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Friday, July 31, 2009

History of the Southern States Mission, Part 20: More Mob Violence

In the last installment of the History of the Southern States Mission, it was June 1884 and the missionaries and members in the Southern States Mission were facing increasing violence and threats in the period before the Cane Creek Massacre of August 10, 1884. John Morgan still held his position as President of the Southern States Mission, but he was living and working in the Western United States, and B.H. Roberts was the on-site Acting President of the Southern States Mission. Once again, here is the history of the Mission as compiled and written by the editors of The Latter Day Saints Southern Star in 1899.

June had passed attended with some persecution in different parts of the mission. July's first three weeks went by with no disturbance of any moment. Reports from different fields bore the same message, "no interest." But at the closing it was to have an awakening.

For some time Elders Joseph Morrell [later President of the Cache Utah Stake] and J.W. Gailey [John William Gailey of Kaysville, Utah] had been visiting in Meshaba county, Mississippi. [There is no Meshaba County. The editors probably meant Neshoba County, which was also the site of the infamous murder of three Civil Rights workers.] Here they had met with encouraging success, holding a number of meetings and arousing thoroughly an interest in the Gospel among the honest in heart. A good field from which abundance seemingly could be reaped, had been tilled earnestly and, strange to say, without much disturbance from their enemies. Some talk of mobbing had been heard, but only as ripples on the surface. Satan, however, was not inactive. On the night of July 21 a mob of several men armed with shotguns and clubs, visited the house where the Elders were stopping, demanded the gentleman of the house to make a light. When this was done the mob ordered the Elders to go with them. This the Elders refused to do, but the mob, determined, leveled their shotguns upon the defenseless men and roughly marched them to the depths of some dense woods.

The Elders had not the remotest idea of what the intentions of the mob were, but presumed that it was to be a demand only for them to leave their fields of labor and go elsewhere. In this opinion they were correct; but when they thought to parley with the miscreants; that the mob was not determined in their actions they found their mistake. They imagined this uprising was but local in preparation, so on the following day they traveled some eight miles distant to fill an appointment. The spirit of opposition was widespread and at their new field they found a similar spirit to that of the other neighborhood; moreover, in this place it was more pronounced, as evidenced from the cruel torture which followed the threats. It was on the morning of the 24th of July that the opposition assumed a determined character. A mob of some twenty-five men visited the house where the Elders were then stopping and dragged them from the place amid shouts of fiendish delight, which ascended from the rascals' murderous hearts. To them it appeared to be glory to have the bravery while armed with every weapon of defense obtainable and supported by each other's ignoble encouragement, stirred up by satan's [sic] desires, to capture two Mormon Elders; despised by all, and as defenseless, as far as weapons were concerned, as new-born babes. They gloated over their honors and forced the brethren to accompany them to a secluded spot about a quarter of a mile into the woods, and there prepared to carry out the designs of the majority of the mob. Some cried, "Hang them!" others "Whip them!" They were divided as to what to do; the more they tried to come to a unity the nearer they approached quarreling, but this was averted by the Elders acting as peacemakers and restoring order. But still the ruffians were not satisfied; they thirsted for blood. At last they decided to whip them, so laid hands upon the Elders and with stout ropes bound them fast to great trees. Doubling a halter strap, members of the mob then unmercifully plied stripe after stripe to the quivering backs of the innocent men until fifteen had been administered to each. Then their fiendish desires seemed to be quenched somewhat; they loosed the brethren and skulked from the scene of their dastardly deeds as wolves from the gnawed bones of their victims.

It was only through the power of the Lord that the Elders stood the trying ordeal, but as is the case with all who suffer unjustly, the wounds were soothed by the Spirit of God and no great bodily harm came upon them.

The people, however, were turned by this action, from friends to enemies, and the Elders were coldly informed that they might seek other fields for prosecuting their labors. It is needless to say they did so.

Latter Day Saints Southern Star, Vol. 1, No. 24, Chattanooga, Tenn. Saturday, May 13, 1899, p 185.

Picture of the old church in Neshoba County, Mississippi from

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Harold Morgan: I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now

A memory of Harold Morgan as related by Letty Patterson:
Horace H. Cummings a very orthodox and strict member of our church was the head (or some important executive in the academy management) of the Church School System. He was to visit us, so we made a great effort to have everything ship-shape.

For the assembly program (Devotional) Grover Brown and Harold were asked to sing a duet and I to accompany them. It's a wonder Brother Cummings' [strict] personality and expression didn't dissuade them. But they stood up bravely, Harold's pant leg caught above his hose supporter. Soon came forth the strains of "I wonder who's kissing her now... I wonder who's teaching her how... Wonder who's looking into her eyes, breathing sighs, telling lies. I wonder who's buying the wine for the lips that I used to call mine. I wonder if she ever tells him of me, I wonder who's kissing her now."
My word! I wonder who chose this song! I hope I didn't! No wonder Brother Cummings' face congealed. I'd like to laugh with Harold over this once more. 

As told in Holmes, M. S. T. (1971). A study of the newspaper career of Harold Morgan. Provo: Brigham Young University, 20. The picture of the St. Johns Stake Academy is from Udall, D. K. (1959). Arizona Pioneer Mormon; David King Udall: His Story and His Family, 1851-1938.

Monday, July 27, 2009

John Morgan's Children

Here is a page out of Harold Morgan's Book of Remembrance. It shows:

Harold Morgan

His parents:
John Hamilton Morgan
Mary Ann Linton Morgan

His grandparents:
Garrard Morgan III
Eliza Ann Hamilton Morgan
Samuel Linton
Ellen Sutton Linton

His full brothers:
Linton Morgan
Mathias Cowley Morgan

His half brothers:
Nicholas G. Morgan
Earl Morgan
Jack Morgan
John Morgan
Joseph Morgan

I have John Morgan's children listed as follows. Please contact me with any corrections.

John (1842-1894) m. (1868) Helen Melvina Groesbeck (1852-1930)
Helen Melvina (1870-1952) m. Andrew Burt and later George Austin
Elizabeth (1872-1874)
Eliza Ann (1875-1952) m. James Frank Smith
Ruth (1878-1949) m. Berke Kunkel
John (1881-1881)
Flora Groesbeck (1882-1885)
Nicholas Groesbeck (1884-1971) m. Ethel Tate
Gail (1888-1984) m. John Clayton
Bessie (1891-1938) m. Percy Harold Rex
Gerard Earl (1892-1957) m. Merin Engman
John Hamilton (1894-1982) m. Lucile Lloyd

John (1842-1894) m. (1884) Annie Mildred Smith (1863-1935)
Annie Ray (1884-1972) m. Lawrence Hensen Heiselt
Myrtle (1887-1890)
John Albemarle (1889-1935) m. Eva Block
Ivy (1892-1940) m. Luther Grantham
Joseph Smith (1893-1948) m. Violet Dutler or Dudler

John (1842-1894) m. (1888) Mary Ann Linton (1865-1951)
Linton (1890-1952) m. Eudora Eggertsen
Harold (1892-1963) m. Jessie Christensen
Mathias Cowley (1894-1964) m. Mildred Pearce

The Morgan children died at the ages of: 82, 1, 76, 70, <1, 2, 87, 96, 47, 64, 88, 87, 3, 45, 48, 54, 61, 71, 70. An average of 55 years. If you remove the four deaths of small children (Elizabeth, John, Flora, Myrtle) and the five that lived more than 80 years (Helen, Nicholas, Gail, John H., Annie), the other ten lived an average of 46.5 years.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Robert Lang Campbell

Here are some sources on Robert Lang Campbell (1825-1874), the man who befriended and baptized John Morgan. He was from Renfrew, Scotland.

Here is his pioneer diary. Make sure you have some time and be ready to read a very touching story of the pioneer journey, 1846 in particular. (You can scroll down to the bottom of the page index and download a typed version of the diary.)

A BYU Studies Article on Campbell (downloadable)

Robert Lang Campbell Papers at the University of Utah

Robert Lang Campbell Collection at BYU

The item at BYU is a Great Salt Lake City tax record book.

The information on Campbell is thanks to a conversation on my favorite Mormon history blog, and a kind fellow reader and commenter from Scotland who serendipitously mentioned Robert Campbell in a conversation about something else.

Photo of Barshaw Park in Renfrewshire, Scotland, from

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 19-23, 1888

December 19

Rode over to the ditch and found the teams gone to the Pinions for wood. In company with Henry Huffaker rode to the Mexican town of Rinconus and from there home. At work about the corral.

December 20

Started to go to the ranch. Met Jackson and turned back. At work making troughs for the houses the balance of the day.

December 21

Arranged to get J.F. Thomas to survey some lines on our land and in the afternoon killed a pig. Have been reading for the last few days at odd times of the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by Geo. Q. Cannon. It is a very fine work and gave a better idea of the life and character of Joseph than anything yet published.

December 22

Started early this a.m. with J.F. Thomas and H. Huffaker to survey the ranch property. At work all day and found all the principal corners as surveyed by governor surveyors.

December 23

About home during the forenoon. Attended meetings at 2 p.m. President Smith read a set of rules adopted by the High Council which the people accepted, but which will be difficult to carry. I spoke one hour. Brother and Sister Holt spent the evening with us.

[That's all of this part of the diary. Thanks again to Bessie S. for sending the scans. It's been an interesting adventure learning about the trip and some of the people John Morgan mentions in the diary.]

Photos of Conejos County, Colorado from In the first photo, the mountains in the near distance are identified as Saddleback and Little Flat Top and are right in front of the Rio Grande River. To the right in the photo is the town of Sanford.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 15-18, 1888

December 15

Took train at 1:20 a.m. for LaJara where we arrived at 9 a.m. My team met me there and at 11 I landed back at home [Manassa, Conejos, Colorado]. Found all [Annie Smith Morgan who was six months pregnant, Annie Ray (4), and Myrtle (1)] well. Since I left on the 13th of November I have traveled about 5,000 miles. Held twenty-one public meetings, many private council meetings and visited four stakes of Zion located in Arizona. About 400 miles of our trip was made in wagons and we had a good time.

View Larger Map

December 16

Remained quietly at home during the day. The first Sunday that I have remained away from meeting for a long time. The weather is very fine.

December 17

Assisted in getting the teams ready and starting them across the river to the ditch and followed them during the forenoon on horseback, rode along the ditch two or three miles.

December 18

Wrote a number of letters last night and mailed them this a.m. Called on brother Jno. R. Holt and obtained some money. Paid President Smith $130 and William Christensen $93.60 on account of wagon, and account. Made a door for the cow stable.

Picture of the old Christensen barn in Manassa, Colorado, from with accompanying text: "I'm quite certain that this barn in Manassa, Colorado is well over 100 years old. The property was owned by my great grandfather until he passed away in 1974. I didn't think the roof would make it through another winter with the snow we have had, but it is still standing!"

Monday, July 20, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 10-14, 1888

December 10

Drove to the old ditch and about the country. At 12 bade the good folks of Zenas [Zenos or Mesa] goodbye and started for Temple [Tempe], taking train. At 1:30 p.m. changed cars at Maricopa Junction and took sleeper for Demming.

December 11

Arrived at Demming [Deming, New Mexico] at 7 a.m. Waited two hours. Had breakfast and looked at town and at 9 a.m. took train for Rincen [Rincon, New Mexico], where we arrived at 11:45. Waited for El Paso train on which we took sleeper for LaJunta, Colorado. The run during the afternoon was through a terribly desolate country. Was unwell all night.

December 12

Woke up near Las Vegas, New Mexico where the train waited for breakfast. Brother Spry and myself wrote a letter addressed to the Elders and saints in the south giving some information as to Southern Arizona country and advising them to locate there. At 4:45 p.m. we changed cars at LaJunta. At 10 p.m. took sleeper for Denver.

December 13

Arrived at Denver at 6:30 a.m. Had breakfast at a Restaurant and visited all the principal points of interest about the city, and at 4 p.m. took train for Colorado Springs where we changed cars and went to Manitou [Manitou Springs, Colorado]. Stopped at the Cliff House.

December 14

Drove up to Rainbow Falls in Utah Pass and from there by way of the Garden of the Gods and General Eynie to the station at Colorado Springs and took cars for Pueblo at which point I bid brother Spry goodbye, he going to Salt Lake and I to San Luis Valley. Spent the evening in making purchases and walking about.

View Larger Map

Note on William Spry and the Southern States Mission from the Southern Star

After the Saints were located in Colorado, President Spry visited Mesa, Arizona, for the purpose of studying the facilities of the country preparatory to sending some Saints there. He found an admirable country for the southern people, the climate being similar to their former homes. [Of course, he was there in December.] On his return to the office a circular was sent to Elders and Saints naming the facilities of the country and encouraging the people to make homes there. [Southern Star, Saturday, September 2, 1899, Vol. 1, No. 40, p 313.]

Photo from

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Henry Tanner to Ammon Tenney, July 13, 1885

I've been meaning to put up a scan of two letters written by Henry Martin Tanner to Ammon M. Tenney, and after the mention of Ammon Tenney the other day, here's one of them. It was written in 1885 when Tenney was serving time in the penitentiary for polygamy. Mentioned in the letter is the death of Sister Mary Bushman, a particularly close friend of Henry's wife Eliza Parkinson Tanner. Please contact me if you would like a copy of the other letter.

Friday, July 17, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 9, 1888

December 9

Conference met at 10 a.m. and was addressed by President C.I. Robison [Charles Innes Robson (1837-1894)] and others, followed by myself. At 2 p.m. Sunday School Union Meeting, Superintendent George W. Lewis [possibly George William Lewis (1864-1933), who married Olena Dorthea Kempe, one of the six daughters of previously mentioned Christopher Jensen Kempe of Erastus (Concho)], and his two assistants spoke to the people, followed by counsellor Rogers [Henry Clay Rogers (1833-1902)]. Meeting convened at 7 p.m. and was addressed by Counsellor Hakes [Collins Rowe Hakes (1837-1916)], Brother Spry and myself. The meetings were well attended and a good spirit prevailed among the people generally.


Mesa Cemetery Walking Tour Guide (pdf) (HTML)
Mormon Settlement in Arizona
New Family Search

Thursday, July 16, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 7-8, 1888

December 7

Had dinner and spent the day with brother C.I. Robison [Charles Robson] and A.M. Tenney [Ammon Meshach Tenney, at the time the President of the Mexican Mission], spent the day very pleasantly.

December 8

Brother William Spry [President of the Southern States Mission from 1888 to 1891 and Governor of Utah from 1909 to 1917] came in by the coach this morning and was warmly welcomed. Had a walk about town and at 2 p.m. opened our Seventies Conference with a fair attendance. I made some explanations relative to our visit after which brother George Passey, George F. Ellsworth, and George W. Lewis [that's a lot of Georges!] spoke to the people, after which brother Spry occupied some time. Attended a concert tonight.

[I can't find a biography of Ammon M. Tenney, which is a shame, since he was such a fascinating man. For tidbits of his life, see Mormon Settlement in Arizona. The picture of Tenney is from that book.]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 6, 1888

December 6

Rained this morning. In the afternoon, drove with President C.I. Robison [Charles I. Robson, president of the Maricopa Stake from December 4, 1887 until his death on February 24, 1894] to Papago Ward and attended a Relief Society Meeting of the Pima and Maricopa Indians. A number of them testified to the truth of the Gospel. A native choir furnished the music. After meeting, drove on to the Mesa and looked at an old ditch, evidently dug many long years ago. The depth in one place was twenty feet, and extended over a great extent of country. Rained tonight.

[John Morgan is talking about the Hohokam Canals. They are still visible in a number of places including the Park of the Canals. Click on this link and scroll down to the bottom to see a photo of part of the canals. When a new group of Mormon settlers arrived in the Valley and moved to the top of the mesa, they used some of the existing Hohokam canals as the basis for their irrigation system.

Additionally, a history of the city of Mesa, Arizona, explained the location of "Zenas" mentioned by John Morgan on December 5. Zenos was the name of the Mesa Post Office from 1886 to 1889.]

See linked items.
Forty Years Among the Indians (Daniel Webster Jones) for his account of the Indian mission, see in particular Chapter 46 through 51.
The Planting of Mesa, a history of early Mesa based on McClintock's Mormon Settlement in Arizona

Photo of the prickly pear and fruits from

Monday, July 13, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 4-5, 1888

December 4

Started early in company with Brother Merrill and O.C. Wilson [Oliver Cowdery Wilson (1855-1896)], for Bowie Station, 44 miles distant. Had a hard days drive and arrived about dark. Had supper and at 7:30 bade our friends goodbye and took sleeper. Started to attend our appointments in Maricopa Stake.

December 5

Changed cars at Maricopa Junction at 4 a.m. and taking the Maricopa and Pheonix [sic] Train for Tempe where we arrived at 7 a.m. and were met by President Geo. Passey [at the time just released as Maricopa Stake Sunday School President] and Geo. F. Ellsworth [the first assistant superintendent of the Maricopa Stake Sunday School] who drove us to Zenas [Mesa], seven miles distant. Had breakfast at brother Passeys.

The weather is delightfully warm and pleasant, this being a semi-tropical climate. We gathered ripe figs and peaches from from the trees today and found the weather quite warm. Wrote a number of letters. Stayed tonight with President Talma Pomeroy [Talma Emerson Pomeroy (1863-1940)].

[I don't know who made the typescript of the journal that I'm working from, and how spelling or grammatical errors were handled (or created) by the typist.]

The Contributor
History and Genealogy of the Pomeroy Family
History of the Mexico Mexican Mission
Jubilee History of the Latter-day Saints Sunday Schools
New Family Search

Photo from

Saturday, July 11, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 3, 1888

December 3

A number of the brethren came in early this a.m. and spent the day with us. Among the numbers, Patriarch P.C. Merrill, and Counsellor W.D. Johnson. At 3 p.m. we started for Layton Ward and stopped at brother William Packards [sic]*. An appointment was made and meeting held. A full house and good spirit prevailed.

*William Jefferson Packer has already shown up twice in Ancestral Files, once in the comments, once in a post. He was a missionary serving in the Southern States Mission during the early 1880s.

Photo of the Safford area from

Friday, July 10, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 2, 1888

December 2

Drove to Pima Ward and met a large crowd which was spoken to by several of the brethren. Had dinner at Ed Easts [probably Edward Martin East (1856-1930) and his wife Minnie Bassett East (1860-1947) and since her family remained in Salt Lake City, she could be the Sister East mentioned on December 1], a still larger crowd in the p.m. and an excellent spirit. This closed our conference meetings in this stake. Returned to President [Christopher] Laytons where we remained tonight.

Photo of the Pima area from

Thursday, July 9, 2009

John Morgan Diary, December 1, 1888

[Here I will note the purpose for this trip. A previous post on the Council mentioned that on October 7, 1884, John Morgan was called as one of the Seven Presidents of the Seventy. He was assigned the responsibility for overseeing the First District, a group of twenty-six quorums of seventies. In addition to making a living for his families, pursuing political and educational goals for the state of Utah, he would have travelled throughout the district, overseeing and reorganizing the quorums.]

December 1

Drove to Thatcher Ward where we found a large congregation assembled and met President C. Layton [Christoper Layton] and Counsellor [sic], also Patriarch P.C. Merrill [Philemon Christopher Merrill] and many others, among the rest, sister East, formerly of the 14th Ward. [This would be his ward in Salt Lake City.] Brother Merrill addressed the people, after which I spoke to them. A good spirit prevailed. Dinner at brother Laytons and an afternoon meeting addressed by J.R. Wilker [Welker], Oscar Wilsen, and J. East, President of the 89th Quorum of Seventies. All seemed to feel well and spoke briefly, but with a good spirit. In the evening, quite a company gathered at President Laytons and we had a most enjoyable time.

Photo of the view from Mount Graham from

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

John Morgan Diary, November 27-30, 1888

November 27

Rained all night and raining this morning. President [Jesse N.] Smith returned to Snow Flake. The Mail Driver reported the Rio Perqua [Puerco] was very high and that it would be impossible to cross it for several days. At 2 p.m., brother Ellsworth [probably Edmund Ellsworth II] and Lillywhite [I’m guessing 20-year-old Joseph Lillywhite, Jr., whose father had died earlier that year leaving his mother with seven living children] drove up with a four horse team. Brother Hulet and myself and wife, with them as passengers drove ten miles to the river and found that it had fallen low enough to allow us to cross which we did, by the blessings of the Lord safely. [I assume this is the incident described in this post.] Had supper at Sister Clawsons and bed at Hotel. [Holbrook]

November 28

At 1:40 a.m. took train for Alburquerque [sic] where we arrived at 12. Snow had fallen along the entire route of travel nearly to the city. Had dinner at Arnojo Hotel [the Armijo House] after which we visited the old part of the city, the Cathedral and Catholic Schools etc. We enjoyed ourselves very much during the afternoon and in evening I wrote a number of letters and retired early.

November 29

At 3 a.m. took Santa Fe train south to Denning [Deming], the snow extended down the Rio Grande Valley 150 miles. Dinner and two hours lay over at Rincen. [Rincon] ? [Question mark penciled into the text.] Arrived at Denning [sic] at 3 p.m. Lay over an hour and then took S.P. Railroad for Bowie where we met brother J.R. Welker [James Robert Welker] with a team to convey us to the settlements on the Gila River. The country we have gone over today is almost barren, except on the Rivers where Mexican cultivation and civilization have found root.

November 30

After a good breakfast, started on a 44 mile trip, the roads were almost impassable on account of the recent heavy rain that has fallen at at 7 p.m. it was quite dark when we got in.

View Larger Map

[Very interesting route through New Mexico. Almost 700 miles by road (I’m not sure how long the route would be by train) in order to skirt the White Mountains.]


Albuquerque Remembered
Church Chronology (Jensen)
Conquerers of the West
Edmund Ellsworth II
Eller Family Association
Flickr: The Wash
Mormon Settlement in Arizona (McClintock)
Mormon Settlements in Arizona Collection (Tanner) at the Archives of the University of Utah Marriott Library
Washington County Early Marriages (many Honeymoon Trail)
West American History (Bancroft)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

John Morgan Diary, November 23-26, 1888

[Perhaps it would be of interest to note that John Morgan had been married to Mary Linton for just a few months at the time that they made this trip together.]

November 23

Administered to two of brother Kemp[e']s sons who were afflicted with sore throat. Started at 9 a.m. for Snow Flake over a rough road and arrived at 4:30 p.m. Stopped at Bishop Jno. Hunts. [John Hunt was bishop of Snowflake and the father of previously mentioned Ida Hunt Udall, and many other children.]

November 24

Rained this morning. President Jesse N. Smith [Jesse Nathaniel Smith was president of the Eastern Arizona Stake until it split in 1887, when he became president of the Snowflake Stake] and Bishop Cope called in and spent the forenoon pleasantly. Seventies Conference met at 2 p.m. and after I stated the object of our coming together brother J.R. Hulet, H.J. Perkins, and Jos. W. Smith [Joseph West Smith, a son of Jesse N. Smith] stated the conditions of the quorumn [sic] and gave some general counsel[.]

Adjourned until 7 p.m. Had supper at brother Larsens. [I'm guessing Alof and May Louise Hunt Larson.]

Meeting convened and was addressed by Elder B. Duffin [possibly Brigham Fielding Duffin of Woodruff, Arizona], brother Cope, and myself. A good feeling prevailed and much good instruction was imparted.

November 25

Conference met at 10 a.m. Bishop Jno[.] Hunt, President J.N. Smith, and Jno. Morgan spoke to the people. Dinner at brother Thomas Minnerlys where I met sister Cross and daughter.

At 2 p.m. Sunday School Conference met. Superintendent Jno. A. West presided. Brother West gave a detailed account of the condition of the schools in the stake and stated that but few of the Ward Superintendents were present. Assistant Superintendent P.C. Woods was the next speaker and he spoke on the general principles of the Gospel. Jno. M. spoke on educational matters.

Supper had at Jos. W. Smith [Joseph W. Smith, a son of Jesse N. Smith]. The speakers at the evening meeting were D. Webb of Woodruff on the subject of controlling Sunday Schools and conducting them without reading exercises. Superintendent J.H. Willis [probably John Henry Willis, one of the founders of Show Low] was the next speaker and gave quite an amount of information on the subject of Sunday Schools. Bishop Cope spoke at length on a variety of topics. President J.N. Smith closed by words of encouragement and counsel.

November 26

Rained during the night. At 8:30 a.m. Superintendent Jno. A. West; Assistant Superintendent P.C. Woods, Bishop Jno. Hunt, William Flake and J.H. Willis his counselors, also brother Lindquist met with me at brother Hunts to settle a dispute relative to the duties of the Stake Superintendent and a long council meeting resulted. Brother Hunt proved to be correct in the position he had taken with Brother West, but the Bishop seemed almost wild on the question of his rights in presiding.

At 11 a.m. in company with President J.N. Smith, J.R. Hulet, and wife we started for Woodruff. Arrived at 4 p.m. After a muddy wet ride, stopped with Bishop Jas. Owens [James C. Owens, another of the founders of Show Low] and at night held meeting which was lightly attended owing to the rain and mud. An excellent spirit prevailed.

View Larger Map

Arizona Memory Project: Show Low Collection Highlights
Arizona WPA Pioneer Interviews: Annella Hunt Kartchner
Colonization on the Little Colorado: The Joseph City Region (Tanner and Richards)
A History of the St. Johns Arizona Stake (Wilhelm)
Jesse Nathaniel Smith
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia (Jenson)
Latter-day Saint Women on the Arizona Frontier (Arrington)
Take Up Your Mission: Mormon Colonizing Along the Little Colorado River (Peterson)

Monday, July 6, 2009

John Morgan Diary, November 17-22, 1888


[November 17, St. Johns, Arizona]

At 7 p.m. another meeting was held. The speakers were J.R. [John Riley] Hulet, D.K. [David King] Udall, and Jno. [John] Morgan. We stayed at brother Udalls for the night.

November 18

Meeting at 10 a.m. The speakers were Elder Jno. Brown [John W. Brown, first principal of the St. Johns Academy], a recently returned Missionary, W.H. [William Hoover] Gibbons, and Jno. Morgan. The meetings were all well attended. Sunday School Conference convened at 2 p.m. Supt. Rancher [William David Rencher] called the meeting to order and spoke to the people. He was followed by Chas. Jarvis, Assistant Superintendent. Brother Doxie [sic] spoke to the people followed by John Morgan.

At 7 p.m. meeting convened. Superintendent [John H.] Murdock of the St. Johns Sunday School spoke first.

Brother D.K. Udall spoke at some length, followed by J.M. after which conference adjourned.

November 19

Brother Eliza [Elijah] Freeman called with his wagon. Mary [Linton Morgan], Ida [Hunt Udall], and myself drove over to the Reservoir; from there to the mill. In the afternoon visited with brother Freeman and family.

November 20

In company with brother W.H. Gibbons, H.J. Perkins, we went to brother Udalls ranch at Springerville, a distance of 35 miles. Ida and David [Udall] followed in another wagon. Arrived after dark.

November 21

Wrote a letter to Annie [Smith Morgan] and wrote up my Journal. Afterwards in company with Brother W.H. Gibbons and brother D.K. Udall, drove to the town of Springerville. Had dinner with Bishop George Crosby and at 2 p.m. met with the Saints.

Brothers H. J. Perkins, D.K. Udall, and myself were the speakers. From there we drove to Eagerville [now Eagar] and called on sisters Eager [Eagar] and Tenny [Tenney] and from there to Brother Udalls where we spent a most enjoyable evening.

November 22

Bid the folks goodbye and in company with brother H.J. Perkins and William A. Jones, started for Erastus [now Concho], a distance of thirty-five miles. Arrived there at 5 p.m. and stayed with Bishop C.I. Kempe [Christopher Jensen Kempe]. Held meeting at 7 p.m. It was addressed by Brothers Perkins, Jones, and Freeman, and myself. Erastus is a good location, but is poorly managed.

View Larger Map

Arizona Pioneer Mormon
Freeman Family History
Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star
Mormon Settlement in Arizona
New Family Search
Wake Family History
What I Remember of the Benjamin Brown Family
Young Woman's Journal

Sunday, July 5, 2009

John Morgan's Diary

Thanks to Morgan cousin Bessie S. who sent a scanned selection from the John Morgan diary, which she has been reading in the archives at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah. She just put up a post about John Morgan's early missionary work that is worth reading. The selection she sent details a trip John Morgan took in November and December 1888 with his wife Mary Linton Morgan. The trip was mentioned in a previous post.

I have typed up the selection from the diary and identified as many people as possible. It will take about six days to post, starting tomorrow.

For another recent mention of John Morgan, see today's post on Amateur Mormon Historian called The Train Ride Home.