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Thursday, September 22, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 13

1 November – Saturday
November came in warm and clear. Nothing occurred during the day out of the usual line. I retired about ten oclock.

2 November – Sunday
Arose about eight oclock. After breakfast four of us prepared and went to Sunday School. Took a long stroll with H in the afternoon. Grandpa came down. We had supper and I went to meeting. Spent the evening as I usualy do.

3 November – Monday
Have been washing. Uncle Lorenzo [Pettit] and Aunt Emma [Smith Brower Pettit] called to see us. We have received a card from Pa saying they will be home in about a week or ten days. Mr. Smyth and Mr. Martin called. Only stayed a few minutes. Gave me lots of news from the store.

4 November – Tuesday
I have been sewing most the day trying to make me a house dress and mending some. Newell has been here to dinner.

5 November – Wednesday
Today I have been sewing. Harry came down about eight oclock. The folks had all gone to bed and about ten oclock Pa, Uncle David [Seeley] and Aunt Mary [Pettit Seeley] came home. We were all very pleased to see them. After having some supper they talked about their trip and feeling tired retired about twelve oclock.

6 November – Thursday
Today we have been very interested in listening to the folks tell of their travels and what they had seen since they left home. I have been to meeting. We didn’t keep it late on account of so few present. I came home alone and went to bed being very tired.

7 November – Friday
I got up early and after the morning work was done I finished my sewing and went up town. Went to Mrs. Christys [1] and engaged to go and clerk in the store for a few weeks. Uncle David had gone south to visit his people.

8 November – Saturday
Have been working around home. I went up town in the evening and got myself a pair of shoes.

9 November – Sunday
I arose about eight oclock. Did not go to Sunday School. Harry and I went to the tabernacle. Bishop Whitney spoke. We came home, had supper. Uncle Lorenzo and wife and Orson were here. We went to evening meeting. Came home and spent the remainder of the evening untill about eleven Harry went home.

10 November – Monday
This morning I went to Mrs. Christys about eight oclock to try my ability at selling milinery. I was all day very busy cleaning and learning the stock so the day passed very rapidly and six oclock came before I was hardly aware of it. Aunt Mary has gone to Uncle Lorenzos.

11 November – Tuesday
Today has been a dull day for business but a busy day for dusting but we are getting nearly straightened. Mrs. Christy is far from being my stamp of a woman.

12 November – Wednesday
The day has passed as usual. I meet a great many of my friends and acquaintances at the store. Harry has been and spent the evening with me. We are going to a party tomorrow night.

13 November – Thursday
I have been to a dance and feel awfully tired and sleepy so I think I shall go right to bed. I have had a very nice time.

14 November – Friday
I have spent most of the day dusting and cleaning and am very little better off than where I commenced.

15 November – Saturday
Have been a little busier today and sold quite a number of hats. I left the store with Emma about half past six. After supper I done some mending and didn’t go to bed untill quite late.

To be continued...

[1] Probably German-born Augusta Christy, born 1852, living in San Francisco in 1900, at which time she was a widow (deceased husband possibly John E. Christy or Christie) with three living children, Millie, Carolyn, and Carl Bryan. Her daughters were born in Kansas and Missouri and Carl was born in Utah in 1879. She may have later returned to live in Salt Lake City.

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