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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 7

1 August – Friday
How rapidly time does pass. Today as been a little cooler and the nights are real cool almost chilly. It has been rather a quite day.

2 August – Saturday
I got up quite early and ironed this morning untill time to go to work. I have been very busy all day and did not leave the store untill about half pat nine. Harry was waiting for me. We came down and listened to some of the speakers at the Liberal meeting on the corner of West Temple and 3rd South.

3 August – Sunday
I didn’t go to school this morning but Harry came and we went to the Tabernacle. Bro. Miner and O.F. Whitney spoke. Stayed home the rest of the evening.

4 August – Monday
The weather is very much cooler. Ma is feeling quite strong and will be able to get up tomorrow. This has been a very lively day lots of music and lots of people are out on account of the election.

5 August – Tuesday
I have been to the store as usual. When I came home Mrs. A. Leaker was here. They were having supper. After I partook of a good hearty meal I felt much better after fasting so long. I asked Pa about our canyon trip which he approved of very much.

6 August – Wednesday
I arose before any of the rest of the family having a little writing to attend to. After having finished that I went to the store and spent the day. Harry came.

7 August – Thursday
I went to the store at 9 as usual was very busy in the afternoon. I went to Y.L. meeting in the evening and afterwards went with Harry to Thos. Brimleys to arrange for going to the canyon for a week. We stayed untill late. Spent a pleasant time.

8 August – Thursday
The usual part of my time was spent in the handling notions untill noon. I then came home to prepare a little for my trip. Harry came down to fix the wagon.

9 August – Saturday
I arose and after breakfast went to the store and found that our new manager, Mr. Fyler had returned and was busying himself in the store. I had a short talk with him and left about 5 oclock. Came home with Harry. We left home with the crowd bound for East Canyon at 7:30. Traveled untill almost midnight. Had a lovely time. Jessie, Ada, Lavinia and myself retired to rest on the wagon.

10 August – Sunday
Awoke about 4 oclock and felt rather tired of my bed. We arose had coffee and crackers and proceded on our journey. We roe, walked, laughed and talked and had a lively time. At 12 oclock we reached a nice place and decided to stay. Pitched the tent had dinner and passed the day very pleasant. The boys went fishing. A rain storm came and drove all back to camp. It rained very hard during the night.

11 August – Monday
I awoke and found it had rained so hard our bed and clothes were quite wet. We did not arise untill about 9. Had breakfast and still it rained. About 4 it cleared and Harry and I went away up the canyon shooting. We did not have much success as there was no game came our way. It rained all evening.

12 August – Tuesday
We had breakfast and loaded up our traps and went about 4 mile farther up the canyon and found a beautiful camping place where we thought it the best we had found. The boy put up the tent and we found we were just in time as anther shower came. Harry & I went with the team down to Kellys for hay. Came back had supper spent the evening music & sing.

13 August – Wednesday
The boys arose early and went fishing which gave us all we wanted for breakfast. We spent the day reading, talking and occasionaly sleeping. Every one was agreeable and so far not a single incident had occurred to mar our enjoyment. We had supper sang songs went to bed.

14 August – Thursday
Tom and Jessie, Harry & I all arose early about five oclock and went fishing. I didn’t get one but got so wet from the dew and rain on the grass was glad to get back to camp. Spent the remainder of the day almost alone with Harry.

15 August – Friday
It has been raining almost all night and still it rains. After breakfast we washed and cooked and began to prepare a little for going home. In the afternoon Harry and myself went for a long walk in the canyon shooting but got no game.

To be continued...

Photo of sunset over Emigration Canyon from

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