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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1890 Diary of Mary Isabell Pettit, Part 8

Main Street, Salt Lake City, about 1890.

16 August – Saturday
Arose early and had breakfast and at 9 oclock we left our old camping ground for home, all very much regretting we had to leave the place where had spent so enjoyable a week. After traveling all day and getting awfully sunburnt and tired we reached home about dark. Found Winnie very sick.

17 August – Sunday
I have been dreaming of the canyon and our good times we had there. I have been to S. School and everyone seems to be pleased to meet us after our trip. Also went to evening meeting. Uncle Samuel [Samuel Hood Hill (1840-1903)], Aunt Martty [?] and others have been here all afternoon.

18 August – Monday
This morning I went to the store and found many changes. Mr. Fyler is now our manager. The stock has all been taken and we are marking down goods and preparing for a sale. I left the store at 9 oclock and Harry met me at the car and walked home with me.

19 August – Tuesday
Went to the store this morning at eight oclock walked up with Harry. The store is still closed we a rebusy and tired of such dirty work. Left about half past nine. Went down on the car. Harry met me.

20 August – Wednesday
My dreams are still of the canyon. Have been to the store as usual. Left a little earlier than last night. Harry came over and spent the evening.

21 August – Thursday
We have had a busy time today. Not very much rest on account of the big sale which has attracted a great many people and business has been very good. I left work about seven feeling awfully tired. Harry always waits for me. Ever faithful.

22 August – Friday
I feel almost too tired to go to work but must go. I find my hours eight till seven are almost to much. I am pleased to see the evening come for that I know brings rest!

23 August – Saturday
I have sick headache and sick all over. I will not give in though for I am needed at the store. We have been very busy again. It was just ten minutes of ten oclock when I left the store. Harry was waiting.

24 August – Sunday
This morning I feel like I very often would if I would consent to my feelings that is stay home and rest but I know it is not right to do so. I went to the Tabernacle but did not enjoy it very much. I was so sleepy. Spent the remainder of the evening as I do most Sunday Evenings.

25 August – Monday
Went to the store as usual and left at the regular hour.

26 August – Tuesday
I am getting rather tired of writing the same every day but must say something to keep up my record.

27 August – Wednesday
Have been to the store as usual and the day has passed very rapidly. We have been busy. Mr. Fyler has gone East and Mr. Bifast is rather anxious to keep all hands busy. Harry of course spent Wednesday evening with May.

[2]8 August –Thursday
I have been promoted to cashere at Walker Bros. & Fyler Co. and like it very much. I went home alone. Harry has gone to the beach for a few hours. I hope he has a good time for it is the first time he has went any place without me.

29 August – Friday
This morning is so much cooler and I enjoy my walk. H. is rather leang try (?) but I have company. Harry and I went to Mrs. Marsdens to a surprise party and had a very nice time. Twas late when we got home.

30 August – Saturday
I felt very sleepy this morning but must go to work any way.

31 August – Sunday
I have not been to any meeting today. Harry came down. Mrfs E. and L. Bowers came to the gate and we stood but a short time. The wind came up so sudden and a terrible dust storm. We went to evening meeting and afterwards went to Thos. Brimley and spent a pleasant evening.

To be continued...

Picture of Main Street from wikipedia.

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