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Monday, January 31, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 7

Elder Spencer W. Kimball's address continued from here...

When I moved with my parents and family to Arizona at the age of three, we came into a beautiful valley, deep and rich soil, thick [mesquites] from the river bottoms, natural vegetation; and there's the years too I saw that natural [vegetation] change to planted trees, vineyards and orchards, grain fields, and it became a beautiful place. On either side of the valley is a high range of [mountains] comparable to the Wasatch Mountains here on our east, and the hundreds of times I went down that valley, up and down it, and saw high mountains lofty and piercing the sky on either side. I suppose the question went into my mind hundreds and hundreds of times, what's on the other side of that mountain?

And then one day not long ago I stepped into a plane. It circled about the field a little, climbed high into the air until I could see both the mountain ranges on the level with me, and then a little higher and we soared up over this mountain range and I saw what was beyond. It was beautiful, heavy forests, lakes in-between, comfortable homes now and then in the pines, little rivulets, high cliffs and finally many beautiful little valleys that were cultivated and enjoyed by the Lord's sons and daughters. I think it's a little like that in life. We come here between two high mountain ranges, eternities before and eternities after, and we wonder as the years go on what lies beyond. And then a rather abrupt change comes into our lives, we take flight and we climb above and beyond and we see what is there and it's good, it's beautiful. The Lord said, "[Eye hath] not seen, nor [ear] heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." It[']s glorious and as we imagine we can hardly touch with our imaginations the things which are ready for us if we but live the commandments.

The Lord in his Sermon on The Mount said, "I cannot drew [?] or destroy the law, and to the Prophets, I am not come to destroy but to fulfill and to add to, to increase, to exalt." And then he goes forward with a great sermon, I am certain you have heard it said by them of old times, "Thou shalt not kill, but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment." He says that you have heard that it hath been said that in old times, "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, but I say unto you whosoever look upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already with her in his heart." The [lesser] law was being fulfilled, the greater law was being given. And then again you have heard it that it hath been said that in old time, "Thou Shalt Not Forswear Thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oath, that I say unto you swear not at all." You have heard that it hath been said, "An Eye For An Eye And A Tooth For A Tooth, but I say unto you that you resist not evil but whosoever shalt smite you on they right cheek turn to him the other also." "If any man will [sue] ye of the law of take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also." "Whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him [twain]." "Give to him who ask of thee and from him that would borrow of thee, turn thou not away." You have heard it said, "Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor and Hate Thine Enemy, but I say unto you love your neighbors, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven." Then at the conclusion is a beautiful thought. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." Will we reach perfection, very, very close to perfection in this life, that is the most due.

To be continued...

(There are a number of obvious problems with the transcript, but I have left most of it as is.) Photo "On the Way to Mt. Graham" from

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 6

Remarks By - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Elder Spencer W. Kimball

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters: I think that here is Heaven. A funeral is a glorious experience, here gathered together the sweetest singers, the most delightful people and here everyone has a singleness of heart. No [soul] comes to this meeting with conflicts. Everyone is full of love, sympathy and understanding, and I think when the Lord sends his angel to part the curtains of the [veil] that we get a little glimpse on the other side. Perhaps at no time in our lives, unless it would be in the Holy Temple, do we come closer to the infinite, closer to our Heavenly Father, closer to those who have gone before, than we do at a funeral service.

I hope that I may be able to go to a place and to a condition where there will be people like Brother Glade and his family and you good folks. I hope that there will be where I should go, the singleness of heart and the singleness of thought. I hope that I will go where Sister Jessie Smith will be so that throughout all the eternities I can hear that beautiful voice. I hope I'll go where these lovely ladies go, who play so beautifully on these violins. I think there will be violin music in Heaven. And I should like to be where Brother and Sister McMaster sing throughout eternity. I think if their voices could be improved, they will be, perfected in the eternities. I think they will get joy in bringing satisfaction and peace to us throughout the eternities. And then I'm glad for Brother Sperry and his closeness to Brother Glade. I've always wished I had the eloquence of Brother Hin[c]kley, and his depth of feeling. He's kind of an ideal to me; and then you good folks.
I think that frequently on the earth we get a taste of Heaven, we feel its nearness, its beauties, its ecstasies. I think that's true here today. I have thought that maybe the angels weren't far away today for I think I have never felt a sweeter spirit than is here today.

To be continued...

(President Kimball served in the Central States Mission at the same time as Lester Glade, so they were acquaintances from several decades prior to the funeral.)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 5

Remarks By - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pres. Bryant S. Hin[c]kley

My Brethren and Sisters: I come to this task with a sincere desire to say the right thing and I hope you will endorse me with your faith and prayers.

These people who are the chief mourners on this occasion are my kins-people. [1] I know them very well. I've been in their home. I knew Brother Glade very well, intimately. His wife has asked me to say a word here. Naturally my feelings are very close to the service. I owe a debt of gratitude to Sister Glade for the services which she has rendered in my behalf. A debt that I shall never discharge and never forget and always cherish.

Lucille [sic] is no ordinary woman. She is a woman with a great and tender heart, and rarely gifted with some of the precious characteristics that make up a great woman. She has walked by Lester Glade's side for nearly thirty years, and I am safe in saying that no crisis ever arose in his life where she didn't sustain him and make a contribution that no one else could do. I know her and she can do it. God bless her.
These children are fine children. They were in a good home. Lester Glade was born of good parents, goodly parents. He had a fine inheritance and he has proven true to these inheritances, and made a wonderful record. If I could only speak to you for a moment or two, but I'd like if I could to get over this thought, that somehow in the common everyday virtues, this man was great. He never did a spectacular thing, I suppose, in his life. He was not distinguished perhaps because of something really heroic. He never followed the flag in battle, he never wrote a book or built a skyscraper, I do not suppose, my Brethren and Sisters, but where would you find his superior when you measure him against the plain virtues that make life worth living.

When he died he was a High Priest, an honorable High Priest in the Church, with a magnificent record of church service behind him, all the way from his childhood on. He never faltered or escaped any responsibility that confronted him. He was a kindly, modest man who made friends and helped you. A home loving man, a man whose pride in his family was supreme. I hardly ever met him that he didn't tell me what a magnificent wife he had and how much he thought of his children and brothers and sisters.

All the day long he preached his religion, he was a missionary whereever [sic] he went, no matter, he preached the gospel. So he majored as a husband, a father, a friend, an honest man, the noblest work of God. Brave and strong, it was always sort of pathetic to see the courage with which he faced the inevitable. He could gradually see that he was losing the fight but still he was cheerful. God bless his memory, God bless this woman. I know she will rise to the situation, to take care of herself and her children and do her part nobley [sic] and indeed heroically.

One other word and I'm through. Is this the end of Lester Glade? Fifty-eight years of fine living, never left a debt unpaid or an obligation unmet. Did every day as plain duty and did it splendidly and supurbly [sic], and now he's finished, the story is told. Where has he gone? What lief beyond the grave? What is the reward for fine living? Is death a step into eternal darkness when his heart beats for the last time? Was that an everlasting farewell to this good woman and these children and his kins-people[?] Oh no, that wasn't what he believed, he believed and this belief sustained him as it will sustain all who entertain it. Death is but a pulsation point in the great process of life. We go from this world to tread the paths of a higher and better world. What do the Prophets say: "It hath been made known to me by an angel from Heaven that the spirits of all men as soon as they depart from this mortal body are taken home to that God who gave them life."

Isn't it a glorious thought that death on the otherside [sic] is a homecoming. Let me tell that there are no joys, no earthly joys quite comparable to the joys that come through homecoming. God bless his memory, his children, his wife, forever, I pray in the name of Jesus . . . . Amen[.]

[1] After his second wife, Ada Bitner, died in 1930, Bryant Hinckley married Lucile Green Glade's aunt, May Green, in 1932. May Green Hinckley served as the third general president of the Primary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1940 until her unexpected death from pneumonia in 1943.

Monday, January 24, 2011

John Tanner Biography: Birth Record

Thanks to my dad, who tells the story of finding the record at Genealogy's Star, this is a photo of John Tanner's original birth record.

This // of the birth of Joshua Tanner & his wife Thankful.
children — Mary Tanner was born March 10th Day Ad 1776
John Tanner was born August 15th Day Ad — 1778 —
Entered Dec. 1 Ad 1779 By — Abel Tanner Town Clerk
Thankful Tanner was born December 20th AD — 1880.
Susannah Tanner was born May 2nd AD — 1783.
Elizabeth Tanner was born December 25th AD — 1785.
Esther Tanner was born May 10th — AD — 1788
Pardon Tanner was born March 23 — AD — 1791.

Entered on Record May 13th.
AD 1791 — —
By Caleb Potter T. Clerk

John Tanner was born on August 15, 1778 in Hopkinton, Washington County, Rhode Island. Also listed in the record: parents Joshua and Thankful (Tefft) Tanner, and siblings Mary, Thankful, Susannah, Elizabeth, Esther, and Pardon. Brothers Francis, Joshua and William are not listed. John was the second of ten children, five boys and five girls.

John Tanner's birth is also listed in the database Rhode Island Births, 1636-1930, as found on

Photograph used by permission.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 4

Rulon Sperry's talk continued...

While I was serving as Bishop of this Ward, he doesn't know it, but there has [sic] been members who have told me of his generosity and it has cost him considerable sums of money too. I didn't get it from him. Several years ago he happened to be at the Holy Cross Hospital when a member of the Bishopric of this Ward was brought in who had met with a very serious accident that later proved fatal. Seeing Brother George Ross brought in on a stretcher with a broken leg, he immediately seeing there was a lack of help at that time at the hospital, put forth every effort to give assistance and help. He stayed there for hours, right at Brother George Ross's side in the hospital. A few hours later when I heard of the accident and rushed to the hospital Brother Glade had left. The first thing Brother Ross said; Brother Glade, Brother Lester Glade has been here and you will never know the help and kindness he displayed here during the first few hours that I was in the hospital, giving every help and attention that he could possibly give. He said I will be eternally greatful [sic] for the goodness of that man. Well, Lester didn't go around and tell what he had done there, you can always get those things from others.

I appreciate my association with this good man. I consider it as a personal loss We have enjoyed his companionship in a study group to which he belonged, he and his wife, the group from this Ward, and others close by for the past 15 years. We certainly will miss his presence and his association here.

He was a great character. He suffered long but bore it with patience, never complaining. He had faith that he would get well. He had great faith, I've never seen greater faith displayed, but I am sure that his feelings and sentiment were as the spirit of the song that was rendered so beautifully by Sister Jessie Smith.

He was willing to do what the Lord wanted him to do, that was his spirit, his attitude, his feelings. It will be a wonderful thing to me if I can some day be in the presence of the old Prophets and Apostles that walked and knew the Saviour. With Joseph of old and the great character Nephi, and Alma, the Prophet Joseph Smith and these good men, the Apostles in this dispensation. It will be a wonderful experience to be with them some day in the hereafter. But if I can be permitted to associate and to have as a bosom companion such plain and simple folk as Lester Glade and his kind, that's all that I'll ever ask for. It was good to be in his presence. He was good company. Lucille [sic] and Les and my wife during the past few years, during his sickness, have taken several one day trips around and in various places close by. Those experiences have been sweet and I am glad we had them.

The Lord bless his family. I shall always revere and cherish his association for I loved him as a brother. The Lord bless you Lucille [sic], Beverly, Marge and Robert. Your friends are with you as far as it is possible, willing to give you support. But we know that from a certain point that you will have to go alone, but there is a God in Heaven who gives comfort and solace and he will be with you, I know. Lord bless this fine Glade family. Sister Glade, the Lord bless you and your children, his brothers and sisters. He loved them. May the peace of the Lord be with us all, I pray in the name of Jesus . . . . Amen:

To be continued...

Part 3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 3

Remarks By - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Patriarch Rulon J. Sperry

There's a beautiful spirit here today. I hope the few moments that I occupy this position that I might be able to control my emotions. The passing of Lester is nearer to my heart than most people think.

I was going back in my mind to the time when I first met Lester and I concluded that it was about thirty-eight or thirty-nine years ago, when we both attended the missionary school or evening class that was held in connection with the L.D.S. University. It was customary to hold these classes before the missionary home was created. We both had a desire to go on missions for the Church so we attended that class and there we became acquainted. And the association has become very close and has endured until now.

We went to the mission field in different missions. Upon our return shortly after the World War, the First World War, he was home first and had gone into service. I was held in the mission field for about four years. The day that I got home, he heard about it and called at my home, and this association was renewed and the next few years were very happy ones.

 1921, Yellowstone National Park. 
Left to right: Lester Glade, May Green, Rulon Sperry, Lucile Green, William Birkenshaw.

We were together a great deal in our social activities and in church. We went on several trips together. Probably the most outstanding one to Lester was when we went to Yellowstone and at Mammoth Camp he met a missionary friend of his, May Green, who later became Mrs. Bryant Hinkley [sic]. She said she had a niece that she would like to have him meet. So later we went over to the Hotel and there Lester met the sweet girl who later became his wife. From that time on during the rest of the trip there seemed to be a new light in Lester's eyes. It was not long after that when I returned that he started courting Lucille [sic] and our association together was very happy and pleasant. The young folks today call it double-dating, but that's what we did for several years. And then when they decided to marry, Lester honored me by asking me to stand by his side at the wedding reception. We later moved into this Ward and for twenty-eight years we have resided in the same Ward.

Our paths have crossed many, many times, in joys and in sorrows. We have been on many trips together, many outings, many social functions, sat in church together, and the association has been very sweet indeed. I can truthfully say that in all the years that I have been associated with Lester, that I have never heard him say an unkind word. I have never heard him use the name of the Lord in vain, and I have never heard him tell a story that was not fit to be told in the presence of ladies. Now that was the kind of a character Lester Glade had. I can truthfully say that I have never seen or been acquainted with a more Christ-like personality than Lester Glade. He was honest, he was true, he was devoted, he was generous. He possessed all the fine qualities that a real Christian should possess. One of the Apostles of old said; "True religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this" : To visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted before the world. If anyone has more nearly lived up to this, I don't know who he is.

Rulon Sperry's talk to be continued...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Stapley and Bryant Families in Australia

The Church History Library in Salt Lake City is currently digitizing its out-of-copyright collections and making them available on the Internet Archive. Many thanks to J. Stapley for sending a link to Zion's Watchman (1853), a publication of the Australian Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has a number of references to members of the Stapley and Bryant families.

Here's a brief review of the genealogy of these early Australian converts.

Henry Stapley and Elizabeth Tarbutt of Rolvenden, Kent, England, had four children including Charles and Sarai. 

John Bryant and Jenny Watson, also of Rolvenden, had seven children including Samuel and Sarah.

Charles Stapley married Sarah Bryant and Samuel Bryant married Sarai Stapley. Both of these families emigrated to New South Wales, Australia, where they joined the church.

Zion's Watchman includes notes of church conferences and missionary efforts, and tells of the departure of the Stapley and Bryant families for California on the Julia Ann, including some notes about their travel:
Sisters Stapl[e]y and Bryant have lately remarked to me, they were told before leaving Australia, they would not be able to endure the fatigues of the journey, but they could not see but they enjoyed as good health, and were just as happy on the vessel as when at home, and much more so in anticipation of soon bein[g] numbered with the saints in Zion (157-58).
(Note: they were on the first voyage of the Julia Ann, not the second voyage that ended in a shipwreck on a desert island.)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

John Tanner Biography: Pioneers and Prominent Men

Due to an extensive amount of interest in John Tanner, undoubtedly due to the recent movie, Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story, I'll be posting a few items about John Tanner from time to time.

Here is a brief biography of John Tanner from the book Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah (Frank Esshom, 1913, available here.) I hesitate to reproduce it, since some of the information is clearly false, and other information may be false, but I will footnote the information. Please leave comments if you have further, documented information.

TANNER, JOHN (son of Joshua Tanner and Thankful Tefft of New York). Born Aug. 15, 1778, Hopkinton, R. I. [1] Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. [2]

Married Tabitha Bently in Jan. 1800, Greenwich, N. Y. (daughter of Elisha Bently, pioneer Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company [3]). She was born Aug. 23, 1780, died April 1, 1801. Only child: Elisha Bently b. March 23, 1801. [4]

Married Lydia Stewart in 1801 at Greenwich, Washington county, N. Y. (daughter of William Stewart and Amy Hunton [5]), who was born 1783. [6] Their children: William Stewart b. Oct. 27, 1802; Matilda b. Sept. 14, 1804, d. April 17, 1888; Willard b. Oct. 29, 1806, d. Aug. 12, 1807; Sidney b. April 1, 1809 (d. Dec. 5, 1895), m. Louisa Conlee; m. Julia Ann Shepherd; m. Rachel Neyman; John Joshua b. Dec. 19, 1811, d. Sept. 9, 1897; Romelia b. April 1, 1814, d. April 16, 1814; Nathan b. May 14, 1815; Edward b. Oct. 3, 1817, d. Oct. 21, 1817; Edwin (twin of Edward) b. Oct. 3, 1817, d. Oct. 8, 1817; Maria Louisa b. Nov. 28, 1818, m. Amasa M. Lyman (died); Martin Henry b. March 21, 1822; Albert Miles b. April 4, 1825, d. July 16, 1879. [7]

Married Eliza Beswick [8] 1825, Bolton, Warren county, N. Y. (daughter of Everton Beswick and Anna Lamb), who was born Nov. 28, 1803, at Bolton, and died June 8, 1890, Payson, Utah. [9] Their children: Myron b. June 7, 1826; Seth Benjamin b. March 6, 1828; Freeman Everton b. Jan. 3, 1830; Joseph S. b. June 11, 1833, m. Elizabeth Haws; m. Jannette Hamilton; Philomelia b. March 10, 1835, d. May 28, 1838; David Dan b. Feb 8, 1838; Sariah b. July 19, 1849, d. March 12, 1853; Francis b. March 10, 1843, d. June 5, 1844. [10] Family home Payson, Utah. [11]

Notes to the Article

[1] So far, so good. These facts seem to be widely accepted, although they are probably from family sources and otherwise undocumented. Anyone have documentation? [See comment below and subsequent post here.]

[2] Amasa Lyman, the husband of John Tanner's daughter Maria Louisa, did travel in the company, but it was called the Willard Richards Company, and it reached Utah between October 10 and 19, 1848. Here is the record of the Willard Richards Company (1848) in the Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel database.

[3] Now this is a fascinating detail. I would almost dismiss this note out of hand, but an Elisha Bentley of unknown dates is listed in the same pioneer company as the Tanners. Is it possible that John Tanner's first father-in-law also joined the church and came across the plains with the family? He would have been very old at the time, and New Family Search shows his dates as 1730-1798. But it also shows his birthplace as Greenwich, Washington, New York, and that is false since Greenwich was not settled until the 1760s, so the birth and death dates could be false as well. But assuming that he was at least 20 years older than his daughter Tabitha, he would have been over 88 at the time that they crossed the plains. It's possible! It would be worth reading through all of the Sources about the pioneer company to see if there are any mentions of Elisha Bentley. Other options: it could be a brother of Tabitha Bently. It could be a cousin. Is it possible that this is John Tanner's son Elisha Bently Tanner? New Family Search shows Elisha Tanner dying March 11, 1858, in New York State, but like all the other dates about this family, that may need some double checking.

[4] This death date is contradicted in New Family Search, which shows a death date of April 9, 1801. It is hard to tell if this date is accurate, since there are pages and pages of sources for Tabitha, but none of them seem to be primary sources. As noted in footnote 3, Elisha Bently Tanner seemed to stay in New York.

[5] Lydia's mother is alternately listed as Amy Hulton and Hutton and Huntington.

[6] New Family Search shows Lydia's birth date as 1773 rather than 1783. Which is correct? I would guess 1783, because that would put her age at marriage at 17 or 18 to a 22 or 23 year old John Tanner, instead of being five years older than him, which was unlikely in that culture. She also had her last child in 1825, and it is much more likely that she was 41 at that time than that she was 51 at that time. It would be rare if a woman who started to bear children at a young age and continued bearing children regularly was fertile after her late 30s or early 40s.

[7] Although they may or may not be accurate, I'm not going to bother checking any of the children's dates, but I will note that these dates are a reminder how very difficult and tragic life could be back in the days before modern obstetrics and medical care: twelve children, with four of them dying before their first birthday, and then the mother dying eight weeks after the birth of her last child. Hopefully some of the joys of life compensated for all of the sad times.

[8] Was she commonly called Eliza? I've always seen her called Elizabeth in the family materials. I've never envied Elizabeth her job, marrying into a family with nine children, the oldest two years older than she was, the youngest still a baby, but from all accounts, she was an amazing woman.

[9] These facts are contradicted in New Family Search.

[10] As with Lydia's children, I will not bother checking the children's dates. They may or may not be accurate.

[11] John Tanner died April 13, 1850 in South Cottonwood (now Murray), Utah, and probably never traveled as far south as Payson, which was first settled in October 1850. The widow Elizabeth Beswick Tanner and some of her children lived there after they returned from the San Bernardino settlement in California, but John Tanner's children spanned the continent from New York and Massachusetts and Ohio to California. Here is a thorough summary of the lives of all his children by Karen Bray Keeley: Tanner Family Dispersion. Check out the rest of her wonderful site for more information about the family.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 2

Opening Prayer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brother James H. Sullivan

Our Father Which Art In Heaven: We are met here this day to pay our respects to Brother William Lester Glade's family and to express our sorrow and our sympathy, and to acknowledge our presence here, and the tributes that shall be made and offered and the music rendered, to show our love and esteem for this thy servant who has passed on to his reward.

Our feelings today are that of mingled joy and sorrow. We sorrow because of the loss of this good man, our associate, and we sorrow because of the fine family for the great loss they have sustained. And yet our hearts are full of gratitude and thanksgiving that we come here today conscious of the fact that he has been a devoted servant of thee.

He has performed every duty and task assigned, faithful and energetic in all the labors of the Church. He has been a fine provider, furnishing a lovely home for his good family, giving them guidence [sic] and supervision for their good and for their benefit. We have rejoiced as we have labored with him and have observed his diligence in serving thee, his devotion to every task assigned, his anxiety for the growth and development of the church and for the welfare of its members. He has been a friend to those in need, at many times he has given them succor and helped them through tried [sic], seemed [?] and troubless [sic] times because of his goodness and greatness of heart. For all of these things, we are most greatful [sic] to thee our Father.

Notable among his labors in thy Church has been his long years of services as an ordained temple worker in thy holy Temple. In performing the task there, he has moved in a spirit of dignity, characteristic with his fine feelings toward sacred and holy things. He has been loved by everyone with whom he has associated. In that labor he has been careful not to offend those who frequented thy Holy Temple. He has treated them with consideration and kindness, he has been respectful to authority, bowing to every wish, consistent with thy holy mind and will. For all these things we are most greatful [sic].

We thank thee that we have known him, that it has been our pleasure to associate with him, to feel his kind spirit and to observe his desire to serve thee and to see thy great work grow and spread abroad in the earth.

Now we pray that thou will bless us throughout these services, bless those who shall address us and those who render music. May all be done to the end that this fine family may be comforted and consoled. Hear our humble prayer our Heavenly Father and bless those who shall take part in this program, that we may all be edified and draw nearer to thee by reason of these sacred services this day.

We pray for the fine family. We desire to express to thee too, our appreciation and our thanksgiving for the fact that our dear brother has been permitted to live to see the return of his son from his mission. In spite of the seriousness of the illness with which he was afflicted, our prayers have been answered and thou hast been good to him through all these months and years that he has suffered so much.

Thou bless his family. May they keep in mind his fine character, his desire to serve thee and his love and respect for his family and his loved ones and his friends. Accept of our gratitude and watch over us now while we further wait before thee. Let thy peace attend us in all of our prayers, we pray most humbly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ . . . . . Amen[.]

To be continued...

Part 1

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 1

Funeral Services

Held in the Wasatch Ward Chapel
Tuesday, June 24, 1952, 12:30 p.m.


Remarks By -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  Bishop Preston W. Parkinson

"Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted."

I am sure this promise of our Saviour has been made manifest in the home of the Glades this past week. I am sure the influence of our Father in Heaven has been there to abide with them, that it will continue to comfort them in this their bereavment [sic].

William Lester Glade was a faithful member of the High Priests of the Wasatch Ward. He was beloved by all that knew him. He was generous with his earthly means, he was honest in his dealings with our Father in Heaven, he was an active Latter Day Saint. The saints of this ward mourn his passing. We will miss his genial smile, his sense of humor, his attendance here at our meetings. But we rejoice this day in our acquaintance with him, in the many hours we have spent with him, in church, in the canyons, and every activity that drew us together. We rejoice that he has been relieved of his agony and suffering and that our Father in Heaven has seen fit to call him home.

It has been said that we have three responsibilities, that of living the gospel and teaching it to our family, to preach it to others, and to redeem our dead. Brother Lester has fulfilled these requirements to a very fine degree. He has a fine Latter Day Saint family. He always encouraged missionary work, performing a mission himself, supporting his son on a mission, and keeping in touch with the missionaries of the Wasatch Ward and the boys and girls of his friends who are on missions. He was always interested in genealogical and temple work. As a worker in the Temple he and Lucille [sic] spent many fine hours there laboring for those friends and relatives, and assisting others to do that fine and noble work.

Lester's will and determination to live was miraculous in my opinion. I haven't seen a man with stronger faith and the desire to accomplish those things he set out to do. I am sure that only the faith and prayers of his family and loved ones kept him with us long enough to see the return of his son, Robert, from the Great Lakes Mission approximately a week before his demise.

The love and devotion of his wife Lucille [sic] has been marvelous to behold. She has certainly given us a fine example of the relationship that should exist between a husband and a wife. There's [sic] has been a religious home. As Nephi of old they were born of goodly parents and, therefore, they were taught the teachings of their father and mother. We sympathize with them in their loss, with these fine children, the grandchildren, the mother of Brother Glade, his brothers and sisters at this time.

The Ward members will long remember Lester and I hope they will continue to be kind, to assume the burdens and hardships of this family, and to share their love and devotion.

The services today have been arranged by the family. The opening prayer will be offered by Brother James H. Sullivan, a member of the High Priests Quorum of this Ward, and also a Temple worker at the time Brother Glade was in the Temple. We will then be favored with a vocale [sic] solo by Sister Jessie Evans Smith, who will sing, "Thy Will Be Done." She will be accompanied by Melva A. Johnson who has played the Prelude Music. Patriarch Rulon J. Sperry will be the first speaker, the former Bishop of the Ward and a friend of the family. We will then be favored with two violin trio selections by [Dorothy] June Glade Moss [the daughter of Lester's cousin James Vernon Glade and Bessie Hocking Cushing], Marian Flandrow [Flandro], Mildred Gaddie, and accompanied by Lucille Swensen. We will next hear remarks by President Bryant S. Hinkley [Hinckley], a relative of Lucille's by marriage. Then President and Sister J. Stuart [and Clara Watkins] McMaster will favor us with a vocal duet, "Beside Still Waters." We will then have remarks by Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Council of the Twelve.

To be continued...

I wanted to include the musical selections from the funeral, but couldn't find them, so instead, here is a song by Clara W. McMaster, who sang a duet with her husband at the funeral.

Glade 2: William Lester Glade, Part 5

Lucile and Lester.

Lester and Lucile shared a love of the gospel and working in the church. They supported each other in every calling to serve. Lester was President of the Y.M.M.I.A., also in the presidency, a genealogy chairman, in the Elders presidency, Seventies presidency, and a Temple worker for twelve years. He was a real enthusiastic worker, always eager and available to help the cause of Jesus Christ. The ward vegetable garden grew so well during World War II because Lester alone would keep it going. Lucile served as a teacher in Seminary, MIA, Primary, Sunday School, and religion class when she was 14. She was also Principal of the Seminary and Relief Society President and Secretary in that organization.

The children will always remember their father up early reading from the Doctrine and Covenants. He was always doing genealogy in his spare time, in fact he made time to do genealogy. He was an ideal Latter-day Saint. He loved his wife and family and was very proud of their accomplishments. The gospel was very important to him. He never passed up an opportunity to tell his friends and business acquaintances about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He loved anything of a cultural nature—music, opera, theater, art or great speakers. Lester was very intelligent. He was deeply patriotic. He was very thoughtful and considerate of other peoples [sic] needs and wants. His personality wasn't showy or outgoing—more quiet and reserved, but on occasion he would cut-up or joke and be a lot of fun. He was sincere and not prone to flattery. He didn't show his feelings and did not become angry. He could write well and earlier in his life wrote poetry.

 Labor Day picnic, 1944. 
Left to Right: Beverly, Jack Green, Eliza Turner Green, Bob, Marjorie, Lester, Lucile.

Lester at the Labor Day picnic, 1944.

A blow came to Lester and Lucile when they found out he had Leukemia. For eight long years Lucile took care of him patiently, untiringly, and devotedly. Doctors tried many experiments as a cure on Lester, but none were effective. Through their faith, he was privileged to send his son on a mission, a life-long dream. Just ten days after Bob's return from the Great Lakes Mission, Lester passed away June 18, 1952. He only knew four of his seventeen grandchildren, and was so proud and happy to show them off.

Left to Right: Lester holding Ann, Beverly, Bob, Marjorie and unknown.

A few remarks from his funeral services are as follows:

Patriarch Rulon Sperry said, "I have never known a more Christ-like man than Lester Glade. He never spoke unkindly of anyone or made any derogatory remarks or criticized anyone. He never told unfit stories. Lester was always willing to help when needed. Lester was a man of great faith. He wanted to always serve the Lord."

Bishop Parkinson said, "Lester was a devoted family man; he had a miraculous will to live. He was a genial, friendly man and had a great sense of humor. Lester fulfilled the three great purposes of life: Living the gospel and teaching it to his family; Preaching to others; and Redeeming the dead."

 Lester with his father, William John Glade, on Father's Day, 1945.

Bryant S. Hinckley said, "Their home was a good home. He never did anything spectacular, but lived a clean, virtuous life. He was an honest, kindly, modest man."

Spencer W. Kimball concluded the funeral services with a gospel sermon and said, "Here today is a part of heaven... Death is a great release and part of the plan of exaltation."

Lester has a glorious place in heaven!

Thanks to my mother for the copies of all the pictures. Next will be the entire text of the funeral service, and then on to a biography of Lucile Green Glade.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Glade 2: William Lester Glade, Part 4

 Lester, Beverly, and Lucile.

On Monday, [date], a baby girl was born to the Lester Glades at L.D.S. Hospital. Lucile's sisters Mildred and Leone helped move her household from 'C' Street to the new home. So Lucile came from the hospital to her new home. She's never had the experience of moving into another home in her life. Lucile lived in Wasatch Ward all her married life, but has been in five stakes. The ward originally extended from 13th South to 21st South and from 13th East to the Wasatch Mountains. Now the boundaries are 13th South to Emerson Avenue (15th South) and from 13th East to 15th East.

Lester and Bob.

The first baby was named Beverly Lucille. Five years later, Marjorie Ann was born on [date], a beautiful, blue-eyed, blonde baby. Two years later Robert Lester was born on [date], a chubby boy. How special to have a boy to carry on the Glade name.

Beverly, Lester, Bob, Lucile, Marjorie.

In 1935, Lester decided to go into business for himself as a manufacturers representative. He had various lines in builders hardware, representing several companies, one of which was the Boyle Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of United States Steel Company. Through this connection, they made many happy visits with the Waltons at 3744 Colonial Avenue, in Mar Vista, California, while Lester and Lucile were on business trips for these companies. Business trips were also made to the East to other represented companies. They also went to the 1934 Chicago World's Fair, to New York City, Washington D.C., Northwest Canada, and other parts of the United States. They visited Church historical sites, and Independence, Missouri, Lester's former mission headquarters. They loved traveling. Their last trip together was to Hawaii in October, 1951.

 Lester and Lucile in Hawaii.

They took their family to California in 1937, to San Francisco for the 1940 World's Fair. They went to Yellowstone Park, to the canyons, and to the Northwest in 1947. Every year when the three children were younger, they went camping in the mountains for a week's vacation with their study group and their families. These were special vacations that their children always loved and still remember. No campers or trailers were used — they really roughed it. They had to take their own tables, chairs, bedding (no sleeping bags in those days), stoves, everything but the firewood. These trips were taken to be together. Any vacation taken was made economically. None of the family were big spenders but loved doing and being together.

To be continued...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Glade 2: William Lester Glade, Part 3

Lester and Lucile, 1922.

On April 12, 1922, Lester took his mother and father, his sister Mary, and Ben Walton to the Temple for Ben and Mary to be married. That night at the reception, Lester was Ben's best man and afterwards took the newlyweds to the Hotel Utah.

Just before Lucile and Lester were married in 1923, Mary Walton gave Lucile a shower at her home at 1549 Emerson Avenue. All the married members of the Glade Club were invited. The Glade Club was organized at a shower for Mary at Zina Glade's home on Ramona Avenue. The Glade Club is all members of the Glade family. It still meets every April and October in Salt Lake City. [Anyone know if it's still meeting?]

On June 6, 1923, Lester and Lucile were married in the Salt Lake Temple by Joseph Fielding Smith, who was president of the temple at that time, and is now tenth president of the Church. [That means that this history was written between 1970 and 1972. I couldn't tell since it had been retyped. I assume this history was written by Beverly. Anyone know?] Lucile was born April 14, 1898, the fourth child of Henry Green and Mary Isabel Pettit. A reception was held in the Green home at 127 'F' Street that evening.

Lester and Lucile honeymooned in Provo at Vivian Park (and also went to visit the insane asylum), and to see the Telluride Electric Company power station at the mouth of Provo Canyon where Lester had his first job. 

At "The Ranch" with friends. 

Their first home was at 331 'C' Street in Salt Lake City, The Glade Apartments, which had been the old home of the Glade family. They lived in the second floor front apartment for almost one year. Lester was M.I.A. President and Lucile taught a class of girls in Y.W.M.I.A. Lester's sisters Melissa and Florence were in her class. Lester, at this time, worked for Z.C.M.I. wholesale hardware as a buyer. Lucile continued to work at White House Furniture....she naturally bought a living room set, a dining room set and a bedroom set at that time.

View Larger Map

Lester belonged to a group called the Building Society, and had acquired enough money in the group to purchase two lots on Sherman Avenue, way out southeast at that time from downtown Salt Lake City. Lester and Lucile spent many happy ours planning their new home at 1421 Sherman Avenue. Howard Layton, whose wife was Lucile's sister Leone, was just going into the building business, and he built this home and one for the Laytons adjacent at 1427 Sherman Avenue. Lucile, as of this writing, still lives in this lovely, six room home [1,316 square feet, 3 bedroom, 1 bath on a 0.14 acre lot].

View Larger Map

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Glade 2: William Lester Glade, Part 2

Prior to his mission call, Lester had experienced other important events in connection with the Church. He was so happy when he was baptized at the Salt Lake Tabernacle baptismal font on March 29, 1902, and when he was ordained a deacon in the Eighteenth Ward in 1911 and could pass the sacrament. His mother and father believed in early religious training in the home, and also the advantage of attending Sunday School and other church classes regularly; they always took the children to Sacrament Meeting when they were old enough.

The program for Lester's missionary farewell.

Lester was set apart for the Central States Mission on Tuesday, November 9, 1915 by Joseph Fielding Smith, and he left November 10 for Kansas City, Missouri. He made many life-long friends in the mission, was secretary to President S[amuel] O. Bennion in the mission and traveled a great deal with him. Headquarters for the mission at that time was Independence, Missouri. He returned from [his] mission on April 1, 1918.

Mission Conference held at Independence, Missouri. 
Lester is in the fourth row from the front, fifth from the right.

The certificate of release from his mission, signed by President Bennion. 
Look at that beautiful lettering of Lester's name!

Lester's draft card, which was filled out while he was a missionary in Missouri.

On 11 May 1918, he enlisted in the Infantry of the U.S. Army. He obtained the rank of sergeant, and served as Acting Sergeant Major during the last four months of service. The signing of the Armistice on November 11, 1918 kept him from overseas duty. He performed a lot of missionary work while he was in the military service. He served until 13 February 1919.

Reverse side of the picture says "Sgt. W. L. Glade / Camp Lee, Va. / Nov. 28, 1918 / Once "Rev." / Now Ready for Over Sea Service"

At this time his father bought the family's first automobile. It was a new Dodge car and came when Lester's father and mother deserved its enjoyment. Lester was the first chauffeur and enjoyed driving his mother and father, as they never learned to drive. Father said he would leave the driving to the younger folks.

1921, Yellowstone National Park. 
Left to right: Lester Glade, May Green, Rulon Sperry, Lucile Green, William Birkenshaw. 
Lester seems to be throwing Lucile an admiring glance...

In 1921, Lucile Green and her Aunt May Green (Hinckley) were vacationing in Yellowstone Park at Mammoth Hot Springs. They met Lester, his friend Rulon Sperry with three other friends who were also vacationing there. Lester and May Green had been in the mission field at the same time, so May introduced Lester to Lucile, who later became his wife.

To be continued...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Glade 2: William Lester Glade, Part 1

William Lester Glade was born January 23, 1894 at 327 "C" Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, the first child born in the home of William John and Annie Hamilton Glade. He was given his father's name, William, and also the name Lester, by which he was always known. He made his home in Salt Lake City throughout his life.

William Lester Glade.

January 20, 1895, when Lester was one year old, his father received a call to go on a mission to the Southern States for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The following August 25, 1895, Lester's sister Mary was born. After being away for 28 months, their father returned July 5, 1897.

From then on, Lester was always with his father who taught him the true value of work, and that anything worth doing was worth doing well. Inasmuch as Lester's father was always working, taking out a wall and building a new room, continually remodeling the home, Lester was always busy helping, hammering nails and building something.

Annie, Harvey, Lester, Mary, Beulah, and William John Glade.
327 C Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1901.

Lester loved to build! Mary will always remember the cupboard he built one Christmas for [his sisters] Beulah and Mary's doll dishes. Lester's daughter Beverly has a chair that her father built in his teenage years. Dr. Leland Cowan still remembers a wagon he and Les made. Lester and [his younger brother] Harvey built a scenic railway in the backyard. Their father was able to get large wheels from the Z.C.M.I. Knitting Factory to put on the large wooden cart that carried two passengers down the scenic track. This was a great thrill and attraction for all the children in the neighborhood. Lester and his father were always gathering hardware and lumber for building furniture and different things. Lester was frugal this way all his life.

Lester first went to the Lowell School (corner of Third Avenue and 'E' Street). When Mary started school she was very proud to be taken by her big brother. Later they attended the Lafayette School, (State Street and North Temple). Lester graduated from Lafayette on Thursday, 28 January 1909. He then went to Salt Lake High School (now West High) and graduated in Commercial or Business School on June 13, 1913. This was the first graduating class in a three year Commercial Course. He took shorthand, typing, business law and bookkeeping.

When he was very young he started working at small jobs at the Z.C.M.I. His employers were very well pleased with him as he was honest, dependable and a hard worker. Lester felt a keen responsibility to work and help the family at home. He was a thorough and fast worker, very efficient and had a desire to always improve. His first steady job was at the Beaver River Power Company (Telluride Power Company) in Provo in 1914. His letters home at this time are very interesting reading. He bought the family a piano, a black upright, on November 3, 1915, just before going on a mission for the L.D.S. Church.

To be continued...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

A Look Back at 2010

2010 was quite a year. There were wonderful parts including a trip to Utah to see family and friends. I got to meet Bessie, a cousin in the Morgan line, and spend some time with her looking at the Morgan collection at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah. 

I've also gotten to know some other cousins including a number of Wessman second cousins, and a Cripps cousin from London. That's been fun!

I have very much appreciated all the materials that family members have collected and sent. Emily and Toni have been particularly helpful this past year. I am very grateful for my readers and cousins who help keep this project going.

It is great to be able to collect the materials and provide it online for all of the many descendants of these families who now live all around the world. I always enjoy reading comments from family members who have found this blog through a web search, and I'm always happy to post new documents and pictures and stories of ancestors and their direct descendants. Please feel free to contact me at amy ancestorfiles (that's all one word) at gmail dot com with questions, additional information, pictures, etc.

2010 also had some sad times, including the death of my niece Allison. We are happy to have the knowledge provided by the gospel of Jesus Christ that we will see her again, but her entire extended family is still reeling from her death. Of course none of us feel the loss as much as her parents and sisters and brothers do, and our thoughts and prayers continue with them, as with all others who have suffered loss and hardship this past year.

A Look Forward to 2011

With the turning over of the calendar, it is time to start posting about the Glade family. The Glade family three generations back (Beverly, her parents and grandparents) were very much Salt Lake City people.

A generation or two back finds ancestors from Devonshire, Derbyshire, and Yorkshire (England); Glamorganshire (South Wales); Renfrewshire, Lanarkshire, Dumfriesshire, Argyllshire, and Ayrshire (Scotland); Upper Canada; and Long Island (New York).

We will be hearing about adventures crossing the ocean, the Down and Back Wagon Trains, the Gold Rush, a dramatic escape in disguise, the Battle of Trafalgar, early Dutch settlement in New York, joys and tragedies, and at least one murder.

I am looking forward to sorting through my old files and collecting the stories and pictures here. I'm also particularly looking forward to learning more about the Scottish branch of the family.

As well as posting on the Glade line, I will continue to post on any of the other three family lines when something comes up. It will be a wonderful year here at Ancestor Files!

The picture of the country road from The picture of Sugar House Park in Salt Lake City is from