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Friday, February 26, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, Passage Home

Jean traveled home by way of London, as the last postcard mentioned. The Haywards took passage from Liverpool on August 1, 1908 on the S.S. Cedric Cymric. The Cyrmic was a ship in the White Star Line. Here is the ship's manifest showing the Haywards arriving in Boston.

They were United States citizens, so the information recorded about them and their destination was not as detailed as it was for an immigrant.

Here is a blog post with recommendations for young Utah women traveling by sea, which incidentally described much of what Jean must have experienced at the time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, July 18, 1908

Kochzellsgesellschaft [?]

Dear Jean;
This is a case of "tit" for "tat." I haven't heard anything but a post card from you, yet, now have I? It was my last music lesson Tuesday, and now come the holidays. I am simply revelling [sic] in spare time. Yesterday we went to see the [?] and Chamber of Horrors!! Don't you wish you had been "mit" [with]? In the afternoon of the same day we went to [?] on a picnic. It was as pretty. Miss McGrage had tea with me the other day, and after wards played for us. She had invited Miss Nichols and me the Sunday before, and treated us swell. Give my love to Bessie.
Love from Rita [Jackman]

An [To]
Miss Jean Hayward
147 Lewisham Road
London S.E.

[According to one source, this address was probably a boarding house.]

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, July 4, 1908

July 4, 1908
On the Rhine 

July 4, 1908

Dearest mother:- This is the hotel we stayed at in Mayence [that's the French spelling of Mainz] and the X show [sic] the windows of our room and papa's. We are on the boat now taking our trip down the Rhine. It takes 7 hours. As you will see by the date it is the forth [sic] of July but you wouldn't know it if you didn't remember the date. Once in a while you see an American flag on some one. All well here. Did you have many fireworks? Jean wants to write so I will have to save room. Bessie.

Am beginning to get homesick now will be great when the [?] of Aug. comes. Am going to write & tell you how papa was converted after [?] May through [?] island. Bushels of love from Jean

[I can't decipher the couple of lines on the top.]

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jean Wessman's Funeral

Here are a couple more pictures of Jean's children and sons- and daughters-in-law after her funeral on October 22, 1959.

Left to right: Keith, Lilly, Gam, Del, Elaine, Ernie, Norinne, Donna, Boyd

(There's another picture with Elaine making everyone laugh, but I wouldn't want to post it on the internet without her permission!)

Left to right: John, Beverly, Tex, Liz, Barbara, Harry, Joe, Jean, Paul, Phil

Jean's gravesite at the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

Hazel Jean Hayward Wessman is buried at X-3-154-2-W, her husband Henry Richard Emanuel Wessman is buried at X-3-154-W-1 (50992), and their oldest daughter Merle Hayward Wessman is buried next to them.

 And a nice picture of Jean with her granddaughter Ann.

Here is the post with another photo from Jean's funeral and a couple of other pictures of the family.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, June 19, 1908

Kantstrasse mit Theater des Westens 
[Kant Street showing the Western Theater]

Dearest brother:- It is Thurs. June 18, the day when papa will land at Havre. I am getting so anxious now to see him & do hope he won't forget to write me from Paris. I hope you & mama are not too lonesome, we will very soon be home now. Tell mama I am feeling quite alright again got up yesterday & have practiced today. Got a letter from Aunt Kizzie [Kezia Hayward (1862-1959)] & one from Stella yesterday. Tell mama she will get another letter on the next mail, next Monday.

[On front:]
Bambergerstr 5
Berlin W. 50.
Love from Sister

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, June 16, 1908

June 11, 1908
(The postmark says 16.6.08, or June 16th, 1908.)

Dearest sister:- You will have to be satisfied with only cards this week. The doctor put me to bed yesterday for a week's rest with nothing to eat but milk every 2 hours. He says there is a little sore in my stomach which will be all well in a week but unless I keep quiet now won't be able to travel. Am feeling fine today. Tell mama not to worry. I will be up & practicing by next Thurs. Papa sails today & oh how glad I will be when he lands on this side. Will write you again very soon. Be sure to not worry. Dearest & best love.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, May 29, 1908

Here is a post card from Jean Hayward to her fiancé Henry Wessman. She sent the postcard to post office box 1141 in care of [illegible & illegible] in Salt Lake City, but it was forwarded to the State Journal in Odgen, where Henry was probably working.

[Am?] Neuer See
Bootstation im Tiergarten
[New Lake—Boathouse in Tiergarten]

Dear Henry:- Got the book this morning, but no letter, am beginning to wonder what is the matter. The paper was torn nearly off of the book & my name & address were almost torn out. Was just told this morning that unless I looked better, papa would take me back on the boat instead of on a trip, so think I shall try to look as ill as I can. You see I was put to bed yesterday afternoon with another bad headache & as a result look sort of washed out. I will be so glad when I get home & don't have any more headaches. Am nearly wild with excitement, realizing that papa leaves home next Monday. When I think that there are only about 4 more weeks in Berlin, I feel so happy I am almost crazy. Love from "L.G." [On front:] Friday, May 29, 1908

[This postcard was written before the previous card which has Henry Hayward and Clara and Bess on their way to Europe. Jean sounds rather anxious to be home. Was she homesick, or did she miss her fiancé? Or a little of both?]

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, June 9, 1908 (Continued)

One of the readers of this blog read the entry yesterday and wondered how three tourists from Salt Lake City would spend a few days in New York City in 1908, so he figured out the text of Henry's postcard:
Bess and all of us are quite well. we went to one of the theatres last night and down to the ticket office[.] Bess and Clara went shopping while I got the steamer tickets fixed and tended to our Places on the Boat[.] the Boat has arrived in port from Paris all ok [?]. 

we went out to cony [sic] Island to day and have just returned[.] things are lively out there[.] we went early to avoid the crowd

the crowd goes in the after noon and takes them untill [sic] 4 in the morning to get back[.] they tell me I ought to go once in the evening[.] that is the time to see the fun.  I will write to you to morrow evening and post it the morning we sail [illegible] not had any word from Jean

with love from H  J [illegible]

Thanks, Mark B.!
Coney Island in Brooklyn was at its heyday in 1908. From time to time the city of New York makes efforts to bring it back to its previous glory.

The picture of Coney Island by Edward Henry Potthast is from the wikipedia entry on Coney Island.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, June 9, 1908

This card is from Jean's father Henry Hayward to his wife, who remained in Utah while Henry's sister Clara and daughter Bess accompanied him to Europe. His handwriting is difficult to decipher. He sent the postcard from New York. It starts, "Bess and all of us are quite well..." and discusses tickets and the boat. Bess was fifteen, and she turned sixteen three days after this postcard was sent. Clara Hayward was 36 and unmarried. She married Ellis B. Porter about twenty years later and they lived in California.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, May 26, 1908


Dearest brother:- Here is where they have shows about like the Orpheum. We have not been here yet, but are going some day. How's the weather? We are all freezing to death over here. Got papa's letter yesterday, but he has never told me how many days the boat crosses in. I will have to try and find out here someplace. 
 [On front:] May 26, /08

[?] Woche Unter den Linden 
[Something Week at Unter den Linden, a street in Berlin]

Dearest sis:- We see the Emperor's review of the soldiers on May 31 and expect to have the treat of our lives. The soldiers here have such neat pretty uniforms but of course nothing to equal the old blue of our soldiers. I will soon be home, hurrah! Me for America any day. 
[On front:] Love from sister. May 26, 1908.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, May 15, 1908

Berlin     Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse [Friedrich Street Train Station]

Dearest brother:- Here's where we arrived in Berlin. I hope it won't be very long before we leave at the same place. [She sounds a little homesick.] I am anxiously waiting for a letter from papa now, to hear just what the plans are. How's baseball by now? How's school?
[On front:] May 15, /08 Lots of love from Jean

Dearest mother:- Wednesday we went out to this little place near Potsdam for a holiday. You never saw anything quite so glorious in your life. The [?] village is one mass of cherry trees in fact furnishes all of Berlin's cherries & the trees are just a picture with the white blossoms, you just can't imagine how heavenly it looks. Then we came back by boat on the river & I really did not realize how glorious the scenery along the banks of a river could be. We all feel better for our trip, but of course we want more now always the way with good things isn't it? [?] the check & paid Jonás, so I guess [?] happy. It won't be long now [On back:] [?] we will all meet again in S.L. will it? I got a letter from Norinne & was awfully glad she wrote. Henry wrote & said he was going to see the fleet come in. I hope he did go & enjoy himself. Mr. [Tracy] Cannon says papa will let them know when & [?] station he arrived at, he will meet him if he possibly can. He thinks he can stay very [?] at the same pension where he is. I will try to write you a letter every so often.
Best love to all
May 15.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, May 6, 1908

This is the underground & elevated road that we use so much.

[I can't read the diagonal text written over the subway line.]

Dearest brother:- This card has a picture of a train & as the European trains are so very different from ours, I thought I would send it to give you some idea of what we travel on in Europe. Then too you can see what the Zoological Garden station looks like. It is probably the place where papa & aunt Clara will get out when they reach Berlin. You can tell them they must be sure to tell me what station [On front:] they arrive at because there are so many here. But if they come from Paris they will arrive here I am almost sure. I got sister's letter this morning with Lizzie's picture. Tell sister it was a fine letter & I am waiting patiently for the pictures of the children. How is your baseball team getting along by now? Do you beat every time?

Warmest love, Jean
May 6, 1908

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Hayward Family

Right here in the midst of all these postcards, I will pause to post pictures of the five members of the Hayward family in 1908: father Henry, mother Elizabeth, Jean, Bess, and John.

There were six other children born into the Hayward family, but they were all deceased by 1908. Henry (1876-79), Emily Inez (1878-1879), Philip (1880-1891), Sidney (1883-1886), Martha (1885-1886), and Leah (1889-1905). It will probably be awhile before I post about the tragic deaths of so many children in one family. Most of the deaths were due to diphtheria, a disease that is now almost unknown due to the use of the diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine.

Henry John Hayward (1852-1927)

Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward (1854-1942)

Hazel Jean Hayward Wessman (1887-1959)

Elizabeth (Bess) Cripps Hayward Edwards (1892-1989)

John Ewing Hayward (1895-1988)

Thanks to Emily for sending the photos.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, April 1908

Charlottenburg    Das Mausoleum (Inneres) [The Mausoleum (Interior)]

Dearest brother:- Here are the dead emperers [sic] and empresses, the grandfather & the grandmother & great grandparents of the present kaiser [sic]. I told you a long time ago in a letter about going out to Charlottenburg and seeing the place where they were buried. This postal doesn't give you much idea of the beauty of the place, but it is the best I can do. I am sorry I haven't sent you so many post cards lately, but I have had so little time. Tell papa I will write him sometime this week, perhaps Thursday. [On front:] Best love from Jean. Berlin, April 6, 1908.

Dearest sister:- I want to send you this post card just to show you what pretty cards they have here. We expect Mrs. K. today or tomorrow, but I can't say that I am anticipating her arrival with any great joy in my heart. It is a glorious day today & lesson day as well, but I do hate to have to stay in all day & work. Would like to be able to get out in just such an orchard as in this picture. [On front:] Best love, Sister

Königl. Kunstakademien, Hochschule für Musik
The royal Academy of High Arts [Fine Arts] and Music

Dearest brother:- Here's another card for you & I hope to send you a good many more before I reach home. I haven't tried to get your film yet but will before I get home. How's school by now? Give Mrs. Casady my love will you? How is the dog looking by now with all his wool off? Give him my regards.
[On front:] Best love from Jean    April 27, /08

[I don't know enough about the history of photography to know what kind of film she meant.]

Dearest mother:- I got papa's letter telling me when he sails & am in a state of intense excitement. Am wondering too who is coming in for the 3rd ticket. Mrs H has been awfully good since she came, have had no trouble at all. I intended to write you a letter today, but have been too busy with practice & harmony & German. I am going to write a letter of introduction to Mr. Cannon & send to you, also will write to Mr. Cannon, Miss P. will give me the address of a pension where you can stay in Paris & here as well. [?] have [?] pretty good now but am rather [?]. Hurrah for home!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, March 1908


Berlin   Das Richard Wagner-Denkmal [The Richard Wagner Memorial]   Prof. G. Eberlein ... 1902 

This statue of the great composer stands on the edge of the Tiergarten and looks fine against the background of green trees. [The Tiergarten is to Berlin what Central Park is to New York City.]

 The dedication of the Wagner Memorial in 1903.

As you can see, the monument is now protected from the elements. The lyre held by the figure of Wolfram von Eschenbach (Tannhäuser) has been broken, but otherwise the monument has remained much the same through two wars and the ravages of time and vandalism.

Dear mama:- Miss Gates & I are going up town today to get some railroad maps etc. so I will write to papa as soon as I can. I am hoping you are willing I should move, for really it gets worse & worse every day, and I know I will have to go if I want to do any work. I know you won't waste your money on a useless cablegram, but I am anxious to get your letter in answer to Miss Gates' before the first of April. I have a harmony lesson today and have an exercise to write so will say goodbye. Love to all from Jean.

Berlin          Blick vom Rathausturm [View from City Hall]

Dear brother:- Here is some more of Berlin for you to look at. Have you been getting the cards alright? I have sent you so many that I don't know what you have and have not seen of Berlin. Did the Kaiser and his family reach you?
Love from
Sister Jean

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jean Hayward in Germany, February 1908

Feb. 6
Dear brother: -
I am off to see a big exhibition of English paintings, as our room is being cleaned & we can't practice. I will try to write to mama today, but if I don't, will write tomorrow. We are well & happy.
Ths picture shows a parade of the emperor's soldiers.
Love from
Sister Jean

The emperor in 1908 was Wilhelm II, the last German emperor. Upcoming postcards will show various members of the royal family.

Dear brother:-
I do keep sending cards. I hope you get them all. The reason I never sent the film is because I never heard anything about it until the last letter. I don't think I should have forgotten it if I had received the letter and sample. We have walked to this platz many times. It takes us about half an hour there and the same time back. Bushels of love from
Sister Jean

The "platz" she mentions is Savignyplatz. Here's the route she could have taken from her home to Savignyplatz. When Jean was in Germany, Charlottenburg was an actual city rather than a part of Berlin as it is now.

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