Guide to Contents

Monday, August 30, 2010

George and Ann Jarvis in the U.S. Census

The Jarvis family arrived in Boston in 1857. They lived there until they traveled to Utah with the Jesse Murphy Company which left Florence, Nebraska, on June 19, 1860, and arrived in Salt Lake City on August 30. I have not found them in a census, which is no surprise, since they may have been underway during the spring.

The Jarvis family lived in St. George in 1870. I cannot find them in the census, despite reading through the entire town of St. George, and then through all the communities in Washington County. Could they have lived elsewhere for a while? Been out of town for some reason? Did they prefer not to show up in the census?


The census does not exist due to a fire.

George and Ann Jarvis do not show up in the census. See my notes from 1870.

This is a little hard to see. It shows that George was a naturalized citizen. That means that his wife was also a citizen, since a woman's citizenship was based on her husband's.

George and Ann died in January 1913, a few days apart.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mormonism: A Historical Encyclopedia

I was honored and rather intimidated a couple of years ago to be asked to write an article on the history of the Relief Society for a new Mormon history encyclopedia. The encyclopedia was published this week and I received a copy in the mail. It is an excellent production and it is still intimidating to look at the list of contributors, including three of my history professors at BYU. It is a trade publication, for sale as a reference book to libraries, rather than for sale to the general public, but it is written for the general public and avoids historical jargon. I have been reading through the articles as I have time, and found that the article on Mormonism and Women provides a great framework for understanding why telling the story of the life of Elizabeth Hayward is so important. Here are some notes on the production of the encyclopedia by Ardis Parshall, one of the editors and main authors.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jens Oveson Obituary

Jens Ovesen emigrated from Denmark to the United States in 1863. Here is his biography.

Here is his obituary from the Ephraim Enterprise the day after he died. Note the two spellings of his name. Oveson was the spelling he commonly used in America.

J. A. Oveson

Jens. A. Oversen, one of Ephraim's oldest and respected citizens, died very suddenly yesterday afternoon at his home in this city, the cause of his demise being a general breakdown caused by old age.

Deceased was born in Denmark and has passed his 88th birthday. He leaves a wife and a number of children to mourn his death. He was a man that was well thought of and his friends deeply regret his death, and sincerely sympathize with the bereaved.

Here is the report of his funeral. See the last column.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward and the Ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment

Today is the 90th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. This Amendment should be of particular interest to the descendants of Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward since she had the honor of introducing the Amendment into the Utah Senate in 1919 for ratification.

The Nineteenth Amendment reads as follows:
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

There are two ways that the Constitution can be amended. Only one of the methods has been used: an amendment is proposed by a two-thirds vote in the United States House of Representatives and Senate. Then three-quarters of the states have to ratify the proposed amendment.

The fight for women's rights in the areas of property, inheritance, family law and voting is too lengthy and complicated to summarize here. But different states granted rights to women many years before the federal government did. Women in Utah had the right to vote from 1870 to 1887 and then from 1895 on. 

Elizabeth Hayward became active in Utah politics probably starting in the late 1890s. She was one of the first American women to serve as a delegate to a national political convention (Democratic National Convention, Denver, 1904). She was serving as a State Senator in 1919, and she had the honor of presenting the Amendment for the vote in the Utah Senate.

Predicts Approval of Suffrage Amendment

Ratification of the Susan B. Anthony amendment, providing for universal woman suffrage, probably will be accomplished at a special session of the Utah legislature in October, according to Mr[s]. Elizabeth Hayward, vice president of the Utah branch of the National Suffrage association and member of the upper house of the state legislature.

Governor Bamberger told her, says Mrs. Hayward, that the special session would be called immediately, if it is found that Utah's vote is necessary to make up the requisite number of states in favor of the amendment. Otherwise, he said, he thought it advisable to wait until October, owing to the rush of summer business now occupying the state's legislators. (July 17, 1919)

July 24, 1919

September 27, 1919

September 29, 1919
September 30, 1919

Governor Signs Suffrage Bill

Governor Simon Bamberger has signed the senate joint resolution No. 1 by Senator Elizabeth Hayward ratifying the Susan B. Anthony amendment to the federal constitution providing for equal suffrage. Utah is the nineteenth state to ratify the amendment, the special session of the legislature being called for that express purpose. (October 4, 1919)

Here are a few more details from the Davis County Clipper on October 3:

It was not until the next year that Tennessee was the last state to ratify the Amendment.

These are the articles that Elizabeth would have seen on the front page of the Salt Lake Telegram.

August 18, 1920
August 19, 1920
August 25, 1920
August 26, 1920
October 26, 1920

Women to Speak at Club Affair

What the nineteenth amendment means with "Women in Politics" will be the subject of point discussion at the Commercial club membership luncheon tomorrow noon when the members are to be addressed by Mrs. Elizabeth J. [sic] Hayward, Democrat, state senator of Utah and Mrs. Jeannette A. Hyde, Republican. Special invitations have been issued to the members by [] B. Hawley, president of the club, [] women generally are urged to be present.

Salt Lake Telegram, page 2.

[Correction 8/20/10: Utah was the seventeenth state to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment, not the nineteenth state as is stated in the Telegram coverage.]

Henry Hayward's Death, Part 3

THE BEE . . . of the Salt Lake City Rotary Club

In Memorium

Quiet, gentle Harry Hayward has finished his last contract, laid down his tools, and gone home. Life is the final job of us all, and in looking back, I'll say Harry made a mighty good job of his. Judge the edifice by any standard you will and it measures up. Love of God? He possessed it. Love of fellowmen? He reared a fine family; he was a good citizen; he was honest; he was dependable; his service to his fellows shows love of fellow men. Harry was a good craftsman, both in what he wrought in mortar and stone, and in that which he builded [sic] for immortality and which he has turned over to the Master Builder. Peace to his ashes and honor to his memory.

Rotary Club of Salt Lake City

February 2 1927

Mrs. Henry J. Hayward
1140 Herbert Ave.

Dear Madam:

It is my privilege to submit to you copy of Resolution passed at our meeting held February 1st, as follows:

"On the fifth day of January, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, Harry J. Hayward was called by the hand of death from this mrtal [sic] probation, having reached his seventy-fourth year.

He was elected a member of the Salt Lake Rotary Club during the second year of its organization and continued a loyal and active member until the day of his death.

In his profession he was a builder, and in Salt Lake City and elsewhere are to be found many monuments to the work of his hands. At times it has been his mission to tear down and demolish structures, but only to replace them with something more substantial and enduring. His work in his chosen field was only an outward manifestation of his inner soul. He had always a spirit of good will toward his fellow men and a desire to leave back of each act an accomplishment worthy of Rotary's highest standards. Although quiet and unassuming and very seldom heard from by word of mouth, he has builded [sic] during his life a monument of high ideals, in keeping with the spirit of Rotary service.

Therefore, Be it resolved by the Rotary Club of Salt Lake City that we extend to the members of his family our heartfelt condolences and sympathy in this irreparable loss, and that these Resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Rotary Club.

George Jay Martin"

Rotarily yours,


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Henry Hayward's Death, Part 2

At the time of his death, Henry Hayward was living at 1140 Herbert Avenue. Zillow shows that this is a five bedroom, 2700 square foot home built in 1919.

He died of liver cancer and was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery next to his six children who died before he did.

Thanks to Toni for sending the image of the death certificate.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Henry Hayward's Death, Part 1

Henry Hayward was the son of Gammon and Sarah Ann Cripps Hayward. He was born in London, England, in 1852, but spent most of his life in Salt Lake City, Utah. He married Elizabeth Ann Pugsley. They had nine children, three surviving to adulthood. Here is a biography. Henry died on January 5, 1927.

Death Calls H. J. Hayward

Word was receied [sic] here today of the death at a Salt Lake hospital at 1 o'clock this morning of Harry J. Hayward, 74, father of Mrs. L. R. Edwards of this city.

Mr. Hayward was well and favorably known throughout the state of Utah, having been prominently established as a contractor and builder for several years. He had also taken an active part in the political life of the state, at one time having served as a member of the city commission of Salt Lake City. He was a member of the Salt Lake Rotary club. Mr. Hayward was born in Salt Lake City [sic— London] of early pioneer parents.

Mrs. Hayward is also known throughout the state in both political and religious circles. For many years she served in the legislature of Utah as a member of the house of representatives and later in the state senate. She has also been prominently associated with the Daughters of the [Utah] Pioneers.

Mr. Hayward is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Hayward; two daughters, Mrs. Henry Wessman of Ogden and Mrs. L. R. Edwards of Provo; one son, John E. Hayward of San Francisco, and a number of brothers and sisters.

Thanks to Emily for sending these items from the family collection.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Harry James Overson

Harry [Henry] James Overson, fifth child of Margaret G. Jarvis and Henry Christian Overson, was born at St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona, May 17th, 1906. He was a sickly baby from birth, very sallow, and did not seem to thrive. Apparently there was some liver disorder, as he never cleared from the yellow cast, and he has had a number of serious sicknesses at various times all through life, until the last few years, when he has had better health than ever before.
In school he was quick to learn, always quiet, but quite determined to do very much as he wished. He finished High School, and had a short time of higher work, but was always needing money, and when it ran short, he simply had to get a job. He left home to hunt work when he was a little past eighteen, and went to Phoenix. He soon obtained work in the Arizona Highway Department and has continued there for twenty-six years, commencing with the lowest-paid job until now his work is the most technical in the Department, except only the State Engineer. He is considered the most dependable man in the office. Once his father asked Harry's boss what he found for the boy to do? The man replied, "If we have a particular job to do anywhere in the department, in the office or out on the roads, we just send Harry, and we know it will be done right." This pleased his father greatly, and he often mentioned it to his friends. Through the years, Harry has had experience in all the different departments, tended to business strictly, done his best and made a thorough study of all the details, minded his own affairs, and has not meddled in politics, and so he has kept the good will of his fellows.

As a spare time hobby Harry loved to build. He has a very nice home and two smaller units that he has designed and built largely himself, working after hours, holidays, and vacations. His friends and neighbors like to consult Harry on all topics pertaining to materials and construction problems.

He married Lois Murdock (Alexander, step-father's name), March 18th, 1940, at Lordsburg, New Mexico. She is the daughter of Charles Murdock and Grace Scott and was born February 28th, 1917, at Duncan, Greenlee County, Arizona. She was raised by her grandmother, Lillian Moore, who was a widow with a number of boys, her husband dead, and Lois was alternately loved, petted and teased by her uncles, mother and grandma, and being the only girl, pretty and cute and not too strong, she had to learn to get along with people, and stick up for herself. As she grew into womanhood, she went to live with her mother and step-father, Harry Alexander, who was keeping a restaurant, and therefore was soon a waitress, and drilled under a very efficient and particular cook and manager. She was also expected to iron the uniforms for her step-father and herself, and see that they were spotless and trim. She thus became a good cook, laundress and waitress, and was able to earn a good living. But she was taken sick and had to be sent to a hospital, not, however, until it was almost too late. The doctors found a ruptured appendix—and it was only after months of great suffering, much of which time her life was despaired of, that she slowly came back to at least, partial health. She was never very strong after that until long after her marriage, and that seige [sic] is probably the reason she has never been able to be a mother, much as she has desired to. She idolizes Harry, and keeps their home spotless, has good meals, loves to entertain on occasions, and has taken great pride in his building projects, and the last few years has had a good job in an office, thereby helping with finances to pay for and furnish their lovely home, and have small homes to rent to help them later with an income when time to retire comes.

Harry J. Overson and wife, Lois Murdock and mother, Margaret Jarvis Overson
In front of first home in Phoenix.

Lois also loves pets, and trains them well. Her dogs are very obedient, and do cute tricks, and her birds can sing or talk, and are very entertaining. It is amazing how her pretty little parakeet can talk and entertain people, and how friendly it is.

Residence: Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Overson, 322 West Georgia Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.

No children.

[Harry James Overson died February 20, 1992, in Phoenix, Arizona. In New Family Search, he is listed as being married to Gara Patterson (1916-2002) and Lois is not mentioned.]

From Margaret Godfrey Jarvis Overson. George Jarvis And Joseph George De Friez Genealogy. Mesa, Ariz: M.J. Overson, 1957, ii: 190-192.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Edgar Pratt Overson and Alice Whiting Overson

Edgar Pratt Overson, fourth child of Margaret G. Jarvis and Henry C. Overson, was born at St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona, May 27th, 1904. Pratt was a plump, healthy baby, grew normally, learned quickly in school, passed all his grades easily a year ahead of average. His parents kept him from school a season on account of some trouble with his eyes, thinking a rest from study would be helpful, and that some experience helping his father with a building he had on hand to complete would give Pratt some experience in construction work, and at the same time help a little financially. But Pratt did not take kindly to working at building. He wanted to get a string of traps, and try catching muskrats, coyotes, and other fur bearing animals of the region. He liked to study the habits of wild life, to follow the streams, roam in the mountains, and enjoy nature. This desire has been a life hobby. He knows about birds, fish, all kinds of wild animals, their habitat, the laws pertaining to the protection of Wild Life, all kinds of fire-arms, the kind to use for different purposes, etc.

Pratt continued on at school until he graduated from high school, then filled a two-years mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Canadian Mission. After returning home, he entered college at Flagstaff, and completed two years, the amount then required to be eligible to teach, then taught school some years.

Since his marriage, he has done office work, held a County Office one term, taught school, done Road work, some building, farming, looked after cattle, etc.

He has continued in his work in the Church, wherever called to labor, and has been a class teacher, Home Missionary, President of the Stake Missionary Work, --always doing something. He has sent a son on a mission, also.

He is ready and willing to help in times of trouble, wherever and whatever it may be. He is still and ever has been a great reader. He has quite a nice library, and is well versed, generally.

Home address: Mr. and Mrs. E. Pratt Overson, St. Johns, Arizona.

Edgar Pratt Overson was married to Alice Whiting, daughter of Fred Arthur Whiting and Lurlene Tenney Whiting, January 16th, 1931, at Mesa, Arizona. (Temple) She was born June 2nd, 1913, at St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona.

Alice is a fine woman, of true "Mormon" pioneer stock on all lines [she was a granddaughter of Ammon M. Tenney], and doing her best to live in accordance with her traditions. Has dark eyes and hair, rather fleshy [perhaps a more diplomatic term could have been used!] a good manager in her home, a consistent Church worker, and specially gifted in music. She has given piano lessons most all her married life, teaches singing groups, has led the ward choir groups often, the Singing Mothers, and other special groups, including Primary children. The last few years she has worked in Offices at the Court House part of the time, also.

From Margaret Godfrey Jarvis Overson. George Jarvis And Joseph George De Friez Genealogy. Mesa, Ariz: M.J. Overson, 1957, ii: 188-191.

Pratt died on July 27 or 28, 1972, and was buried on July 29, 1972, in St. Johns, Arizona.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward, by Bess Hayward Edwards: Part 4

Although her work in public has been extensive, she has always been a lover of home life, deeply devoted to her husband and children. She has always maintained a homey home, delighting in the flowers which have yielded so generously to her care. She is small of stature, being a little less than five feet tall, with deep blue eyes, and in her younger days possessed a wealth of long, brown hair, now snow-white. During her eighty-two years of life she has seen Salt Lake City develop from a small pioneer village to the city of which we are so proud.

She has seen lighting develop from the stage of the tallow candle, through oil and glass lights up to the present modern electrical devices. She has seen transportation change from the handcart and ox team to the present all aluminum, air-cooled trains and air transports. She has watched the development also of her children, grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Death again bereft her of her loving life partner in January 1927 but her splendid pioneer courage has led her on as ever before to be an inspiration to her children and grandchildren, a devoted friend to all in times of need or discouragement and a loyal adherent to every cause of justice and right. In family circles she has always been a mediator, being loved and respected wherever she goes.

This sketch written in 1929 by her daughter Elizabeth Hayward Edwards.

Died January 26, 1942

Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward, one of Utah’s foremost woman leaders in church, civic and political affairs, died in a Salt Lake hospital Monday at 12:30 p.m. of causes incident to age. She was 87 years old. She was survived by a son John E. Hayward, daughters: Mrs. Jean H. Wessman, and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Edwards, a sister, Mrs. Adelbert Beesley of Salt Lake City; 18 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward, by Bess Hayward Edwards: Part 3

She has always been interested in politics, and was elected on a Democratic ticket as a member of the State Legislature for the Years 1915-17 and was returned to the State Senate for the years 1919-21. She had the honor of being the first woman to preside over the Senate, which honor was granted to her several times during the sessions of 1919-21. As far as can be ascertained, she was the first woman in any state to be so honored.

She was a sincere and ardent worker in the suffrage cause and was vice-president of the state organization for six years. While she was a member of the Senate in 1919, she introduced a resolution endorsing national suffrage; and in the special session called 1919, she introduced a resolution ratifying the National Suffrage Act [Nineteenth Amendment].

She was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention in Denver in 1908, and again to the Convention in St. Louis in 1916. She served her party as National Committeewoman from Utah from 1916 to 1920, and attended the National Convention in the capacity in San Francisco in 1920.

She was a member of the City Playground Board and worked earnestly to have the first playground set aside and equipped in Salt Lake City. Once started, the movement has steadily gained ground until today, Salt Lake ranks as a leader in the recreational work sponsored for children.

In spite of her many activities, she has never neglected nor lost interest in her church work. She responded to any call for duty and served as a member of the Relief Society for the greater part of her life, and has also acted as a teacher in other Church organizations.

Her interests have been shown in Educational, Civic, and Religious organizations, and in different capacities, she has attended conventions as a delegate from such Clubs in Chicago, New York, Saint Louis, and San Francisco. During the days of the war, she became interested in the Service Star and has been a member ever since its organization. In this organization she has held the positions of corresponding secretary, chaplain, and parliamentarian. She has been a member of the League of Women Voters since its organization, and through her interest and work in the cause of suffrage, she has had her name placed on a roll of honor in the new building dedicated to the League of Women Voters in Washington, D. C. She has also been a member of the Pleasant Hour Club, a social club, for over thirty years.

To be continued...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward, by Bess Hayward Edwards: Part 2

At the age of twenty-one, on her birthday, December 23, 1875, she was married to Henry J. Hayward. Her older brother was married on the same day to Rose Harmon. They moved into a little two-room adobe house he had built, most of its furniture having been made by him. Here a lovely boy and later a charming little girl were born to them, but their home was saddened a few years later when both were taken from them within a few days by diphtheria in epidemic form. Her brother Albert, whom she had reared from infancy, died the same day as her own son. They were saddened by this loss, she and her husband lived for six months at the home of her father, after which they moved into another home of their own. During the next twenty years, seven more children were born to them, only three surviving to maturity. Although she was the mother of nine children, there were never more than four living at the same time, and it was the youngest children who reached manhood and womanhood, namely, Jean, Elizabeth, and John.

It was not until after the loss of so many children that she went outside of her home to do public work, aside from her church activities. She was always interested in the welfare of her children and followed them closely in their schoolwork. About her first public position was president of the Mother’s Club of the Washington School. The mothers of the children in the school organized in order to do what they could to improve conditions which then existed in the school. Later she joined the Women’s Democratic Club which had been organized shortly after Utah became a state, and she was secretary, vice-president, and president at intervals for twenty years.

She was a member of the Public Library Board and was a member at the time they moved into the previous library building, her name being on the bronze plate in the entrance hall. In 1907 she joined the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and has held the positions of corresponding secretary, assistant registrar, registrar, vice-president, and was state president for the years 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1921. [The DUP site shows that she was president of the organization from April 11, 1917-April 7, 1921.] During the World War, she was special agent for the government, collecting and reporting on the prices of food in Salt Lake City and submitting a report on the same every two weeks. She was also in charge of the state work of the Red Cross for the Daughters of the Pioneers.

To be continued...

I forgot to mention on the post yesterday that these pictures are courtesy of Emily and Norinne.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Hayward, by Bess Hayward Edwards: Part 1

Emily (left) and Elizabeth (right) Pugsley.

A snow storm of blizzard proportions was raging on the twenty-third of December, 1854, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Philip Pugsley, a young Englishman, had gone to obtain aid for his wife, Martha, who was expecting her second baby. The drifted snow made progress slow and uncertain, but the only mid-wife obtainable reached his home shortly before the baby daughter was born. The log cabin in which she was born had only a leaky roof and a rough dirt floor. A quilt had been fastened above the bed to protect the young mother and child from the storm. The parents had crossed the continent by foot and ox team in order to be with the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to which they had become converted.

[Elizabeth Ann Pugsley’s] early life while one of sacrifice and hardship, was nevertheless a happy one, since she had the love of devoted parents and was a member of a large congenial family. As the family grew in size, they prospered in wordly goods so that they enjoyed most of the advantages that came with the years.

Being the oldest daughter, she did not have the opportunity for much schooling, since she was compelled to help her mother rear the family, which included two pair of twins. One boy of a set of twins was reared as her own, she having the entire responsibility of him from his birth until after her marriage. In the early days while she was home, she helped with the making of tallow candles, the carding, spinning, and dyeing of wool for cloth. A shiny, red apple at Christmas time with a home-made doll was all that could be expected.

When she was a young girl she went to night school for two winters with her father and older brother. Her father could read and write but wanted to learn to do bookkeeping, as he felt the need of it as his business increased. Later she went to Morgan’s College for a short time, and then learned dressmaking. For many years all the clothing worn by both men and women of the family was made by her, as clothing, ready made, could not be obtained at any price. She remembers crying one day, because her mother made her pick out some of the work and told her she felt sorry for any man she married because she would hem his shirt tails crooked as an ox yoke.

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4