Guide to Contents

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Henry Green: Immigration, 1887, to Marriage, 1891, Part 1

Arrival: 1887, to Marriage: 1891

Salt Lake City, Utah, about 1887

Meeting [Henry] in Salt Lake City on July 6, 1887 were his family—his sisters Lizzie [Elisabeth Marsden Green Rood Griffiths (1863-1943)] and Ann [Annie Green Griffiths (1865-1947)], aunts Ellen [Marsden Davis Pullen (1829-1906)], Hannah [Marsden Bingley (1831-1900)], and uncle Eardly [Eardley Revell Bingley (1828-1910)]. He found them comfortable, well, and happy. Harry first lived with Elizabeth and Joe Griffiths [Joseph Griffiths (1855-1926)] on 8th South between 3rd and 4th West.

He wrote to his mother, “In Zion at last—my prayer is, Dear Mother, that I may have God’s aid to help me to carry out your kind council. Would to God that I had taken more notice of you when in your midst.…Forgive me for all I might have done amiss. And I will try to be a comfort to you in your reclining years.”

In August of that year he found employment at the Ontario Brick Yard in Park City. He wrote, “I am not afraid to work.…” He sacrificed and worked hard wheeling bricks and using a shovel and pick so he could send money to make his parents comfortable and help them follow him to America. His wages were $2.50 a day. Harry’s boss was not good at books, so Harry did book work also. He lived in a tent and had rough acquaintances. Staying faithful to the Church, he attended meetings in Snyderville. He wrote, “Most of the men work on Sunday, but I feel to observe the commandment to keep the Sabbath Day holy along with the rest of the commandments, knowing that if I do I shall be greatly blessed. I have put my shoulder to the wheel and if there is any work to be got, I am going to have my share of it. Do not get down-hearted, but cheer up and feel glad in the hour of trouble everything will end for our good, providing we keep faithful to our calling.”

His family missed him. His mother wrote on June 21, “I have prayed for you and will not cease to offer up my faith and prayers to God, our Heavenly Father, for your safe arrive in Zion, and also for your prosperity after you arrive. Dear Harry, be a good lad and keep good company, and the Lord will bless you.” Later, July 5, “I do miss you, Harry, but would not have you back for all the world. You have left me for a good purpose and I know God will bless you if you do that which is right. I hope the time will not be long before we all meet again. It looks so strange at meal times and at nights without you. When bedtime comes and I look around and there is another missing, I scarcely know how to contain my feelings.”

In a letter written August 17, 1887, his father said, “I often fancy you coming round the corner when I am in the Old arm chair. I have shed many tears since you left me. It is a great trouble to me. I have forgiven you, and I hope the Lord will bless you and protect you from all danger.”

He was homesick, writing, “I’m well in health, low in spirits. How I wish I could see Sarah and all of you. It would do me a power of good.” On a more optimistic note, “You must all be happy to know what a glorious future awaits us if we are faithful.”

The letters that he wrote to his sweetheart, Sarah, in England, are missing, but he refers to her in letters to his family. He said, “Dear Willie, tell Sarah to brace up and get ready to come out here and see her Harry once more. Kiss her and also all family a hundred times for me.” Later, to his mother, “…glad you think she is a nice girl. Why do you think I shall not make a Mormon of her? I shall try at all events and leave the rest to God.”

Harry wrote many times urging his family to come: “What a happy time we will all have when we all meet again.” In another letter he told his brothers and sisters to be good and to help. “It depends on your actions whether father will come into the Church. Make home a heaven.”

He sent $80.00 for his fifteen-year-old brother, Willie [William Green (1871-1955)], to come in October 1887. Some of his advice to Willie was, “Ask God to grant unto you wisdom sufficient to overcome all wrong and to keep you from any trap that is laid to entrap young emigrants. Attend to your prayers, be obedient to those that are over you. Then you will come out safe and you will be blessed to a great extent.”

To be continued...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Henry Green: Birth in 1867 to Emigration in 1887

Henry Green
b. 7 October 1867       Brampton, Derbyshire, England
m. 9 December 1891   Logan, Cache, Utah
d. 10 May 1941 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
b. 13 May 1941 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
Wives: (1) Mary Isabell Pettit; (2) Eliza Turner Green
Father: William Green; Mother: Lucy Marsden

This history of “Henry (Harry) Green” includes a number of pictures of Leone Green Layton and her family, so the history may have been written by Leone.

It was the height of the Industrial Revolution, during the reign of Queen Victoria. Prime Minister Disraeli was leading the fight to pass the Reform Bill of 1867, which would give many factory workers the right to vote. America was just recovering from the Civil War. On October 7, 1867, in the small town of Old Brampton, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, a boy was born to William and Lucy Marsden Green. Henry, or Harry, as he was called, was the first son and the third child in a family of ten.

William Green

Lucy Green

“Birth Place of The Green’s”

Brampton, England

William Green, a potter, was a good provider and he and his wife made a happy home for their large family. Lucy Green was a good member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, having joined as a child with her family. She taught her children the principles of the Gospel and instilled in them a testimony of Jesus Christ. The death of her infant daughter, Lucy, and of her mother in 1877 made her realize the importance of the Gospel; she had her four oldest children baptized (and herself rebaptized) in 1879 when Henry was twelve. Henry’s father was tolerant of the Church, but his grandmother, aunts, and uncles were very bitter, and persecuted the Church members. In contrast, his mother’s family, the Marsdens, were active. An uncle James in Zion sent money for Henry’s two older sisters, Elizabeth (a school teacher) and Ann to emigrate to Utah.

Harry and his brothers and sisters were well-educated. After attending Brampton Boarding School and passing government examinations, on December 4, 1883, age sixteen, Henry became a pupil teacher. The headmaster wrote of him, “Henry Green is honest and industrious. I’m sorry to lose.” An excellent penman and a good writer, he expressed himself very fluently.

Henry grew up to be a tall (about 6'2"), handsome, fine young man—very mature and responsible. Brother B. B. Nichols (who traveled with Henry to America) wrote to William Green and said, “Let me say, Mr. Green, your boy [Henry] is all right, and the blessings of God shall be with him, for he is a noble young man.”

The steamship Wisconsin

It was a sad, but exciting day in June, 1887, when Harry, at age nineteen, said good-bye to his family and his sweetheart, Sarah, and set sail from Liverpool on the boat Wisconsin. He vividly described his voyage, the wretched accommodations, poor food, terrible stench in the letters he wrote. People from many nationalities made the voyage—even three American Indians. As they arrived in New York harbor, he wrote, “This is a lovely place, grand morning, and everything is lovely to the extreme. We are going to try to catch a 10 o’clock boat for Norfolk—Excuse haste.” They went from Norfolk to Chattanooga, Kansas City, and Denver by train. He eagerly experienced his first watermelon, fireflies, the countryside, and a 4th-of-July celebration. In Denver he confronted a “confidence man,” was almost swindled, and learned a good lesson.

To be continued...

Friday, May 27, 2011

New Church History Library Online Catalog

The Church History Library announced its new online catalog today at the annual meeting of the Mormon History Association. How wonderful to have this resource available online. Here's what the new catalog looks like:

I will add a link to the blog sidebar. New Church History Catalog.

(HT: BCC.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Henry Green's Thoughts on Family

Henry Green is the next ancestor on this blog. I will start by sharing an excerpt from a letter that he wrote two months before his death at the age of 73. I have corrected some of the typos. Henry seems to have been in very poor health.

March 11, 1941.

Dear Harry and Lucy, [1]

Lucile [2] just came in and Mother [3] has just left for her appointed meeting. (Relief Society luncheon). I presume Lucile will be here to take Mothers place and in every particular will fit Mothers qualifications which is saying a great deal.

Mother has certainly shown her true qualities, she has been on the job all the time and up to this time, it is going on three months, some of the time being very unconscious to that which is going on. This letter will be very much disconnected being very difficult for me to be coherent. All thoughts seem to crowd out the other before it is completed. However I feel sure that the few lines which is written will bring you some satisfaction.

Harry Green with sisters Leone, Lucile and Mildred

Yesterday the family came in and had lunch, (Leone [4], Lucile, Mildred [5], Mother and myself) to bring back some of the most enthusiasm and joy that comes thru the companionship and close association of the family. I don't think it possible to find another family that has been so devoted and loving and kind to every opportunity that has presented itself. This no doubt has added to the outcome which presents itself today. The Dr. tells me that I am over the rough spots but it will take some time for me to become normal again.

I am sure if nursing and devoted attention exhibited in the past during my sickness I have no fears of the ultimate outcome....

 Eliza Turner Green, "Mother"

What a wonderful blessing that comes to me almost hourly thru the love and friendship which is the truest friendship that binds us together. Not a day or hour passes one of the family comes in to see if they can help to change conditions. I am sure that had it not been so, my condition as far as I am concerned would be very different, so going through a great trial and pain there is a bright situation that presents itself thru these conditions....

Fortunately the family being so closely attached and always willing to assume some of the responsibility has taken of some of the financial rough spots which naturally arise. I don't believe that any greater devotion could be shown me than has been exhibited than this wonderful family that partly bear my name. They willingly came to the front and practically assumed all responsibility....

Not wishing to bore you with the families troubles or affairs but I am sure you'll be glad to get a connection. It would be nice if we could see you but this is one of the pleasures we have to forego when separations come. I am very glad that this opportunity of writing you a letter has presented itself by Lucile filling in the time and doing a good term.

May I hear from you when convenient, acknowledging Lucile's part in making it possible for you to get this few words of information and expressions of Love and Affection,


How are you old boy, long time since we went fishing together for a trip....


[1] The letter is directed to Henry "Harry" Melvin Green (1894-1977) and his wife Lucy Hart Green (1895-1988). Harry was the second child and oldest surviving son of Henry Green (1867-1941) and his first wife Mary Isabell Pettit (1866-1905). I believe that Harry and Lucy lived in California at the time of this letter.

[2] Lucy Lucile Green Glade (1898-1980), Henry and Mary Pettit Green's fourth child and second daughter.

[3] Eliza Christina Turner Green (1878-1949), Henry Green's second wife. He married her about a year and a half after his wife Mary died following the birth of their daughter Mildred.

[4] Mary Leone Green Layton (1896-1973) was Henry and Mary Pettit Green's third child and oldest daughter.

[5] Mildred Green Noble, later Harrison (1905-1986) was the sixth child and third surviving daughter of Henry and Mary.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jarvis Family Genealogy

This is a slightly edited repeat of a comment I made yesterday morning on the George and Ann Prior Jarvis family message board.

Margaret Jarvis Overson, the daughter of Margaret Jarvis and Charles Defriez Jarvis, spent many years working on a large blue book containing the genealogy of the Jarvis and Overson families. It is an amazing compilation and the amount of work and expense that it took to put it together back in the days before the internet is mind-boggling. She published the 710-page book in 1957 and there are various copies in family and library collections. We are trying to make sure a copy of it is available online.

Right now, I am going through my Jarvis Family Tree, making sure the family is complete. I am working to make sure all the children and grandchildren and their families are properly entered and documented. I am finding that in most cases, Margaret Overson's data was correct. When I find information that disagrees with a family tree created by someone else, I am relying on primary or other secondary sources to choose the most accurate data.

So far I have worked through the George Frederick Jarvis Family, the Margaret Jarvis Family, and am currently working on the Ann Jarvis Milne Family. I am very appreciative of those who have created thorough family trees on Ancestry, since that drastically cuts down the amount of work it takes to process these hundreds of people. I've particularly relied on the trees of Doug M- and Alexandra H-, and others too numerous to mention.

So if you are a Jarvis descendant, what can you do to help create this master family tree for the Jarvis Family Association?

1. Send a copy of your documented family line back to George and Ann Prior Jarvis in GED format so I can add it. My email address is on the sidebar.

2. Let me know if you have done research back past George and Ann and have compiled accurate family trees of the Jarvis and Prior families in England. I can see family trees on Ancestry and New Family Search, but some of the information may be due to computer matching, and I haven't looked closely yet to see what is correct and what is due to computer matches and mismatches.

3. Look at the current family trees in your line of descent and let us know if the information is correct.

4. Send family photos and original documents that you may have in your family collections, particularly of George and Ann Prior Jarvis children and grandchildren.

5. Go through your family line on New Family Search, the genealogy site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, if you have access. If you have documented names, dates, and other events, select the correct information and add documentation. Don't select information unless you have proof, please, and when you select places, make sure they are in the format City or Town, County, State, Country with everything spelled out, checked for accuracy, and correctly punctuated, for example, St. George, Washington, Utah, United States. Names and places should not be written in all caps. Please do not change information on common pioneer ancestors unless you have documentation.

6. If the biography of your Jarvis ancestor (a child or grandchild of George and Ann Prior Jarvis) from the Margaret Jarvis Overson book is not on The Ancestor Files, let me know and I will add it and provide it to the Family Association website. So far I have Samuel Walter Jarvis and his two wives, Margaret and Charles Defriez Jarvis, Heber and Susan Jarvis, Emeline and Thomas Cottam, and Victoria and George Miles. See here:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

William and Annie Glade, Memories

Memories Beverly Glade Wessman had of her grandparents:

Annie was immaculate about herself and her housekeeping. She had a delightful sense of humor and was generous with her homemade bread and strawberry jam when we usually went to visit on Sunday nights. She always welcomed us and was glad we came. She was always sweet and kind, never hurried or too busy. Whenever I left the LDS Hospital with a new baby, we always stopped to show Grandma Glade our newest baby. She died before Mark and Marie were born.

I was the next to oldest grandchild. Ben Walton Jr. was the oldest but grew up in California. I was six years younger than Aunt Hazel, her youngest daughter. I was having my own family when Grandmother Glade’s daughters were having her grandchildren who were my cousins.

Grandpa Glade tended sleeping Roger one afternoon for an hour and a half when I ran an errand with Ann. Ann visited her Great-Grandma Glade’s on 3 or 4 occasions. One day Grandma Glade was making bread and used a piece of wax paper to grease her bread pans. Ann said, “Oh, mother just uses her fingers!” What a laugh we enjoyed.

In her last year she wasn’t well and succumbed 22 November, 1957, a month after our Patricia Lucile had died on 20 October, 1957.

She had long grey hair done with a little bun in the back. She was small, maybe 5 foot 2 inches and stood very straight. Her legs had horrible varicose veins which she often kept wrapped. She was spry, very alert and conversive. I knew I was important to her. Will always put his index and 3rd finger on my cheek and pushed his thumb between the 2 fingers and said in a Scottish brogue, “You’re a fine baby gudrl.” (Pronounced Guddle-Scottish for girl). With a roll in his tongue for the “R.” It was his way of expressing his love for me and I loved it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 6 of 6

Annie and her daughters. Picture provided by cousin Ben B.

As the children grew up, they were taught to help with the household duties. The boys would bring in the coal and wood and the girls would help with the dishes, sweeping, dusting, washing, ironing and baby tending.

Doing the washing was quite a big job. The clothes were all soaked the night before. The next morning they were run through a washing machine which was operated by hand, Will and the boys assisting in this activity before they went to work and to school. After the washer cycle, the white clothes were put in a copper boiler on the stove and were boiled for 20 minutes. The colored clothes were all rubbed by hand on a wash board and then all the clothes had to be rinsed, blued, and some of them starched and then hung on the line.

Since Will was a salesman in the grocery department at Z.C.M.I., the family was provided with the best of groceries. Annie would get up in the morning and fix breakfast for her family. She would cook cereal of some kind every day, and no child would leave for school without a bowl of cereal. There was toast and milk, and sometimes bacon and eggs, but the cereal was the thing that kept the children going until lunch. Thirteen loaves of bread were baked every other day to keep the family going. Each day at noon time Will would come home for lunch and some of the neighbors would jokingly remark that they would know what time it was when they would see Mr. Glade at lunch time. Many times he would walk twice each way to and from work, besides standing on his feet all day as he worked.

William was always active in the ward, he being the secretary of the 124th Quorum of Seventy for many, many years. He would get up on Sunday morning and attend his quorum or priesthood meeting, taking his boys with him as they were old enough to attend. Annie H. would stay home and get the rest of the family off to Sunday School and then prepare dinner for the family. Her family will always remember the rump roasts of beef, or the legs of lamb she would cook, along with the riced potatoes and vegetables and lemon pie for Sunday dinner. She sacrificed her attendance at Sunday School for her family, and would not take her children to Sacrament Meeting until she was sure that they would behave themselves.

When the children were all in school, Annie affiliated with the Relief Society, always sitting in the rear of the room, for fear they would call on her to pray. She served as a Relief Society visiting teacher as long as she was able to walk up and down the stairs to the homes she had to visit. She was active until she was in her seventies.

William and Annie always set the example in the home for refined living. There was never any swearing or loud talk. The children were taught to be honest and respect the rights of others. They were disciplined when it was necessary, and when the children brought something home that didn’t belong to them, they were promptly sent back and returned to the owner. Annie and William stressed the importance of all the children being home after school and Annie was always home to greet the children.

Part of the Glade Family, June 1945.

William was always a hard worker and was never afraid to tackle any kind of a job around the house. He did much of the remodeling that was done on his home himself. He also busied himself in making articles of furniture. In order to supplement his income and provide additional means for his growing family he built a duplex in the rear of his home. This building still stands and has provided a home for some of his grandchildren as well as his children when they were first married. Beverly and John Wessman and children Ann and Roger lived here in 1948-1949.

Of the twelve children born to William and Annie, five completed two year full-time missions, two graduated from college and two of the daughters graduated as registered nurses. The oldest son served in World War I and the youngest son served in World War II. All of the children except Beulah married. Beulah lived in the house even after Annie died.

Some of the men and boys of the Glade family, 1955. William John is in the center holding his hat.

Some of the women of the Glade family, 1955. Annie is in the front right carrying a handbag. 

Glade family grandchildren, 1955.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 5 of 6

It was during the summer vacation of 1916 that the first tragedy came into the Glade home. Since Will was given a week’s vacation every summer, many enjoyable times were anticipated for this week, as well as much work around the household planned for. It was on August 16th of the vacation that Will, in company with six younger children, chose to spend a day in City Creek Canyon. Annie did not attend the party. Edwin, age 4, was the youngest to take the trip, and because of his age, was allowed to ride in a small go-cart, when the trail availed such darting in and out among the shrubs along the river banks. After the family had hiked about five miles up the canyon, just beyond the large reservoir, an ideal camping spot was located and they had lunch.

Will, in company with the children, hiked around and found great enjoyment in watching the minnows in the large reservoir. Will took all of the children back to the camping site and sat down to read. The children, however, were too interested in the minnows to contend themselves with just reading at camp. Therefore the children returned to the reservoir and made themselves comfortable by sitting on the cement wall, at the south end of the reservoir, which extended about fifteen inches above the water line. Suddenly Will stopped reading and realized the danger of one of the children falling into the water. Simultaneously, with the thought Elizabeth was heard screaming to father that Edwin had fallen in. Running down the road, Will came, threw off his coat and leaped into the water. The children were crying and offered little help to Will who was enduring the cold, piercing water in the pursuit of Edwin. Will got out, jerked off his trousers, then with the aid of a large pole held by the girls dove in again to search for his child. The bowl shaped reservoir contributed to the struggle and Will had to emerge a second time from the water without his son. He managed to get out of the water by grabbing the pole held by his children.

Terrified and worried Will ran to the road where he spotted a surveying party and told them of his distress. In the party were two expert swimmers who stripped off their clothes and dove to the bottom of the reservoir, but could not locate the body. In the meantime, Will had paged a ride down to the city, and notified the police of the tragedy. They responded by sending up grappling irons and the patrol wagon. These men, aided with their grappling irons were successful in locating the body.

The frightened children ran screaming down the canyon; dragging the old cart; and raced up the hill on the east side to reach home first to tell Annie the sad news. Annie had become very worried about the safety of the children due to being suddenly seized during the afternoon with the thought of an accident to one of them. The news seemed to come to her as the climax to the fear she had cultivated that afternoon.

Edwin’s funeral was held in the Glade family’s home. Bishop Orson F. Whitney was the speaker and consoled the family by saying that no doubt the time had come for Edwin to be taken back into the presence of God. (Being the 10th child-he was their tithing child.) The family will ever remember the kindness shown them at their hour of bereavement. He was buried in the City Cemetery.

To be continued...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 4 of 6

However, before any remodeling of the home took place, Will was called by the President of the Church, Wilford Woodruff, to go on a mission to the Southern States. Both William and Annie agreed that the call should be accepted. Sacrifices were made and the four room home was rented to William’s brother, James R. Glade and his family. Annie took her son, Lester, and went to live with her mother, Mary McNair Hamilton and her sister Mary. The rent that was received from the home was turned over to the building society to keep the monthly payments up. Both Will and Annie were dedicated individuals, so that when the call came, the answer was “yes”, although he had to leave a wife and one child, with another one on the way.

[See a bit about William Glade's mission here: Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.]

William John Glade was given a farewell program in the 18th ward Independent School house. The home Dramatic Club furnished a skit and Maude May Babcock coached a dancing feature for the program. A fifty cent admission was required. They had a capacity house which raised $99.00 for Will’s mission.

Will boarded the train in 23 Feb, 1895 for the Southern States Mission. The following August, after Will left on his mission, Mary, their second child was born. It was 28 months before William John Glade finished his mission to Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia. He was met at the depot at 2:00 am on 5 July, 1897 by his brothers George, David and George Vine in the buggy with an old sorrel mare. He traveled without purse or script and performed a successful mission. His family was well cared for, not wanting for more than the necessities of life. Their faith for the Lord’s work came first and they received the Lord’s pay.

He found work in the grocery business even though the nation had just passed through a depression. In 1899, he started work in the Grocery department at Z.C.M.I. He worked there over 30 years.

In 1904, Will remodeled the home as five children necessitated the need for 3 additional rooms and a bathroom with indoor plumbing at a cost of $1,000.00. Also that year Will came down with smallpox. He was sent to an isolation hospital at the base of the Wasatch mountains near the mouth of Emigration Canyon. There was an epidemic in the City but Will’s case was slight and he soon was allowed back home.

As their family kept growing, Will turned to rental property. He built a duplex at the rear of their home. They had 2-3 room apartments built in 1910-1911 for $1,500.00. In 1913 he added two more bedrooms and two sleeping porches to the family home.

His next to last building project was 331 C Street. He was deeded the home of James Glade to settle the estate of Eliza Mary and Isabell, the two wives of James Glade. This was made into a four-plex apartment building. Each unit had three rooms. The last remodeling to their home was in 1927 which cost $2,400.00.

To be continued...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 3 of 6

Will and Annie lived at 327 C street. Furniture was bought through store pay of the S.P. Teasdale Company. Will was now earning $75.00 a month, two-thirds of which was given in store pay. The home was a modest four room cottage, consisting of a kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom and a storage room in the basement. Money was borrowed from the Building Society to finance the building of the home which was paid back in monthly payments of about $15.00 or $20.00. The lot was 2 1/2 rods wide by 10 rods deep and Lombardy poplar trees from Gilmer Park were planted around it for shade and a wind break. Grass was planted in the front yard and some fruit trees were planted in the rear. The home was heated with coal stoves in the kitchen and dining room, and a tile fireplace was built in the living room. Coal oil lamps were used for lighting purposes, with a rather large center lighting fixture hanging from the ceiling in the center of the living and dining rooms. Smaller hand lamps were used in the kitchen and bedroom.

The furniture in the bedroom consisted of a large oak double bed, with matching bureau and wash stand. The wash stand had a large china basin and water pitcher and soap dish. The bed had hand embroidered shams. In the dining room, a large square hardwood table was in the middle of the room and there were six cane-bottom dining room chairs to match the table. The table had leaves so that 12 people could be accommodated nicely. The living room was furnished with a hardwood table and two large rocking chairs were placed on each side of the fireplace and a love seat and matching chair was in front of the bay window. In the kitchen was a large coal range with warming ovens at the top which provided the heat and cooking facilities. There was a kitchen table with chairs and a baby’s high chair with wheels on it so that it could be collapsed and used for a carriage. There was a sink with running cold water. Bathing facilities were provided with a portable tub placed in front of the oven door when it was cold.

On January 23, 1894 their first child was born, a boy who was named William Lester. He was a beautiful child with large blue eyes and brown hair. Dr. Van was the attending physician. All of Will and Annie’s children were born at home except Mary, who was born at Grandma Hamilton’s home. Annie had May McFarland attend the births with Dr. Van. Once Will had to take the street car to Millcreek to get May McFarland, but she was at a dance at the Lake. He returned home and at 12:20 Elizabeth was born with only Dr. Van in attendance. After the children were born, she had domestic help until she was able again to manage the home and her family. All twelve children were born of two healthy parents and the children were all physically and mentally fit and were perfect in form This is such a blessing to be born of two healthy parents who did nothing to prevent their children being born about every two years.

As the city grew in population and the L.D.S. Hospital was built on 8th Avenue and C Street, the upper avenues were blessed with having the sewer lines, gas lines, electric lines and larger water mains installed. As Will was always alert to take advantage of these new conveniences, and as his family increased in size, the four room home was remodeled and more modern facilities were provided.

To be continued...

Advertisement from 1918 Country Gentleman Magazine, found at

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 2 of 6

Annie worked for a short length of time at the Troy Laundry, operating a collar and cuff machine, and availed herself of every spare moment at noon to crochet lace for her trousseau. It was during these times that William J. Glade saw Annie and her looks first thrilled him. The receiving yards of S. P. Teasdale’s Store (or Teasdel) were adjoining the Troy Laundry property on Main Street, where Annie spent her noon hours. A rustic window graced with the lovely presence of Annie crocheting was a perfect picture for Will, and was indeed a good reason for him to leisurely pursue his work during her noon hour. To Will, she looked divine, and he made special efforts to locate his work so that he could look her way as much as possible. When they were youngsters, Will admitted to sleigh riding down the street, hitting Annie and causing her to topple over.

Etiquette of Trousseau, Godey's Magazine and Lady's Book, 1849.

Their really first “big moment” did not occur until the July fourth celebration at the old Garfield resort on the south shores of Great Salt Lake. On this occasion, Will gathered up enough courage to ask her for a dance. She accepted and later asked to escort her home. Annie gladly consented, and she recalled later how they both ran down the length of the train to tell her Parents that she would be home later. It was a big evening for both of them, especially since both remembered so vividly all that happened. Will said he was especially impressed with the harmony of Annie’s eyes with the blue trimmed dress she wore. Their evening together was very congenial and the first spark of love was fanned into a flame.

William Glade

They went out together quite regularly for long buggy rides. On these particular days Will and Annie arranged to get off work at about four in the afternoon, which gave them ample time to enjoy their buggy rides in rigs hired from the livery stables.

It was in October when the second “Big Moment” came for Annie and Will. It was while on the way to a social that Will slipped the anticipated ring onto Annie’s finger. It was a yellow gold ring and held a diamond and a moon stone. Six months prior to this time, Will had a four room cottage built on C Street. During this time, Will was promoted to the clothing department at the Teasdale Store.

Will was 25, Annie was 20. She was in the Tabernacle Choir which sang for the Salt Lake Temple dedication.

For their wedding and honeymoon, Annie and Will wanted a trip to Logan. On the morning of 25 April, 1893 Annie and Will boarded the train for Logan. Will got off the train at Ogden. Annie didn’t know the reason and started worrying when it was drawing closer for the train to leave and Will was not in sight. Will arrived in the nick of time and explained to Annie that he had stopped to buy fruit. After arriving that evening in Logan, they went to Annie’s Aunt Agnes Purdie and had dinner and stayed the night.

The following day, 26 April, 1893 they were married in the Logan Temple by the Apostle M. W. Merrill. After the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was given in honor of the newly married couple at Aunt Agnes Purdie’s house. They remained in Logan that night, then left for Salt Lake on the following morning.

Will had big ideas about how a wedding reception should be given, but he and Annie had to be content with a social, devoid of the elaborate frills and fancies. [Both of their fathers had died in the 1880s, so the Glade and Hamilton family circumstances were somewhat reduced.] Will had sent his brother, James, (who was a professional pastry cook in Ogden) five dollars to make a wedding cake. On the way home from Logan, they stopped at Ogden to visit James and to get the cake. The wedding cake was so large it had to be packed in a barrel with handles for it. It was sent by express on the same train they came down on with special orders that it should be handled with the greatest of care. After arriving in Salt Lake, they discovered that the cake was too large to be put into a hack and the express wagon was not considered safe enough. They asked permission of the street car conductor to carry it in the front end of the street car, which was allowed. Will stayed in the front end of the car with the cake and Annie was in the other end.

Grandmother Hamilton had a lovely wedding breakfast and social in their honor after their arrival. The treasured cake formed a beautiful center piece, it was four or five layers high, beautifully frosted and decorated with fancy candies, festoonings and roses. The edges were bordered with scallops and the top smaller cake formed the platform for a miniature bride and groom. Will often said that his brother James indeed did himself proud in the making of that cake.

To be continued...

Picture of the collar and cuff machine from Women In Industry Series, No. 1, U. S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington D. C., Government Printing Office, 1913. Article about the trousseau from Godey's Magazine and Lady's Book (1849), Volume 38, Page 228.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ann Harris Hamilton Glade, Part 1 of 6

Ann was the fifth and last child born to James and Mary Watson McNair Hamilton on Easter Sunday 13 April, 1873. They were living in Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

Glasgow, Scotland, between 1890-1900.

Her mother, Mary, was not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but James was a devout member. Mary always invited the missionaries over and was very hospitable to the church members. Their first three children Mary, Elizabeth and John were baptized all on the same day in the public baths on March 12, 1880. James and wife Mary didn’t seriously object to their baptism in the public baths because they were especially rented and prepared for the sacred ordinance. However, Annie’s baptism was different. A special memory for Annie was two weeks before she turned 9 years old James, her father, took Annie on a walk along the river bank of the River Clyde. He explained to her the purpose of baptism and its importance. Then they met with other members ready for that ordinance. She was baptized in the river Clyde and confirmed by R. R. Irvine on 1 April, 1882. Her mother felt a little indifferent about Annie’s baptism as Mother Mary was now the only member of the family not baptized. She said, “It seemed cruel for her husband to have the “baby” of the family (youngest child) baptized in the cold water of the river when the other members were given the advantages incident to the bath house.”

The family left Liverpool, England and came to America in May 1884 on the S. S. Arizona. James was in charge of a company of saints who were emigrating. The voyage was rough and many were ill. The sight of New York City must have been very welcome.[1] James’ mother, Ann Harris Hamilton McQueen and step-father, Alexander McQueen came to America in 1860 and settled in Evanston, Wyoming. James and his family spent a week with his mother Ann and family before finally arriving in Salt Lake City on June 7, 1884.

In Salt Lake City, Brother and Sister White offered to share their hospitality until they found a place to live. They had known the Whites in Glasgow. They rented a home on the north-east corner of sixth Avenue and C Street. James worked at Z.C.M.I. The two oldest girls worked at the Walker House Hotel. James’ lameness made it difficult to walk for long distances. Consequently, they moved closer to his work on South Temple Street.

 Emmeline B. Wells

It was while living at this residence that Annie became acquainted with [Emmeline] B. Wells [2], the editor of the “Woman’s Exponent.” Sister Wells cultivated a fondness for Annie. It was here that Annie was given a position in the Exponent office assisting in mailing the magazines and delivering the script to be printed at the Deseret News Office. When Sister Wells was absent or out of town, she left Annie in charge. The following is a copy of one of her letters:
San Francisco, California
April 22, 1887.
My dear little Annie:
          Do all in your power for me in the office. I send you this reprint for copy for the first of May. Take it right up to the girls. Give my love to Miss Esther and Miss Jessie. I have not a minute to write letters, but if you and the girls, Esther and Jessie, do your best for me now in my great trouble, I shall never forget it. Remember me to your father, mother and sisters, and try to see to everything you can. Louie [3], whom you always loved so much, is dangerously ill, and I cannot leave her now. She speaks of you in terms of sincere affection. She is the most patient and amiable sufferer I have ever seen. Pray for us.

          In the greatest haste as I have never a moment scarcely night or day to take up my pen.

          Be a good girl and heaven bless you.

Aunt Em.
P.S. Let Mrs. Cannon know all you do, write down every day for her to see.

Annie cherished the memory of the association she had with “Aunt Em.” To Annie, Aunt Em embodied kindness, sympathy and love. She was ever diligent in the work for the betterment of her people. Because of this work, Annie was able to attend a private school conducted by Miss Cook. This was located on South Temple Street where now stands Z.C.M.I. After John Hamilton’s death in 1887, Annie, like the other children, had to work and earn as much as possible. It was because of this that Annie left Aunt Em’s office.

To be continued...


[1] According to Fritz Zaugg, another Latter-day Saint on the ship, the travelers did not see the Statue of Liberty (it had not yet been built) but they did see the newly finished Brooklyn Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in the world at that time.
In a little over 8 days we had made the trip from Liverpool to New York. About 1 p.m. the ship anchored about a mile from shore. We passed the remain[ing] night on deck, no one was seasick any more. We saw the Brooklyn Bridge with its crown of gas lights. It had just been dedicated. It was a beautiful sight and a wonder. I don't remember seeing the Statue of Liberty. It was a wonderful thing to anticipate putting my feet on this wonderful and great land of America. (From Mormon Migration.)
[2] Emmeline B. Wells (1828-1921) was a major figure in the history of the state of Utah. Her accomplishments are too lengthy and her life to interesting to summarize here, but as mentioned in this biography, she was the editor of the Women's Exponent, the publication of the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a major proponent of women's suffrage, and president of the Relief Society from 1910-1921. For a brief description of her stature in the community, read this beautiful story about an incident in her later life: "Two Presidents Meet, 1919."

[3] Emmeline's daughter Louisa Martha Wells Cannon died after a sad scandal and not long after this letter was written. See the article by Kenneth L. Cannon II, "The Tragic Matter of Louie Wells and John Q. Cannon" in The Journal of Mormon History, Spring 2009 (35:2), p 126-190.

Historical photo of Glasgow, Scotland, from the collections of The Library of Congress. Photo of Emmeline B. Wells from Wikipedia.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Charles Defriez Jarvis and His Trip to Australia

I will resume posting histories of the Glade family on Monday. In the meantime...

 Victoria Barracks, Hong Kong, 1870s. Image from Wikipedia.

Charles Defriez (Jarvis) went to sea as a young man. His life story by his daughter records the following anecdote:
Charles was in Australia with his brother Ebenezer and their friend John Miles, and with them heard of “Mormonism” so called, and while the others accepted it there, he was not converted. He continued with them on the voyage, was honorably discharged from the ship with them at Puget Sound, Washington, in the fall of 1873.

From there they traveled south through Washington, Oregon, California, and on to Utah. Here the boys separated, Eb and John going to St. George, while Charley found his way to Filmore, Utah [where he joined the church].
The George and Ann Prior Jarvis Family Organization just granted me the honor of naming me the Secretary in Charge of Family History, or something to that effect, and while I was going through the genealogical records of the Jarvis family to make sure everything is updated and documented, I saw the following record of Charles's trip to Australia. He is listed as a seaman. Also on the list are Edward Defriez (probably Ebenezer) and John Miles. The passenger list shows that they had most recently sailed from Hong Kong. What adventures the three boys had!