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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Next in a Series of Guest Posts...

Life gets busy sometimes, and I've had just enough time to work on another in a long series of guest posts for Keepapitchinin. This one grew out of the last Eminent Women post on Isabell Romney Platt. 

The post is a brief biography of each of Mitt Romney's twelve ancestors who were involved in polygamous marriages. The subject is frequently discussed in the news and on news blogs across the internet, so this was an attempt to provide some accurate information, and point out that these are real people who lived real lives and should not be used as pawns in a political game.

So, here's a link to the post. "A Brief Guide to Mitt Romney's Polygamous Heritage."

And, one of these days I'll get back to posting more of Hannah Hill Romney's photo album, and finish the Tanner Daguerreotype project, and work on lots of other leads and loose ends in this vast, ongoing family history project.

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