I came down with Harry and it was blowing terrible heavy. A camp of Mexicans were stationed near home.

6 September – Saturday
It looked like rain when I got up and rained a little as I went to the store. I have been extremely busy today and feel tired. It was about 9 oclock when I left the store. H. was waiting at the corner. I did not go in the house untill about half past ten.

7 September – Sunday
This has been conference but I have not been once. Harry and I went a long walk. Spent the evening at home.

8 September – Monday
I went to the store as usual and have not done much of anything today.

9 September – Tuesday
I have been more busy than usual today. Harry came home with me about half past eight. Uncle David and Aunt Mary Seely from Cal. was there. H. had supper with me. We sat up untill quite late. Listened with much interest to their experience in coming here and various other subjects.

10 September – Wednesday
I left home a little earlier than usual this morning. Walked up with H. He seems to be very favorably impressed with our visitors. And expressed a very kindly feeling toward them. We each departed to perform our days duties. Then came home together and spent the evening there. Wrote to Alice & Eddie Seely.

11 September – Thursday
I have been so sleepy today. I have hardly been able to keep awake. I left work at the usual hour. Came home and went to bed early. I was very tired.

12 September – Friday
Another full day has passed. Harry came up to the store and found me almost dosing. We went to Y.L.M.I.A. conference in the evening and had a very nice meeting. Alice came in to visit a short time.

13 September – Saturday
I have been very busy all day. But do not feel very tired. I left about nine oclock and walked slowly home with Harry. Sat on the porch for a short time.

14 September – Sunday
I have not been to meeting today. We have had lots of company. We spent the evening in music, singing, etc.

15 September – Monday
I arose early and started breakfast but had to leave it to go to the store. Pa and our visitors have gone by the D. & R.G. to take a trip East. I could not go and see them off. I very much regretted. Alice came to the store at noon then went down to Uncles to visit.

To be continued...

Picture of 1890 Ogden, Utah, from

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