Guide to Contents

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Linton and Eudora Eggertsen Morgan

Linton Morgan is a well known and well established realtor of Vallejo and is police judge in and for that city, as well as local representative of the federal government in the operation of the affairs of the housing corporation. He is a native of Idaho and was reared in the state of Arizona, where he obtained his initial schooling, and he is a resident of California by choice and inclination, having found conditions here very much to his liking. Mr. Morgan was born in Preston, Idaho, September 21, 1890, and is a son of John and Mary (Linton) Morgan, the former of whom, now deceased, was for many years a prominent figure in educational circles in that state and in Utah.

Linton Morgan went to Washington, D. C, when he was about twenty years of age, and there he attended the Georgetown University and later the George Washington Law School. He early became trained for secretarial service and was for some time engaged in Washington as assistant secretary to United States Senator Wolcott of Delaware. Later he was attached to the staff of the secretary of labor and in that department of the federal government's activities rendered service as an assistant to the secretary until 1920, when he was sent to Vallejo as the representative of the department and was made manager of the housing corporation's operations here, a position he still occupies. Upon taking up his residence here Mr. Morgan also embarked in the local realty business and has built up a flourishing connection along that line. In 1925 he was appointed to act as city judge, and he is thus now serving in a dual public capacity.

In 1917, at Salt Lake City, Utah, Linton Morgan was united in marriage to Miss Eudora Eggertsen of that state, and they have three children, Dixie, Meline, and John W. Mr. Morgan is a democrat and is an active and influential member of the Vallejo Kiwanis Club. He also is affiliated with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, the Improved Order of Red Men and the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

Hunt, Marguerite, and Harry Lawrence Gunn. History of Solano County, California. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co, 1926.

— — —

Records from the Brigham Young Academy High School

Morgan, Linton J.
Oakland, California US

Class of 1912. Linton Morgan, of St. Johns, Arizona. He graduated from Brigham Young High School in 1912. Source: 1912 BYU Mizpah, BYH section, photos and names on pp. 1 - 62, 105.

Linton J. Morgan was born on September 21, 1890 in Preston, Idaho. His parents were John Hamilton Morgan and Mary Ann Linton Morgan. Linton married Eudora Eggerston, BYH Class of 1913, on April 4, 1917. Eudora was born on February 26, 1894 in Provo, Utah. Her parents were Simon Peter Eggertsen and Henrietta Petrea Nielsen [or Nelson]. She died on May 15, 1982 in California. Linton J. Morgan died on April 16, 1951 in Oakland, California. His interment, Oakland, California.

[I’m not sure what the “J” as a middle initial stands for. I don’t see a middle name listed on any family records. On the Social Security Death Index he is listed as Richard Linton Morgan.]

Eggertsen, Eudora [Eggertson,]
Oakland, California, US

Class of 1913. Eudora Eggertson (spelled "-son" in both places, but actually is "-sen"). She graduated from Brigham Young High School, in the Music Department. Source 1: 1913 BYU Banyan yearbook, BYH section, pages 63-81.

Class of 1913. Eudora Eggertsen (spelled "-sen"). She received two diplomas in 1913: a BYH Music Diploma, and a High School Diploma. Source 2: Annual Record, B.Y. University, Book 5, page 341.

She married Linton J. Morgan, BYH Class of 1912, on April 4, 1917. Eudora was born on February 26, 1894 in Provo, Utah. Her parents were Simon Peter Eggertsen and Henrietta Petrea Nielsen [or Nelson]. She died on May 15, 1982 in California. Linton J. Morgan died on April 16, 1951 in Oakland, California. His interment, Oakland, California.

Brigham Young High School, Provo, Utah, website.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grandma Morgan—Mary Ann Linton Morgan, Part 2

Grandma and Mom were always at odds, Mom couldn’t understand her and talked about her to us children so terribly that we had little use for her either. I understood why this was so much later when I found out Grandma Christensen disliked her so much for being a polygamous wife.

Grandma married John Hamilton Morgan in the Endowment House against her Mother’s wishes. One of Grandma’s aunts or cousins helped her to come to Salt Lake where she and Grandpa Morgan were married in the Endowment House. After the Manifesto Grandma was in Hunt, Arizona working for the D.K. Udall family and married “Uncle D.K.” I am sure that Grandma Christensen knew about this secret.

Mom was not a tidy housekeeper and Grandma would try to teach her how to be neater. Grandma had a tendency to snoop, too, (so Mom says) and Mom was upset with her about that.

During Grandma’s last years Mom took her into her home to care for. Aunt Eudora (Lin’s wife) came from California and said Grandma could no longer care for herself. Grandma had arthritis very bad and walked with a cane. She had little use for children and gave Jimmy a hard time while we had to stay with Mom and Dad at 777 Fourth Ave. until our house on 12th West was completed.…

Finally Dad was persuaded to put her in a nursing home on 13th South and it was here she died. The name of the home was Hill Haven and had been an orphanage while we children were growing up on 13th East and 13th South.

Grandma was the spur who interested Nicholas Groesbeck Morgan (Grandpa’s eldest son) in genealogy. He had the Morgan line traced back to three brothers who came from Glamorganshire, Wales to settle in the United States. One settled in New England; one in the middle Atlantic States; and one in Virginia. Our line comes through the latter man.

[A note from my dad: This information is probably inaccurate. In fact Nicholas Morgan traced the genealogy to Virginia where there were a number of Morgans. There is no evidence or proof that the Morgan he selected is the right one... A careful reading of the John Morgan book shows clearly that he just randomly selected a line that continued as opposed to ending the line in Virginia.]

Grandma had bunions on both her feet, one of which was most painful. Her arthritis kept her from raising her elbow but a little way and she combed her hair by propping elbow on her chest of drawers.… Lin was always Grandma’s favorite but it was Dad to whom she looked for the most support and help. She was always asking Dad to help provide for herself for genealogy, or one of his brothers.

Mom didn’t like to visit with Grandma, but one time we took a dinner in the pots and pans on the streetcar to surprise Grandma. I just remember how many parcels we all had to carry. We didn’t stay too long as there were too many of us for that little room. I remember going down the hall to the bath. There was a toilet with a long chain from the box at the top; a bathtub that stood on legs and in which all that whole floor bathed. Grandma had this small sink in her room in a sort of closet and Mom said she used it to wash dishes in…

Grandma used to call the managers of the Deseret News to see why Dad didn’t come to see her more often. This was upsetting to Mom, also.

Grandma was always praising Uncle Lin’s and Aunt Eudora’s kids to us. Aunt Eudora was an Eggertsen from Provo, and Grandma had a higher opinion of her than she did of the Christensens in St. Johns.

I trust Grandma has found peace and her rightful place in the hereafter. She endured many hardships for her belief in the Church and was persecuted severely for her participation in polygamy as a third wife. I am grateful to her for telling me there was a hereafter and that we should all be together again after death.

Photo of the Salt Lake Temple from

Monday, June 22, 2009

Grandma Morgan—Mary Ann Linton Morgan, Part 1

By Helen Morgan Ayrton

She was born 11 February 1865 to Samuel Linton and Mary Ellen (McKichins) Sutton. She was the third child of nine children. Her mother had been married to a Mr. McKichins [or McKechine] and had a daughter Sarah Ellen, who was ten years older than Mary Ann. Grandma told me that her mother left Mr. McKichins because he wanted nothing to do with the Church. The family group sheet in Dad’s records shows Sarah Ellen was adopted by Samuel Linton.

She was very fond of her family, especially her brother Samuel Linton. I remember going to Nephi once or twice during my early years and visiting with Grandma’s people. She thought a lot of her brothers, John and Samuel. My mother told me several times that Grandma’s father, Samuel Linton, was a very stern man. Dad mentions him in his Life Story.

Grandma had light reddish blond hair and was a stately woman who appeared taller than she was because of her slender but upright carriage at all times. She had beautiful brown eyes and very fair skin. She was always very proper, possessive of her sons, religious, and a quite beautiful woman who worked very hard all her life.

I remember several times being with her when she did janitorial work for Elias Morris & Sons in their offices located then on South Temple. She must have been in her late fifties or early sixties then.

Grandma became immersed totally in genealogical work. From some letters her fascination with this subject must have happened when I was a small girl. As I grew to a teenager, Grandma tried her best to interest me in the subject but somehow the “bug didn’t bite.”

Grandma lived for a time in Washington D.C. where Linton was studying for the bar. She lived with Lin, Eudora and one or two children (daughters). She also lived in California. The following is something which was found in one of her genealogy notebooks.
This Sun. Jan. 23 Larani and Jayne took Julia (Grandma’s sister) and myself and the little girls on a beautiful ride through the San Fernando Valley, Santa Monica Mountains, Van Nuys, Westwood, Bel Aire, University of California; through the famous Coast Highway then south to Ocean Park, Venice, Pala Del Rey.

Sat on the beach at the Palasaid; went through Manhatten, Harniosa and by Daud’s Beaches. Through the Palasverd Estate, over to Pont Permire where we had a delicious lunch Jule had prepared.

At San Pedro Harbor we saw 21 battleships.

We came on through the Western Ave. which reaches from the mountains to the sea.

In coming home we called at Mr. & Mrs. (?) (Jayne’s sister) and saw her lovely baby boy.
On the back of this page from one of her genealogy notebooks this, dated 5 April 1938:
I have found a wealth of books which may give much information on our lines.
What a lonely life Grandma had. She never had more than one room with a small sink; the bathroom was down the hall. This was in the Sharon Building where she lived many years of her life. She had good friends—Cecilia Steed, a lady with a decided accent from the French side of Switzerland, and Margaret Harned, a Mrs. Jones who helped her with genealogy [I'm guessing Jessie Penrose Jones]. There were others but these are the ones I remember best. She used to keep her food perishables on the window sill of her room.There were two windows, one large and one small facing South Temple, so her room was on the north side of the building. Grandma had no possessions to speak of but accumulated many notebooks with genealogy notes, a good many of them in pencil. She did much Temple Work. Grandma went to the 14th Ward in Salt Lake City.

[To be continued.]

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ancestral Ties on John Hamilton and Helen Melvina Groesbeck Morgan

Bessie has put up two lovely posts about John Hamilton Morgan and his wife Helen Melvina Groesbeck Morgan. The first is a series of entries from John Morgan's diary and includes information on the death of his daughter Flora. The second is the first part of Mellie's biography. I've never seen the first photograph in the post about Mellie. What a distinguished looking woman, and what amazing beadwork on her dress.

Coming up this week: a biography of Mary Linton Morgan written by her granddaughter and a post on John and Mary's son Linton Morgan and his wife Eudora Eggertsen Morgan. In addition, Bessie sent a selection from John Morgan's diary about a trip to Arizona, which I will type up and post as soon as possible.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Life Story of Mary Ann Linton Morgan Written by Herself

Daughter of Samuel Linton and Ellen Sutton (Linton) b. 11 Feb. 1865 in Nephi, Juab Co. Utah. In a brown adobe house built I think by Homer Brown a farmer for whom my father worked.

It was situated on the So. East corner of what is now 2nd So. and 2nd East St. We lived there till I was 4 years old when we moved into a log house on 3rd E. Father had cut and hauled the logs from the mts. They were sawed at the John Andrews Saw Mill in Nephi.

My brother John was b. in S.L. city Apr. 6, 1859. My mother had a little daughter by a former marriage also b. (b. 29 May 1855) in S.L. City. Sarah Ellen McKetchney dau. of Charles who apostacised from the ch. and went to California. I also had a little sister Lucilla b. 16 Oct. 1861 who died 29 Apr. 1863. My bro. Samuel b. 7 Jan. 1867 in the same brown adobe house.

While we lived in this house my parents shared their home with Bro. John Adams and wife Jane. Converts from England for several months till they could get a little place of their own. They had there two children Alice and Henry b. in Eng. and one dau. born in Nephi after they moved in their own home. We were life long friends and neighbors. Father always used to send for Bro. Adams to help him administer to us, when we were ailing and we were always restored to health without the service of a physician. Never had a Dr. in our home till after my husband John Morgan d. in 1894 in Jan. 1895 my mother was stricken by typhoid fever same disease as Bro. M. had, and my sisters were frightened and sent for Dr. Ed Wilcox much to fathers displeasure.

He had great faith and enjoyed to a marked degree the gift of healing. Soon after we moved into the log house Father was called to the “muddy mission” near St. George, Utah. As the company of missionaries were to leave father left a few days before my sister Alice was born. Mother had a very difficult delivery, a serious hemorage. She was attended by a midwife Eliza Gadd who had been called, blest and set apart for this service. She had great faith in the power of the Priesthood, and as I remember hearing, she never lost a case out of the hundreds she delivered. Mother lay in a pool of her own blood while (help was immediately neded or was near) dear Auntie Udall (Rebecca May Udall) waded the creeks to get Dr. (Bp.) Bryan to come and help. This was the 30 of December when she returned ahead of the Dr. she saw Sis. Gadd on her knees with her hands raised pleading for mothers life. Auntie went on to get Elder John Adams to help administer to her and her life was spared.

When I was 7 or 8 years old I started to School. Mary Ellen Love was one of my first techers. She was very kind and loveable, but John being 6 y. older, was under Andrew Love, M.E.’s father, who was a severe disiplinarian. John used to get punished and I would cry and beg for him. We were such pals, he used to take me on the horse behind him to take the cows up in the hills where there was good grass. When we came back we would stop and pick wild flowers which mother enjoyed so much.
We often did school in the winter and helped what we could with the work in the Summer. We always had our chores to do before and after school. Father was an early riser and saw to it that we were all up and dressed ready to go for family prayer before breakfast. No matter how early he had to leave to go to his work, he never missed this duty.

Lois Foot was another of my early school teachers. Then Aunt Hannah Grover, wife of Thomas (deceased). She had two sons Joel and Thom. Jo. who moved from Farmington to Nephi Joel having been called to be Bp. there. Father used to haul and chop wood to pay our tuition. I was quite a favorite with Sis. Grover which caused Jealousy of some of the students and made trouble sometimes for me. One time I remember particularly the monitor kissed me and said she was glad I prayed and if I would be a good girl H.F. would always hear & answer my prayers.

As I advanced in School Frederick W. Choppe was my teacher in Mathematics, writing, Spelling. Elizabeth Ann Schofield taught English, Geography, history & reading.

I loved both of these teachers very much. Used to wash at night and early in the morning so as not to miss a half day in School. Both teachers were very interested in my advancement and Schofield Lizzies mother came and beged me to try the Teachers Examination. Said she felt sure I could pass. I didn’t think I could, so wouldn’t try. I have always wished I had if only to please dear Schofield.

I used to help them on Saturdays and sometimes after school to pay my tuition. When I was 15 I did the work for Eliza Schofield Hawarth when her oldest son was born and again two years after with her 2nd son. I also lived with James Pepton and wife when their 2 dau. was born. with Lottie & Henry Adams when their eldest son Merritt was born.

[That's all of this history. I preserved her spelling and abbreviations.]

Thursday, June 18, 2009

An Incident In The Life of President John Morgan

President John Morgan was scheduled to attend a conference in Kentucky. Expecting money with which to pay his fare from headquarters in Chattanooga, Tenn., which failed to arrive before the departure, he was greatly worried. Just before train time he felt impressed to wire the general passenger agent of the N.C. & St. Louis Railway [Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway] in Nashville, Tenn., to wire a ticket to President Morgan's destination. He boarded the train and when the conductor asked for the ticket informed that official that a telegram would be at the next station from the general agent authorizing the passage.

The telegram was there as promised. Returning from Kentucky, President Morgan stopped in Nashville, introduced himself to the general agent, whom he had never seen or known in any way, explained his business and offered pay for the ticket. The telegram for the ticket had been a simple request with no explanation. The agent said that when he received the wire he asked, "Who the hell is John Morgan." The agent said he did not know what made him comply with the request from an utter stranger.

The upshot of the whole matter was the appointment of President Morgan as an emigrant agent of the railroad which entitled him to ride free and resulted in considerable revenue to the Mission from commissions on tickets by reason of Saints going west over the N.C. & St. Louis Railway.

Thus the failure of the money to arrive on time proved a blessing in disguise and is an example of the sublime faith of President Morgan.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some Experiences from John Hamilton Morgan and His Family

Here are a few pages from a book written by Nicholas G. Morgan, copied and sent by John and Mellie Morgan descendant Bessie. Thank you! Very interesting memories and stories and a letter well worth reading.

Monday, June 15, 2009

History of the Southern States Mission, Part 19: More Violence and a Church Burning and The Calm Before the Storm

After the conference in Mississippi President Roberts continued his travels. On June 31 he met with the Alabama Elders. Although the people of this locality were not as interested in the services as anticipated, and although the Elders were somewhat disappointed, yet they enjoyed themselves, as they were given a goodly portion of the spirit of God which mitigated all worry and dispelled all gloom.

The counsel imparted unto the Elders by President Roberts was timely and adequate to the conditions which surrounded them. He thought it pertinent that they relinquish their claims on old fields and launch out into unexplored portions, where prejudice was not so rife and where the seeds of the Gospel had never been planted.

On account of all the Elders of Alabama not being able to meet at general conference, a conclave was held at Travelers’ Rest. The six Elders that constituted this council meeting were given similar instruction to those who met at the general assemblage.

The conditions for disseminating the Gospel truths in Tennessee were not as auspicious at the present as they previously had been. In Lawrence county Elders J.A. Ross and A.J. McCueston were harassed considerably. While holding meeting at Knob Creek they were accosted by a fiendish mob of five, armed with hickory cudgels, and warned to leave the county before 10 o’clock next day. Despite their portentious [sic] premonitions, the Elders unrelentingly prosecuted their labors, warning the people of the dangers of living in Babylon and partaking of the sins of the world.

On June 25, 1884, the Saints of St. Clair county, Alabama, were forced to suffer the loss of their newly erected church. After burning the building the poltroons made known unto Brother P.M. Coleman, Elder of the branch, their odious intentions, that if Mormonism was not crushed in that vicinity, they would anihiliate [sic] all who aided or assisted them in any way. Persecution being so ardent, was decided that a discontinuation of services for a short time would prove very beneficial unto the cause.

During the latter part of the month of June violence toward the servants of God diminished considerably. The Elders enjoyed themselves exceedingly during this period of time, as it was a change for them. This innovation was an unusual one in the south.

The tranquility which came with the termination of June was to be of but short duration. No sooner had July thoroughly presented herself than Elders Morrell and Gailey were constrainted [sic] to bear the calumnies and suffer the lashes of an inhuman crowd of supposed Christians.

(To be Continued.)

(Although, as I understand it, John Morgan has taken a largely ceremonial place as President of the Southern States Mission with B.H. Roberts on site in the mission doing most of the work as Acting President of the Mission, I will continue the history of the mission at least through the Cane Creek Massacre. For very fine coverage of the Massacre, I will refer you once again to Amateur Mormon Historian blog.)

Latter Day Saints Southern Star, Vol. 1, No. 23, Chattanooga, Tenn. Saturday, May 6, 1899, p 177.

Photo from

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 5

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

#5. A Reward of Submission to the Will of the Father. In the year 1895 during the winter, after my husband’s death in August 1894, my mother was afflicted with varicose veins, and had a bad leg for 3 months, could not step on it, or even let it hang down. She was getting better of this, when typhoid fever set in, the same malignant form that took our beloved husband and father [John Hamilton Morgan] from us. We had always been healed in our home through the power of Administration of the servants of God. I had never been disappointed in answer to my prayers in my life, up to the time of Bro. Morgan's death. I guess that weakened our faith and we sent for Dr. Ed. Wilcox much against the wishes of father. Mother gradually grew worse. The Dr. gave us little hope, and friends thot she could not live.

I felt I could not give her up, thot it would not be possible to live without her in my lonely condition, but I had not much faith to pray.

One morning after a very anxious night, I felt I must be submissive to the will of the Lord, and I immediately bowed myself in humble prayer, telling my Heavenly Father thru sobs and tears how much I felt I needed my mother, but I knew He knew what was for her best good, and I wanted to be reconciled to His will.

She lay in a stupor most of the day, too weak to even lift her hand. Her pains had ceased and she looked as tho she was going to leave us.

In the evening our beloved President William Paxman drove in from St. George. Hearing on the way of our mother’s serious illness, drove right to our home. He and my brothers John and Sam administered to her (I think father had lost faith she would live) and she rested well that night, slept most of the night and improved rapidly to a complete recovery, and lived 14 years a comfort and blessing to us all.

I am very thankful for the many blessings I have received, and know that our Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. Not always as soon as we ask nor in the way we expect, but He wants us to have faith and confidence in His judgment, by saying and feeling Thy will be done.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.”

Photo of a Utah farm from

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 4

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

#4. Reward of Sacrifice. Just before the dedication of the Manti Temple Bro. Cyrus Wheellock was sent out to make a last appeal to the Saints for contributions to finish paying for the temple. He came over to the Juab Stake. He made a very impressive talk on the importance of temple work and urged the people to give of their means. He promised the sisters if they would sacrifice a coveted bonnet and give the price of it to this fund that it would come back to them in bonnets or what so ever they sacrificed. I did not take it literally, but had $5.00 put away to buy me a nice parasol. When the satin lined with shot silk, and a deep black lace ruffle was the style. I decided I could do without the parasol, and gave Bro. Wheellock the $5.00 the next morning. In about two weeks a traveling salesman of one of our leading department stores presented me with one of his sample parasols. A beautiful one which would have cost much more than $5.00 at wholesale. I felt the Lord had made good His promise to His children in my case anyway, for I had given freely not expecting it to come back in such a way.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.”

Photo of central Utah from

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 3

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

#3. Another Miraculous Healing. My dear sister Alice when about 13 years old had a very bad attack of diphtheria. My father had swabbed her throat faithfully every half-hour with a dark medicine which had proven very effectual in many cases during the epidemic. One morning about 4 oclock she whispered she was choking and asked us to send for Bro. Gable. This was an old Elder who had no family and had been appointed to go among the sick. I ran for him (he lived) three or four blocks away. She said when he blest her she felt that which seemed to be gripping her throat and choking her loosen and she could breathe. A few hours later a piece of calloused flesh came out of one side of her throat about the size of a 25¢ piece. When father broke it open with a stick it looked like ground beef alive. We children all staid at home and not one of us took the disease. I am quite sure in answer to our parents prayers that we might not.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.”

Photo taken between Levan and Nephi, Utah; from

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 2

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

2nd. Healed by Administration. When I was a young girl working in the Nephi Coop Store I often had a severe headache, due I presume to improper eating. Too much candy perhaps. One Thursday I remember I had a very bad spell. The pain was intense, finally settled in my eyes and the hot water streamed down my face. The other clerks had suggested I be excused and go home; but it was Relief Society meeting day and I knew there would be a crowd in after meeting so thot I should stay till that was over. A friend of mine came in, Sis. Sarah A. Cazier, and said my dear girl you have Erysipelas and began telling me I must go right home and what I should do for it. I knew it was only headache. I went home my father was lying on the couch. He jumped up exclaiming, my child, what is the matter? I told him I had headache. He said oh no that isn’t headache. I said father if you had it you would know it was. Please administer to me at once. He said we would send for Brother Adams (our old faithful neighbor) to help him. I said I can’t wait for Brother Adams do it now. He did. The pain immediately left my eyes and went all over my head. Bro. Adams came and they administered again. I went to sleep to awaken in the morning as well and fresh as ever much to the astonishment of Sis Cazier who came to the store early to ask if they had heard from me. She was so sure I had Erysipelas.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.”

Photo of the view from the Mt. Nebo (Utah) Loop from

Monday, June 8, 2009

Mary Ann Linton Morgan: Five Faith Promoting Instances, No. 1

“Five Faith Promoting Instances”

I. Answer to Prayer. When I was a little girl 7 or 8 years old I did much of my mothers shopping. One morning she sent me to the grocery store with a five dollar gold piece, charging me not to lose it. When about half way to the store I missed the money. I ran back hoping to find it but couldn’t see it anywhere. I walked over the road two or three times, then started back home crying bitterly to confess to mother I had lost her precious five dollars, when the thot came to me to ask Heavenly Father to help me find the money. I immediately dropped on my knees on the sidewalk and told the Lord how much my mother needed that money and to please help me to find it. When I arose to my feet wondering which way to go, something said go on to the store. In just a few steps I found the money lying in the gravel. I was truly thankful, ran and made the purchase and hurried home to tell mother my experience. She kissed and loved me, told me I was a good girl and Heavenly Father would always help me if I just remembered to ask Him.

Morgan, Mary Ann Linton. “Five Faith Promoting Instances.” Spelling preserved.

Photo of Mt. Nebo near Nephi, Utah, from

Thursday, June 4, 2009

History of the Southern States Mission, Part 18: More Violence

The Elders of Middle Tennessee, after partaking of a spiritual feast, were consigned to their respective counties.

The Elders’ hearts were light, and they all entered to their various fields of labor with a renewed determination to expend all the energy they possessed in the propogation [sic] of the gospel as taught by Jesus Christ and as restored by Joseph Smith the prophet.

The conditions in Alabama were not as auspicious at this time as they were in other parts of the mission.

While Elders A.H. Richards and Wm. Moultrie were holding meeting in the Flat Rock church, Etowah county, Ala., they were assaulted by an inebriate mob, led by a methodist [sic] minister, Rev. Hortley. The rabble entered the house where services were being held, and demanded that the Elders proceed no further in diisseminating [sic] their blasphemous doctrine, but leave the country immediately. The Elders had previously made preparations for leaving the neighborhood and ere the sun arose on the 6th of May, they were in a less mobocratic locality.

This spirit of mobocracy was not only breathed by the citizens of Etowah county, Ala., but inhailed [sic] by the people of Rye Station, Miss.

The Mississippi conference of 1884 was to convene May 17th. President B.H. Roberts was expected to be present. The place selected for the conference was about fifteen miles from the railroad. Elder Charles Flake was sent to Rye Station to conduct President Roberts to the conference. While awaiting the arrival of a train a subtle fiend sneaked up behind him and poured about two gallons of tar on him. He was warned that this was only an introduction and if he did not make his disappearance immediately he would be in the custody of a mob who knew no mercy nor possessed no love for their fellow being. Elder Flake was in too critical a condition to wait long so harkened to the warning of the mob and left for Banner neighborhood where he had many fervent friends.

Despite the unfavorable conditions existing in Mississippi, the conference met and proved to be very successful. The Elders were impregnated with a desire to go forth and labor assidously [sic] in the establishing of truth and righteousness upon the face of the earth.

President Joseph L. Clark, who had been a faithful Elder for over two years, was releaved [sic] and Elder Joseph E. Jolly was appointed to fill the vacancy.

Latter Day Saints Southern Star, Vol. 1, No. 22, Chattanooga, Tenn. Saturday, April 29, 1899, p 169. [It seems like the Southern Star had a new author for the last two histories.]

The picture of the Etowah County marker from

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

History of the Southern States Mission, Part 17: Tensions Build

The remains of Elder Robinson were taken home under the charge of Elder Easton October, 1883. The first of this month Elders Parish and Wilson were transferred from the Georgia to the East Tennessee Conference. On the 10th of this month Elder Butler was released to return home on account of failing health. On the 19th a company of Elders arrived from Zion, and on the 23d a party of five Elders arrived, and on the 28th Elder Josiah Richardson arrived. During the latter part of this month President Roberts visited a portion of the West Tennessee Conference, a considerable number of meetings were held and many valuable instructions were given. On Nov. 13 President Morgan arrived in the mission and on the 15th Presidents Morgan and Roberts conducted an emigration of seventy-three Saints to Zion. During this month many baptisms were reported.

On Dec. 4 a small party of Saints left Arkansas en route for Arizona. Feb. 6, 1884, President Roberts arrived in the mission from Zion, where he had been visiting relatives and friends. On the 14th of this month a party of thirty-three Saints left Chattanooga en route for Utah and Colorado. President Roberts accompanied the party. During this month many baptisms were reported.

The statistical report for six months ending Feb. 29 is as follows: Traveling Elders, 87; branches, 25; local Elders, 27; Priests, 25; teachers, 7; lay members, 832; baptisms, 135; emigrated, 83, and children blessed, 50.

On March 25 a company of emigrating Saints were met at Shawneetown, Ill., by President Roberts and accompanied by him as far as Topeka, Kansas. On the 5th of April Elder William Moultrie arrived in Chattanooga, accompanied by Russell Pendergrass and family, who had left Alabama on account of threatened violence. On the 12th and 13th of this month a conference was held in East Tennessee, but President Roberts was unable to attend, having to remain in Chattanooga to meet a company of Elders who arrived on the 14th. On the 19th and 20th of this month a conference was held at Baird’s Mills, Wilson county, Tennessee, the Elders of the Kentucky and East Tennessee Conferences attending it. On the 22d of this month President Roberts and Elder J.G. Kimball met eight Elders at McEwan’s Station, and organized the Northwest Tennessee Conference, Elder J.H. Gibbs being called to preside over it.

At this conference two public meetings were held and instructions were given the Elders regarding their duties, etc. It may here be mentioned that there was a judge in Tennessee at this time who lived above the low prejudices, and charged the grand juries in many counties that the “Mormon Elders” were American citizens and must be protected in their religious rights. His name was Stark, and he was a lawyer and a gentleman. At this time Elders J.H. Gibbs and W.H. Jones were called to travel from county to county on a sort of a roving mission to inform the people on the historical, social, political and religious phases of the work.

On the 27th of this month Elder N.W. Kimball and his brother, Hyrum, who were laboring in Amherst county, Virginia, were invited by a minister by the name of Fitzgerald to come and listen to a lecture he was going to deliver, and proffering to grant them an opportunity to reply. The Elders accepted the invitation, but on arriving at the church Mr. Fitzgerald announced that there would be no debate, and thereupon launched out into a vituperative arraignment of the Mormons. At the close of his diatribe the reverend gentleman said he would give ten minutes’ intermission and would then preach a sermon, but only four remained to hear it, the balance having left in disgust.

Elder Kimball gave out an appointment for a meeting that evening at the house of John Layton. There was a large crowd present and the Elders refuted the false charges made by Mr. Fitzgerald, and preached the Gospel, pure and simple. That night about 10 o’clock a drunken mob surrounded the house of Mr. Layton and demanded the Elders to come out. Mr. Layton seized his pistol and was about to fire on the mob, when the Elders prevailed on him to desist. They then went out to where the men were and remonstrated with them all night. The mob told them they would give them until morning to leave—they didn’t leave.

A conference of Elders convened on May 4 at Venus, Lawrence county, Tennessee. They were unable to procure a church, and as the weather was inclement they did not hold many public meetings, but several council meetings were held, in which all received a great deal of benefit.

Elder Fuller had arranged with the sheriff and judge at Lawrenceburg for President Roberts to deliver two lectures in the court house, but some base characters secured the keys, thereby preventing the lectures. On the 5th Elder Fuller and companions, while crossing the public square, were accosted by a crowd of drunken rascals, who insulted them outrageously, but no physical violence was done them.

(To be continued.)

Latter Day Saints Southern Star, Vol. 1, No. 20, Chattanooga, Tenn. Saturday, April 15, 1899, p 153.

The picture of the replica of the Davy Crockett cabin in Lawrenceburg, Lawrence County, Tennessee from The old courthouse is no longer standing in Lawrenceburg.

Monday, June 1, 2009

History of the Southern States Mission, Part 16: Labors Continue under B.H. Roberts

[Continued from the previous installment. “June, 1883.—On the 1st inst. Elder J.T. Alexander was attacked by three masked men near Adairsville, Ga. He was taken by them into the woods, brutally kicked several times, and shot at by all three of the party, who then fled, supposing they had killed him, but fortunately he was not injured by their shots. One bullet passed through the crown of his hat, another through his coat, the third narrowly missing him.”]

June, 1883.—The moment the shots were fired Elder Alexander lost all consciousness. On recovering from his stupor, he made his way to the house of Brother Reid, one and a half miles distant. From there he was taken to Haywood Valley by Elder Parrish and Brother Barber, a local Elder, but as he did not seem to recover Elder Parrish brought him to Chattanooga, Tenn. From that point they started for his home, arriving in Salt Lake City on the night of June 11th. The press made light of this matter as did also the people in the vicinity where the outrage was perpetrated. On the 1st, 2d and 3d of June the Mississippi Conference convened at Central Academy, Panola county, Miss., with eleven Elders present. The instructions given to the Elders were interesting, instucting [sic] and caused them to rejoice in the good work. Elder T.H. Merrill, of the West Tennessee Conference, was released to return home, having fulfilled an honorable and faithful mission. Our next Conference was held on the 15th, 16th and 17th, near Springville, in St. Clair county, Ala., with fifteen Elders present. The meetings were sparsely attended, owing to the fact that they were but little advertised, because of violent threats which had been made by enemies. The Elders had been severely mobbed previous to this time, in August, 1881. The Saints and Elders enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord, and valuable instruction was imparted. During this month several baptisms were recorded, and a spirit of enquiry among the people seemed to be increasing.

July, 1883.—On the 1st the Georgia Conference was held in Haywood Valley, Chattoga county, Ga.; seven Elders from Utah were present; much valuable instruction was given and all present enjoyed the blessing of God. The meetings were held without molestation, notwithstanding threats were made, and notices were posted up near the place of meeting warning the Elders to leave that part of the State. The Saints and Elders prepared themselves for defense. A good time was had, and all felt to rejoice. Instructions were given in regard to emigration; also time announced as to when the next company expected to depart.

The only Conference to convene so far this season in the South where threats and violence were not made by enemies was in South Carolina. This was held near King’s Mountain on the 13th, 14th and 15th days of July; seven Elders were present. Elders C.E. Robinson and H. Miller reported an opening in York county among a remnant of the Catawba Indians. The reports from the Elders in this Conference clearly showed the work to be spreading, and that more extensive openings were being made.

The next Conference was held in North Carolina on the 27th, 28th and 29th of July, at Hollow Springs Church, Surry county, thirteen Elders being present. A good spirit prevailed during the whole of the time, and much good instruction was given. Several baptisms were reported during the month.

August, 1883.—The Virginia Conference was held on the 10th, 11th and 12th of this month in the beautiful spot known as Burke’s Garden, Tazewell county, Va.; eighteen Elders were present; several changes were made in the Conference. Elders N.W. Kimball and Joseph Smith were called to go into the northeastern part of the Old Dominion State to labor, while Elders J. Golden Kimball and C.A. Welch were appointed to travel and labor in the eastern part of West Virginia; Elders J.E. Woolley and companion, G.A. Biglow, were assigned to the southeastern part. Instructions were given to these brethren to open up new fileds [sic] of labor. During this month there appeared a number of editorials in The Chattanooga Times manifesting considerable bitterness. A reply was made to them, which was followed by editorials more vicious than the first. Again a reply was made to these, but the editor refused to publish it in his paper.

September, 1883.—On the 9th of September a party of six Elders, accompanied by Sister Haws, arrived from Utah and reported for service. Sister Haws came to join her husband who was laboring in the office at Chattanooga. On September 15th President B.H. Roberts visited East Tennessee and held a two days’ meeting in Union county. A large congregation was present, and much good was accomplished.

September 16th a party of ten Saints left Chattanooga en route for Colorado points. September 20th a statistical report was forwarded to the First Presidency in Salt Lake City, of which the following is a copy: For past six months ending August 31, 1883, 97 traveling Elders in the mission; 10 organized Conferences; 26 branches; 27 local Elders; 20 Priests; 10 teachers; 772 members; total, 779; number of souls baptized, 115; number emigrated, 91; children blessed, 31. The sad intelligence was received of the death of Elder Charles E. Robinson, which occurred at 1:15 o’clock on the morning of the 26th. Elder Robinson’s home was in Montpelier, Bear Lake county, Idaho. He died near Whitaker, York county, S.C.

Latter Day Saints Southern Star, Vol. 1, No. 19, Chattanooga, Tenn. Saturday, April 8, 1899, p 145.

The image of the "S.D. Darrough rail fence. St Clair Co.", Alabama, (1925) is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at or (334) 844-1732.
The image of the upside-down text from the
Southern Star is a little curiosity from the days of hand-set type.