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Monday, August 8, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 6

Pettit girls in Fifth Ward Sunday School, about 1888. 
Mary Pettit's three sisters are: 1) Fannie Pettit, 2) Daisy Pettit, 3) Nellie Pettit.

16 July – Wednesday
There was a terrible wind storm about five oclock and it looked very much like rain. H. came and spent the evening with us.

17 July – Thursday
This morning it was hot and sultry and a little cloudy and threatened rain all day. I went to Y.L.M.I.A. in the evening. We came home and sat on the porch with pa untill almost eleven oclock.

18 July – Friday
Have had a little rain today. Something out of the usual run has occurred today. Mrfs Walker wanted to go to the lake in the Eve and asked me stay for her. I refused which caused a few unpleasant words to pass between us and we have scarcely spoken all day. I stayed and let M. Barret go which still caused more feelings toward me.

19 July – Saturday
This was a hot sultry morning. After breakfast I went to the store. At noon I went to Dr. Dunford and had two teeth drawn which made my face ache the remainder of the day. I left the store about 9.30 feeling very tired and worn out.

20 July – Sunday
My face aches so bad I think I will not go out today. After breakfast and I had my bath and dinner over I lay down and slept. Harry came down. Had not felt well all day. I went to meeting with Emma. Bro. Gill and Bro. Mcmurren spoke.

21 July – Monday
Another morning has dawned upon us. Hot and sultry as many others have before. Making me feel very much the same.

22 July – Tuesday
Today I have had two more teeth drawn and feel rather shakey.

23 July – Wednesday
Harry came over about nine oclock. I met him on the bank. This I believe was the first time I ever went out to meet him. I feel unusually happy tonight.

24 July – Thursday
I arose about 6 oclock and felt good and very much like work. Which is almost as great a surprise as I have had lately. I worked around untill noon when I receved a note from H. stating he would be down and we took the 2:45 train for the beach. Did not return home untill almost midnight. Enjoyed it immensely.

25 July – Friday
I feel a little tired after my trip to the Lake. Have been very busy after I arived home. I wrote a letter to Uncle Alfred Pettit and then went to bed.

26 July – Saturday
Today has passed off as usual bringing forth no important items or events worth mentioning.

27 July – Sunday
This morning I arose and found ma had been very sick all night. I remained home all day and assisted with the work. At five minutes to one at noon another addition was made to the family [William Alfred Pettit, Rebecca Hood Hill Pettit's fourteenth and final child]. Ma is feeling pretty well. I did not retire untill very late. Harry has been here but a little while today.

28 July – Monday
I went to the store but had been up so much during the night that I felt very tired. Ma was feeling very weak this morning but when I came home was feeling much better.

29 July – Tuesday
I am almost sick myself today. The worry over exertion and excitement besides being up so much last night. I have felt very much like coming home. I had to lay down when I came home I was so worn out.

30 July – Wednesday
Today has been very hot. I wrote a letter to Alice. I went up to the Equitable today noon and had a long talk with Bro. Emery and Langton. Harry came over in the evening. I made him feel bad. My temper will be the cause of much trouble for myself if I don’t control it. I have resolved to try and do better.

31 July – Thursday
This morning I walked to the store. The morning was much cooler. I also walked home with H. in the evening. We talked over our trip which we are contemplating up the canyon soon.

To be continued...

Many thanks to Sharon Wilbur for sending the picture of the Sunday School.

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