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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Allison Bowers (1999-2010)

Over the past few months I have been posting materials on Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward and her husband Henry John Hayward. I have wanted to write a post about the deaths of their six children, and am planning to write it, but it has been difficult to get around to it since the subject has been so close to my heart with the situation of my youngest son and his medical condition. However, the past couple of years, my son has been doing very well, and the tender feelings of potentially losing him have subsided, but a couple of days ago the whole idea of losing a child has become all too real as my sister's young daughter lost her life in a tragic accident. The entire family is in shock and mourning and we feel great sadness.

Here is my brother's blog post with some of his thoughts.

Here is the online Legacy Guest Book for leaving condolences for the family.

The Arizona Republic wrote an obituary.

[Added October 30:] Here is the obituary at the funeral home website and the Guest Book there.

[Added November 5:] Here is another beautiful post by my brother.

And here is a short video with an expression of faith in the face of death as we all, and most particularly her parents and brothers and sisters, try to deal with the loss.

...the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men... are taken home to that God who gave them life. (Alma 40:11)

Henry Overson Missionary Journal: April 8-13, 1895

Monday April 8th 95 London

Rather dull mor[n]ing aft breakfast Bro Schoenfeld and I went to the Zoological Gardens where we spent three or four hours very pleasantly viewing the Animals of every kind. A grand sight. 320 [3:20] left and took dinner at a little Coffee House on Great Portland St. and walked on down to Hyde Park. where we saw a number of carriage and Hors[e]back pleasure seekers out for the afternoon. after staying there some time went to the [?] and stayed a short time then walked back to 36, ready for bed. (Saw The [?].)

Tuesday April 9th 95.

Beautiful day after dinner Pres Morris Eld Schoenfeld and I went to and spent the afternoon at the Royal College of Surgery. then returned to 36 and in the evening Bro S and I went to St Pauls where we heard Bachs Passion Music which was fine the Cathedral was crowded full.

Wednesday the 10th 95.

Nice day the three of us took a walk down through the City visited the St. Giles Church Cripplegate, spent the evening at 36.

Thursday, April 11th 95.

Nice weather spent most of the day at 36. 240 [2:40] Pres Morris Bro Schoenfeld and I went down Farringdon Rd spent the evening here at the office

Friday April 12th 95

Bank Holiday and a Lovely day, in the morning Pres Morris Bro S. and I took a walk up through Cannonbury by the old tower. and upon returning found Bros. Winter and Words[]qust came in from Sittingbourne and the after noon we took took a trip down through the City.

Saturday April 13th 95

About 630 hearing a [k]nock. And expecting some visitors I got up went to the window dropped the Key to them.
Soon after dressed came down and met Pres Aveson Elds Ogden and Jones the last named came over when I did
And after breakfast started out to take in the sights of town those of most importance returning about 1120 tired out. when nine of us retired in three small beds. Bro Ramisyer [?] having arrived from Germany on his way home

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Henry Overson Missionary Journal: Title Page

Daily Record
H. C. Overson
#36 Penton Street

Book #3 of My Dairy [sic]
[Com]mencing April 8th 95.

From April 8th 1895

[Ni]ne Elders in three Beds     Page     2
     Crowded Bed Space

Three Beds

As closely as I can tell, this should be 36 Penton Street in Islington:

View Larger Map

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Henry Overson Missionary Journal: Introduction

Henry Christian Overson served a mission from 1893 to 1895.

The British Mission newspaper, The Millennial Star, listed the following arrivals on May 7, 1893:
Arrivals.—The Guion steamer Arizona arrived in Liverpool on the morning of May 1, having on board the following named brethren: For the British Mission—James T. Lovett, Robert Aveson, Archibald Freebairn, Stephen H. Winter, Hyrum J. Smith, of Salt Lake City; Miles A. Romney, of Juarez, Mexico; Nephi Peterson, Evan Jones, of Logan; Albert S. Farnsworth, of Beaver; Charles A. Callis, of Coalville; Lorenzo T. Shepherd, of Paris; Heber C. Boden, of Brigham City, and Jos. Ogden, of Richfield. For the Turkish Mission—Frederick A. Huish, of Payson. For the Scandinavian Mission—Chas. J. Gustaveson, of Providence; Andrew N. Kongstrup, of Loa; Carl P. Anderson, of Clarkston; Hans J. Zobell, of Provo; Ole Olson, of Mantua; Christian G. Christiansen, of Richmond; John F. Lundquist, of Snowflake; David Holmgren, of Bear River City; Christian Peterson, of Ferron; Theodore Peterson, of Logan; John Hactor Peterson, of Rabbit Valley; Niels Sandberg, of St. George; Hans A. Thomsen, of Juarez; and Henry C. Overson, of St. Johns. For the Swiss and German Mission—Jonathan J. Toronto, Francis M. Young, of Salt Lake City; O. F. Ursenbach, of Morgan; and Henry Gubler, of Santa Clara. The brethren were well, and reported a pleasant voyage of eight and a half days. Those for the continent proceeded on their journey.
Henry must not have been on the Arizona, because on May 22, 1893, the Millennial Star reported the following:
Arrivals.—The following named brethren arrived in Liverpool, on the Guion steamship Alaska, on Sunday, May 14, after a pleasant voyage of eight days from New York: Henry C. Overson, of St. Johns; Jos. S. Robison, of Montpelier; Chas. E. Carroll, Heber Timothy, and George W. Hislop, of Vernal; John Belliston, Niels Andrew Nielson, John W. McPherson, and William Jones, of Nephi; John H. Squires, of Logan; Peter S. Condie, and George Burt, of Salt Lake City; John J. James, of Paradise; and Joseph H. Turley, of Juarez, Mexico. These brethren will labor in Great Britain, except Elder Squires, who is appointed to the Swiss and German Mission.


Appointment.—Elder H.C. Overson is appointed to labor as traveling Elder in the London Conference.
Was it a delay in travel that caused the change of Henry's mission call from the Scandinavian Mission to the British Mission? Or was his mission call changed before the travel arrangements were made? What did this son of two Danish parents think about the change in his mission call?

Henry served for two years and was released in May 1895. The Millennial Star noted:
Releases and Appointments.—The following Elders have been honorably released from their labors to return home, May 9, 1895:—
Archibald Freebairn, Traveling Elder in the Scottish Conference;
James T. Lovett, Traveling Elder in the Sheffield Conference;
Henry C. Overson, Traveling Elder in the London Conference;...
Elders A. Saxey and Fred. W. Nicholls have been appointed to labor as Traveling Elders in the London Conference...
He traveled home on the ship City of Rome, arriving in New York on May 18, 1895. Henry listed his occupation as "Cattleman" on the passenger list. He was returning to Arizona, but all of the missionaries traveling with him were headed to Utah.

About a year and a half later, the returned missionary married Margaret Godfrey Jarvis, also of St. Johns, Arizona.

Here is what his wife said about his mission:
He took up a farm [in St. Johns], and planted alfalfa, and did well financially, by having a feed stable for travelers, so that from 1903 to 1905 [1893 to 1895] he was able to go on a Mission to England, and pay his own expenses. This was the period of his whole life that gave him the most joy and satisfaction, and he never tired of telling his children incidents of that happy time. He later sent three of his sons on Missions and was happy to do so, and gladly paid their expenses, that they might have a similar blessed experience.
Henry wrote three journals. I have a digital copy of the one that covers April and May 1895, and will transcribe it in subsequent posts.

Title Page
April 8-13, 1895
April 14-18, 1895
April 19-26, 1895
April 27-May 1, 1895
May 1-3, 1895
May 3-5, 1895
May 5-8, 1895


Lund, Anthon H. Ed. 1893. The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star. Vol. 55, No. 19, May 7, 1893, London: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, p 310. Emphasis added.

———. 1893. The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star. Vol. 55, No. 21, May 22, 1893, London: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, p 342. Emphasis added.

———. 1895. The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star. Vol. 57, No. 18, May 2, 1895, London: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, p 282. Emphasis added.

Overson, Henry C. Mission Journal: April-May 1895. Images courtesy of James L. Tanner.

Overson, Margaret Godfrey Jarvis. 1957. George Jarvis and Joseph George De Friez genealogy. Mesa, Arizona: M.J. Overson.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Margaret Jarvis Overson and Peter Overson

This is Margaret Godfrey Jarvis Overson and her son Marion Peter Overson. Peter was the youngest of her nine children, born when she was 41 years old, and six years younger than Ross, the next older child.

Peter got his Master's Degree in 1955 from Brigham Young University and wrote his thesis on Joseph J. Daynes, the first organist of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. (Peter's thesis is quoted in the link to Carol Madsen's article on Daynes from the Ensign.) Peter sang bass in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir from 1951-1958. He returned to Arizona and taught there and took care of Margaret in her final years. Here is another picture of Peter Overson.

Here is his mother's biography from 1954:
Marion Peter Overson, ninth child of Margaret G. Jarvis and Henry Christian Overson, was born at St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona, August 20th, 1920. Marion early showed that he was a different type of person from most of the other children of the family, he was quiet, pleasant and friendly, never quarreling or struggling for his way. He like [sic] to play quietly by himself at drawing, painting, or if other children were with him, at playing house or playing "show," dressing up and acting parts. In school he was agreeable, willing to do what was required of him, but he did not care to take part in the rough, hard games of football and basketball. He got along well with his teachers and liked them and they liked him. He early decided that he wanted to be a teacher, and he chose studies in high school that would prepare him along that line. He loved music, and during his school days played in the band, orchestra, and as an accompanist, on the piano. At home he would practice for hours at a time, and seem [sic] to loose [sic] himself in the playing.

After finishing high school, Marion was determined to continue on at College, tho' to do so he was obliged to get a part time job to help with his expenses. He enrolled at the College at Flagstaff, and was getting along well, when he took "flu" and had to go to the hospital. He worried at loosing [sic] his classes, and as soon as he could possibly be up, went back to school without the Dr.'s consent. He got rheumatic fever, but continued with his lessons and work, tho' it was hard for him to go because of the pain and stiffness in his joints, but he did not want to fail that year. When he came home in June it was found that his heart was much enlarged and in bad condition, and although everything that could be was done for him then, he soon came down with a serious sickness and his life was despaired of for months. Slowly he came back to partial health, but it took six years of treatments by doctors, and living carefully without strenuous exertion before he could resume his studies at the University of Arizona, and still his heart will never be normal.

He finally finished his studies and graduated from the State University at Tucson, receiving a B.A. degree. He has taught in Florida, St. Johns High, St. David High, Tucson, Mesa, and three years in Salt Lake City, and has taken summer work at Provo several years, also one summer in Los Angeles, and now hopes to get his Masters this summer.

He is at present in Salt Lake City, Utah. Still unmarried, (1954).

Friday, October 15, 2010

Gammon Hayward's Death and Funeral

Death of an Old Citizen.—News has reached this city of the death at San Francisco, of an old citizen of Utah, Mr. Gammon Hayward, who formerly resided in the 16th Ward. He was carried off by an attack of pneumonia, and was aged 55 years at his demise. We understand that some time since himself and family had concluded to return to this city and again take up their abode here, but death stepped in and prevented the consummation of this intention. The deceased had numerous friends and acquaintances here who will sympathize with the bereaved family.

Since the foregoing was written we have learned that the body of the deceased is now en route to this city, for burial, and that the funeral services will be conducted at 12 m. [sic] on Friday, at the 16th Ward School House. It is probable that the family accompany the remains.

The Last Offices.—The body of the late Gammon Hayward arrived in this city from California at 11.40 o'clock to-day, and were taken to the Sixteenth Ward Hall, where the funeral services were conducted, Bishop F[redrick] Kesler presiding.

Elder Joseph Horne preached the funeral sermon, and was followed by several others, among whom were Wm. Grimsdell, W. L. Binder and Bishop Kesler, who spoke words consolation to the family and friends. The remains were followed to the cemetery by many friends.

(From the Deseret News, March 7, 1883, reporting news from February 28 and March 2, 1883. The family record has his burial listed as March 1, which may be the case. Bishop Kesler also blessed and confirmed Gammon's granddaughter, Jean Hayward, and several of her brothers and sisters back in the day when these ordinances were usually performed by the ward leadership rather than the father.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Elizabeth Hayward Memorabilia

Earlier this year, Wessman cousin Toni sent pictures of a large collection of Elizabeth Hayward memorabilia. It might be awhile before I am able to work them into a series of posts about her career as a politician and activist, but here is a small sample.

Elizabeth was evidently a delegate to the National Congress in support of the League of Nations after World War I and attended a convention to support its passage. I have not been able to find out where this conference was held, but Elizabeth traveled widely to attend many political conventions, and I do wish I had asked my grandparents for her collection of commemorative spoons from locations across the country and United States, which I believe has been split up among the extended family.

Elizabeth was one of the first women to serve as a delegate to a national political convention, the 1908 Democratic Convention in Denver, so this is rather a historical artifact. Here is a Wikipedia article mentioning her involvement.

And, that's all for today!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The First House Built in Utah

The attached picture was taken and used by the Tribune for publicity in advertising the Pioneer Ball given at the ODEON, November 17, 1919.

Mrs. Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward, President of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, is sitting in large rustic arm chair; Mrs. Olive Pixton Eardley, President of the Daughters of the Mormon Battalion, is sitting in the antique home made rocking chair, and Mrs. Lily C. Wolstenholme, President of the Daughters of the Handcart Pioneers is standing by the adobe fireplace found in the interior of the first house built in Utah, which now stands on the Temple Block. This is perhaps, the only picture ever taken of the interior of the pioneer dwelling with its crude and antique furniture, ranging from the homemade carpet to the pioneer clock on the wall; and the dried apples and sage hanging from the ceiling.

The ladies in the picture wore dresses of Pioneer days; Mrs. Hayward's represents a street costume of he early '50s; Mrs. Wolstenholme's a ball dress of about the same period, and Mrs. Eardley wore a wine-colored satin which was brought from England and had the distinction of being over 75 years old.

The old log house was built in September 1847 by Osmyn Deuel, and was located just North of the East portal of the Old Fort (now Pioneer Park).

In March 1849, Albert Carrington bought it and removed it to the corner of First North and West Temple Streets, and five Carrington children were born there. When his daughter, Frances married Zebulon Jacobs, Mr. Carrington gave it to them, and they first made it home about the year 1871, being several years after their marriage. When the family had no further use for it, Mr. Jacobs gave it to the Church and in July 1912, it was removed to the Museum in the Vermont Building. Later it was removed to the rear of the Bureau of Information, (Temple Block), where it now stands. (The Vermont Building was replaced by the Crossroads Mall [which has now been demolished for the City Creek Development].)

This is the street view of the cabin. It is a bit hard to see, between the Family History Library to the left and the Church History Museum to the right.

Note by Norinne Husbands, September 13, 1990: Jennifer Lund, who works at the museum, told me that in 1976 the log cabin was put in storage, then later taken completely apart and put back together as the cabin had been originally built. The Jacobs family did not use the fireplace and had removed it, but it was placed back in when it was rebuilt and placed between the LDS Church Museum and the Genealogical Library on West Temple directly across from Temple Square. The three ladies in the picture were responsible in large part for the first renovation when it was given to the church.

There is a nice description of the cabin and its history here.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Treasure in Heaven on BYU-TV

Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story was shown on BYU-TV in-between the two sessions of general conference.

You can watch it here. It is just over 20 minutes long and is a very nice production. The site does not say how long the movie will be available online.

You can also purchase a copy online (Amazon).

[Ed., November 30, 2010: The film is now available on a collection about church history from the Church. [Doctrine and Covenants Visual Resource DVDs, item 08042000] Here is a short biography I wrote about John Tanner a number of years ago. And, finally, it would be nice if someone would start a John Tanner Family Association. It's a large and influential family, and there should be enough initiative and resources to start such an organization and finance genealogical and historical research.] 

Monday, October 4, 2010

DUP Presidents Biography

Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward. April 11, 1917, Daughter Hayward was elected President. This was during World War I, and President Hayward's work was greatly curtailed. She and her officers were called into the Red Cross service, and entered into it with a real zeal of a Daughter of a Pioneer. A service flag, honoring the men in service, was made, and it was during her term of office that a tax of twenty-five cents was levied on members to be paid annually as dues. In May, 1919, the relic exhibit was moved to the State Capitol, where Governor Simon Bamberger had given space for the same. President Hayward was one of the greatest organizers, and was an active member until her death.

Carter, Kate B. 1949. Heart throbs of the West: Volume 10. Salt Lake City, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Jean Hayward Visits New York

This is Jean Hayward on her way to Europe. The woman to her left is probably Helen Kimball Tilton, who accompanied her niece Rita Jackman and Jean to Europe. 

Here is a picture of the three of them.

(L to R) Hazel Jean Hayward, Helen Kimball Tilton, and Rita Jackman.

Thanks, as always, to Emily and Norinne for the pictures.