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Friday, August 5, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 5

1 July – Tuesday
This being the first of the month we have been very busy preparing for the fourth. I came home at six tonight alone. Harry telephoned over saying he would work late but would come over later in the evening which he did.

2 July – Wednesday
I arose early went to work. Came home at seven and after supper I read a while then retired about ten oclock.

3 July – Thursday
I have been exceedingly busy today and worked untill almost ten oclock. Harry came for me. We walked home with Mrfs. Bowers. After seeing her safely home we walked slowly untill we arrived home. We then sat on the porch and rested for both were very tired. In about an hour after I had gone to bed the fire bells woke me. I sat watching the opera house burn.

An insurance plan for the Walker Opera House.

4 July – Friday
I awoke this morning before the usual hour. The fourth commenced early and loud. After breakfast I took a bath. Harry came down and we went to the parade but was disappointed to see such a turnout. Although some was very good. I did not feel well and more I stood the worse I felt untill I was compelled to come home where I remained the remainder of the day. Harry put up a bench on the bank and we sat there a while. In the evening watched the fireworks.

5 July – Saturday
I felt rather rockey but I wouldn’t give up. We went to the lake. Had a bath and a boat ride. Ate lunch on the boat. Came home before dark. I have not felt so well for a long time before. And have enjoyed myself immensely. The day was very hot.

6 July – Sunday
This has been another hot day. I stayed home in the morning and worked. H came down with the girls from school. We went to the tabernacle. Abraham Canon spoke. Also went to evening meeting. Went for a walk afterwards. When we came home found Ma very sick. We went in the cellar found something to eat. H. went home early on account of Ma sick.

7 July – Monday
This morning Ma was better again so I went to work although I felt worried all day. Came home and found everything all right.

8 July – Tuesday
I felt almost overcome with the heat but must go to the store. Went up on the car. In the evening came home with H. After supper I went out on the bank and sat untill quite late.

9 July – Wednesday (Mary’s Birthday)
This has been another hot day. I arose early went to work. The day passed slowly. I walked home with Harry. He came down later in the evening and found me ironing. H. gave me a present of the handsomest watch I ever seen. I felt that words could not express my thanks for the same. We sat on the porch untill late.

10 July – Thursday
This morning I feel so happy and lazy that I don’t feel like going to work but I went never the less. After dragging myself around the whole of the day I came home and sewed until about eleven oclock.

11 July – Friday
I arose and commenced sewing on my dress about 6 oclock. I sewed untill time to go to work. In the eveing I went and had my dress fit on and then worked untill quite late.

12 July – Saturday
It has been very hot again all day. I have been very busy but nothing of importance has transpired. I left work at seven oclock.

13 July – Sunday
I have been to school but not to meeting in the Tabernacle. It has been too hot. Harry came and we went out on the bank and sat. Decided we did not want to go to evening meeting so remained home. Bro. Bost came and had supper. We went over to H. G. and had ice cream.

14 July – Monday
I did not feel at all well this morning but went to work anyway but could not remain. I telephoned over and told Harry I was going home. He walked home with me. I had dinner slept a little and felt better. We had the photographs of the place taken.

15 July – Tuesday
Today it has been a little hotter than yesterday. I did not sleep well so I don’t feel very much rested and like going to the store.

To be continued...

Picture of the 38-star flag from The flag was changed on July 4, 1890, to a 43-star flag. That flag was flown for just a year until Wyoming became a state. Picture of the opera house from


  1. A few years ago I found my grandfather's journal from the store he owned in Connecticut. UNFORTUNATELY, when we cleaned out the garage, I think my kids threw that box out as I haven't found it since...Hey, I am of the Knapp line...English...from the Winthrop fleet. I actually have a distant cousin who lives in our town here in the desert and I met him once for lunch and he gave me a whole bunch of family papers! LOVE your website. I need to do this with my research. My dad researched his line all the way back to 1632. My mom and grandmother did their family back to the 1700's. I'll be back to visit!

  2. Thanks, Cheryl Ann! Hope you find the journal somewhere!

    I don't know too much about my Knapp line, but they seem to have lived and died in Gloucestershire, all the way back to the early 1600s. I'll have to watch when I get around to researching that line whether any of my Knapp relatives were with Winthrop's fleet. The Pettit family, which I am currently posting on, had someone who came over with Winthrop in 1630, and Mary Pettit's ancestors came in 1633. One of these years I'll get around to that story!

    Thanks for commenting!
