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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 12

It's been awhile since we've had an installment of Mary Pettit's diary. There will be four posts after this one and then an index to the diary. Thanks once again to my daughter for typing this diary.
16 October – Thursday
The morning is delightful. The sun shines clear and warm on the dew covered grass. The night was quite frosty. I have been sewing untill now. It is nearly twelve oclock.

17 October – Friday
The day passed but I don’t know how. It seems to me it is a waste of time to stay in the store when I have so much to do at home.

18 October – Saturday
Today I have again been placed to wait upon customers. I have found it to be an easy task there has been so few. Mrfs Snyder and I went to the resturant to supper. Harry was there. We left the store at nine and walked slowly home. There was a letter from Pa.

19 October – Sunday
I went to work at home this morning. And have hept it up all day untill evening Harry came and we went to meeting. Came home and sat up untill rather late. Had a little quite confidencial chat. Wm. Cowan was set apart as second Coun. To Bishop Seddon.

20 October – Monday
I have been out for about two hours today with Lilly trying to select a coat. The rest of the time I have been moping around the store doing a little of almost everything to pass the time. Business is very dull.

21 October – Tuesday
I enjoyed my walk to the store very much this morning. The sun shone so warm on the dew of the previous night. It was also a pleasant walk home. There was a letter from Alice for me.

22 October – Wednesday
The same old rot day in and day out. I am pleased when night comes. The days are warm and pleasant. I long to be free from the miserable old store and some of the people here. I came home and Harry came and spent the evening with me.

23 October – Thursday
The day has passed as usual with very little business being done. Although I feel tired. I have a letter from Pa and one from Uncle William.

24 October – Friday
I didn’t wake untill quite late. I arose had breakfast and went to work. The day passed very unsatisfactorly to me. Night came and I left at the usual hour. Came home and sewed on my dress untill late.

25 October – Saturday
I left home at twenty minutes to eight walked to work with Harry. After dusting and arranging my stock in order I was called to the cash desk and there remained most all day. I went to dinner with H. Went to supper with Mrfs Snyder and about nine had a few words with my boss. I decided to quit. I informed him of the fact and left hoping never to see him again. Met Harry and came home.

26 October – Sunday
I went to school and afternoon services in the Tabernacle. Bishop O. F. Whitney preached but I was so sleepy I didn’t hear much he said. I also went to evening meeting. Harry had a little business to attend to so he didn’t go.

27 October – Monday
We have commenced house cleaning and not being used to that kind of work it is rather hard on me. Although I heartily enjoy the change. I have recieved a letter from Uncle Alfred.

28 October – Tuesday
I arose early and after breakfast was over I took up carpets, scrubbed, scoued [sic] etc. untill about seven oclock. I then got ready and went to the political meeting in the meeting house which was quite interesting. After meeting it was so beautifull and moon light Harry and I took a walk.

29 October – Wednesday
This had been another day of hard work from the time I arose this morning untill dark. Harry came and put the parlor carpet down for me this evening. It is now twelve oclock and all are asleep. H. had gone home and I think I will go to bed now. I am very tired. We recieved a letter from Eddie. He is in Ogden.

30 October – Thursday
I am commencing to feel awfully tired. I don’t think I can stand many weeks like this one. The weather still remains clear and warm but the nights are quite cold. We have almost finished our heavy work.

31 October – Friday
This has been a lovely warm day. The car is now running to eighth south. Lilly and I went up town on it for the first time. Mrs. Gershback came up and stayed a short time disguised as a man. H came and spent the evening with us.

To be continued...

Photo of the cat and pumpkin from

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