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Thursday, January 30, 2014

John Tanner Ordained a Priest

Thanks to a mention of new content at the Joseph Smith Papers Project (h/t BCC) I went and took a look at the website. The JSPP home page mentioned new biographical information, so I looked at John Tanner's entry and saw a reference I hadn't noticed before about his ordination as a priest. Here is the source material, a newspaper account of Orson Pratt's early missions, referencing his journal entry for February 2, 1833.

John Tanner would have been ordained during the four days Orson Pratt and William Snow were in Bolton.

“History of Orson Pratt,” Deseret News, 9 June 1858, 65.

Here are Orson Pratt's travels from November 8, 1832, to February 17, 1833. Bolton shows up at (G) when he spent ten days there in late December 1832, held ten meetings, baptized ten people and (L) when he returned to Bolton at the beginning of February.

Here is a picture of Orson Pratt in his later years. He was the winner of Keepapitchinin's famous Best Beards Contest.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 26, 1884

Brigham Jarvis.

Wednesday 26.  Weather dull cloudy just sprinkling  Brig has bought Br   Mustards house for three hundred dollars   Leany Mattese is to be married to Jousha Crosby this week. cooked dinner kniting ctr had a pleasant chat with Br Mansfield  Weather blustering rain stop^p^ed. shy clear bley^w^ing hard – Father ^is^ at the wine cellar I am a lone Josey ^is^ at School. Father went teaching in the evening  Josey stuied her lessons.

Brig — Brigham Jarvis.

Br Mustard — David Mustard (1819-1895).

Leany Mattese — Lena Albertina Mathis (1864-1949) the daughter of Johannes Mathys and Anna Bryner, Swiss immigrants. Ann's spelling indicates how the name "Mathis" was pronounced.

Jousha Crosby — Joshua Alma Crosby (1863-1909), son of Jesse Wentworth Crosby, Sr., and Hannah Elida Baldwin. Joshua and Lena were some of the first of the children born in St. George to marry.

Br Mansfield — Matthew Mansfield (1810-1891) or perhaps (less likely) one of his sons.

Wine cellar — George Jarvis was in charge of wine production for the bishop's storehouse in St. George, making wine for the sacrament.

Josey — Daughter Josephine Jarvis.

Teaching — Ward teaching, now called home teaching.

Her lessons — Josephine was teaching in a local school.

Lancaster, Dennis R. "Dixie Wine." Thesis (M.A.) Brigham Young University Department of History, 1972.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 25, 1884

The Charles and Margaret Jarvis family, Arizona.

[Tu]esday 25. Weather fine   I helped ^to^ Clean the Temple I took Aunty Johnson home in the buggy  attended my relief society. Anne had a ride in the buggy for a couple of hours with me   I have my face sun burnt it pain me very much.  sent a letter to Charley.   We had a [?] meeting we were peicing patchwork for [?]

[To the side:] [?] Sam [?]iever.

Aunty Johnson — perhaps a wife of Joel Hills Johnson or of Joseph Ellis Johnson. I can't figure out which family would have been in St. George at the time.

[?] — this entry is at the bottom corner of a page and some of the words are cut off where edges have worn away. I will continue to use brackets to indicate missing or indecipherable text or to explain something about the text.

^^ — In the transcription, these two characters with text between mean that something was written above the line, so in this case Ann wrote "I helped Clean the Temple" and then went back and wrote "to" above and between "helped" and "Clean," resulting in the transcription, "I helped ^to^ Clean the Temple."

Editor's note — Look at the clothing in the picture of Charles and Margaret and their children. The family is dressed in beautifully-made, well-fitting clothing. They were not wealthy people and not everyone showing up in the photos from this era was as well dressed, so this is evidence that Ann Prior Jarvis taught her dressmaking skills to her daughter Margaret, and that Margaret learned her lessons in dressmaking well.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 24, 1884

The David and Ann Jarvis Milne family.
From the George and Ann Prior Jarvis Family Website,
previously from the David Milne Family Website, now defunct.

Monday 24. Weather pleasent after raining all night the valley looks green and fresh. Trees are in blossom the birds are singing al nature seems glad my health is good to day   I am spending the morning washing dishes baking bread et.crt  Anne is been here to borrow a picture for Br. Milne to copy as he is painting one for our Lyceum  Josey has gone to school. I paid a visit to Amelia.  I walked there and back it was very hard on my chest causing me to cough. My daughter that I buried in East Boston would be twenty 5 years old to day if she had lived  I often wonder if my Willie and my little girl will know each other in the spirit world. I suppose I sha[ll] know some day.

Anne — daughter Ann Catherine Jarvis Milne (1848-1956). She was the second of the eleven Jarvis children and the second of David Milne's three wives. At the time of this diary entry, she had six children, five of them alive: Susan, George, Athole, Erastus, and Margaret. (Her first son David had died at age seven.) And, yes, those dates for her birth and death are correct.

Br. Milne — son-in-law David Milne (1832-1895), an artist, who did work on the St. George Temple and Tabernacle, St. George Lyceum, and Manti Temple. He had three wives: Susan Young (1835-1881) who had died three years previously, Ann Jarvis, and Anna Hess. Besides Ann Jarvis Milne's five living children at this time, he had one living son from his first marriage, Alexander Young Milne (1859-1929), and four living children from his third marriage.

Lyceum — the social hall in St. George, also used for the Relief Society, the MIA, and the town library.

Amelia — daughter Amelia Jarvis Webb (1853-1908), married to William Webb (1843-1911). At the time of this diary entry she had six living children: William, George, Joseph, Ephraim, Heber, and Annie. A daughter Amelia died at four months old.

"My daughter that I buried in East Boston" — Elizabeth Frances Jarvis (1859-1859).

"My Willie" — her youngest child William Thomas Jarvis (1873-1881) was killed by lightning while standing on the steps of the St. George Tabernacle.

Washington County Historical Society, "Libraries in Washington County," accessed January 12, 2014.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 23, 1884

Thomas Punter Cottam. From Ancestry, courtesy of "RJ1842."

Sunday 23 — The Weather is stormy it is raining slightly Sky dark cloudy wind howling. I ought to be thankful for the rains in this barren desert to moisten the parched ground. I never feel happy in dull weather it is cold and miserable attended meeting Br Wooley spoke about his doings at the legislatere. ^it is still^ raining a little. Thomas & Emmeline was here this evening Em is not feeling very well.

Brother WooleyEdwin Gordon Woolley (1845-1930) (not to be confused with his half-brother, Edwin D. Woolley) was a son of Bishop Edwin D. Woolley and Louisa Chapin Gordon. He was one of the founders of Wooley Lund & Judd Merchantile, a member of the territorial legislature, and Washington County Probate Judge.
Thomas — Son-in-law Thomas Punter Cottam (1857-1926) was married to Ann's ninth child, Emmaline Jarvis. He was later mayor of St. George and Temple President.

"Em is not feeling well" — she was seventh months pregnant with her third child, Heber Cottam.

"RJ1842" [pseud.]. "Thomas Punter Cottam." [digital copy of photograph], accessed January 10, 2014,

Washington County Historical Society. "Thomas Punter Cottam Home: St. George, Utah," accessed January 10, 2014,

Washington County Historical Society. "Woolley Lund & Judd Mercantile," accessed January 10, 2014,

Whitney, Orson F. "Edwin Gordon Woolley" in History of Utah, Comprising Preliminary Chapters on the Previous History of Her Founders, Accounts of Early Spanish and American Explorations in the Rocky Mountain Region, the Advent of the Mormon Pioneers, the Establishment and Dissolution of the Provisional Government of the State of Deseret, and the Subsequent Creation and Development of the Territory. Vol. 4. Salt Lake City: G. Q. Cannon and Sons, 1892, 552-555.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 22, 1884

George Jarvis.

The weather is Pleasant   Saturday 22d feel sleepy  I have a cold

I churned. Father & Brig put the colt in the wagon for the first ^time^ (went splendid played a few games of chekers with Brig in the evening. I believe I have not done a great deal to day ^I^ cooked dinn[er] nice turnips greens & Potatoes meat ct.ct.

I think I shall retire to bed with a thankful heart for all the blessings I have enjoyed this day to morrow is the Sabbath day, we must remember to keep it Holy.

Father — Ann's husband George Jarvis (1823-1913)

Brig — Brigham Jarvis (1850-1933), her third child and second son, married to Mary Forsyth. Brigham and Mary had two living sons, two daughters who had died as infants, and were expecting their fifth child.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ann Prior Jarvis Diary — March 21, 1884

Emmaline Jarvis Cottam. From the George and Ann Prior Jarvis Family Website.

March 21. Dolly man paid me a visit. Weather [fair?] brought a parcel from Mrs West to be sent to [Parion?] wrote to Charley.   ^it is^ Emmelines birthday gave her some Chow chow. rode in my buggy with Josey for an hour in the Evening.

Dolly man — perhaps someone named Dolly Mann? Perhaps a peddler?
Emmeline — her daughter Emmaline Jarvis Cottam, married to Thomas P. Cottam. Emmaline had one child and was expecting her second at the time this was written.
Chow chow — pickled vegetable relish made of cabbage and other vegetables, perhaps introduced to the family by the Southern settlers.
Josey — her daughter Victoria Josephine Jarvis Miles, not yet married to George Miles.

Jarvis Family Web Gallery. Digital copy of photograph. George and Ann Prior Jarvis Family Website.

Thigpen, Susan M. "Chow-Chow Recipe for Sweet Southern Style Relish." The Mountain Laurel: The Journal of Mountain Life [blog], accessed January 10, 2014,