Guide to Contents

Monday, February 28, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 9

Saturday morning each one of us had a “job” to do besides the everyday make your bed and dust and vacuum, clean our bedrooms! We took turns cleaning the bathroom or dusting the front room and dining room. As I got older I scrubbed the kitchen floor and back steps then waxed it. I was glad when Bob was old enough to take over that job.

Of course we got our work done early and after lunch we went to the Wasatch Ward House and saw a movie. Most of the kids in the ward went—only 10¢ for a cartoon, a serial like Tarzan or Buck Rogers and then the feature movie. We used to stop at the Malin Corner grocery and get a penny candy. I got used to an all day sucker or licorice stick or two caramels for 1¢ (although my friend Donna had a nickel or dime to spend). Mother bought candy for 10¢ or 25¢ a pound and sent that with us sometimes. This was the highlight of the week. Mother and her two sisters Leone and Mildred would get dressed up and go to town shopping and/or a movie in the afternoon. Sometimes about once a month in the summer the cousins all went to Grandma Green’s. Girls played dress-ups in the attic when they lived on 4th Avenue and E St. It was so fun to try on wonderful pioneer dresses and big brimmed hats, flowers, ostrich feathers, and ribbons. What a fond memory we all have of “dress ups.”

Bert Green, May Green Davis, Lucile Green Glade, Leone Green Layton and Jack Green. February 1949.
When Marjorie was born I went to stay at Grandma Green’s for ten days. One day Uncle Bert’s wife Gla and I dressed up and walked to the Holy Cross Hospital to see Mother and the new baby through the window from the sidewalk below. It was always fun at Grandma Green’s. May played school with the grandchildren. We walked up Memory Grove with picnic lunches and put on plays. We were very close to our aunts and uncles and Green cousins as we visited often or picnicked in the canyon or park or met for Christmas. On Decoration (Memorial) Day we all met at the Green and Pettit plots at the cemetery.

Shower for May Green and Cliff Davis at the Thornton home, 17 February 1950.

Front (left to right): Joyce Noble, Eva Layton, Jay Layton, Bob Glade, Bert Green

Middle (left to right): Ron Thornton, Leone Layton, Ann Wessman, Lucile Glade, Marjorie Glade, Beverly Wessman, Lucille Layton, Jean Thornton, Renee Thornton

Back (left to right): John Wessman, Lester Glade, Barbara Green, Beverly Noble?, Howard Layton, Mildred Noble, Ray Noble, May Green, Cliff Davis, Jack Green,Wayne Thornton

(Thanks to Ann and Judy for providing the names. If you have additional corrections or additions, please send them by email or note them in the comments.)

If cousin Marilyn and Aunt Lucy and Uncle Harry came to town we got together as they lived in California or New York. Uncle Harry’s work took him away from Salt Lake to climb the executive ladder. Uncle Bert and his wife Glacia went to Bolivia to make a fortune in mining. They finally moved to Chihuahua, Mexico. Both died there. Whenever they could come to Salt Lake all the family including children would have at least one get-together.

Lucile, Mildred, Leone and May, June 19, 1944 at Beverly's wedding.

Grandpa Henry Green set the family togetherness feelings in all of our hearts. We had great love for each other and had an unusual bonding of love between aunties, uncles, and cousins. Aunt Mildred, Uncle Ray and three children Barbara, Ray and Mary Joyce moved to California. He worked for Walgreen drug stores. Lucile and her father Henry went to California when Uncle Ray took his life. They helped the Nobles move back to Salt Lake to be near family again. This extended family feeling of love one for another still exists as each family gets larger with more generations. After the brothers and sisters died the cousins continue to meet but the second and third generations are so busy yet the family feeling still exists.

Eliza Green, Ann and Roger.
Lucile’s half sister May and her mother Eliza always had her grand nieces and nephews together at Christmas for dinner and a party which included gifts. They still remember these times and tell their children about their great aunt and great-grandma Christmas party. It later became the May and Cliff Christmas party after the death of Eliza Green. We all remember our Grandpa Green’s kisses and Grandma Eliza’s wonderful food. During the Depression days, which we as children were unaware of, our visits were highlighted by a oven-dried toast with honey. It’s never tasted as good as at their home.

Christmas party at the Cliff and May Davis home, 1949.

Lucile and Lester had many friends besides family members. They had a special group who played cards on Saturday and studied scriptures on Sunday once or twice a month. This same group went camping with the children for a week each summer. There were eight couples all lived in Wasatch Ward with young families about the same age: the Laytons, Glades, Bowers, Simonsens, Christophersons, Vincents, and part-timers were Andersons and Holmgrens. They had many fun times together for years but all moved away except Glades, Bowers and Vincents. Lucile and Lester then belonged to a special Sunday study group of Wasatch Warders. They met once a month at each others’ homes for about 20 years.

To be continued...

The Buck Rogers picture is from Wikipedia. The rest of the pictures are, as always, with much gratitude, from my mother's collection.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Utah Common Schools, 1868

When John Morgan reached Utah in 1866, he was befriended by Robert Lang Campbell. The Church History Library in Salt Lake City recently digitized Robert Campbell's Annual report of the Territorial Superintendent of common schools for the year 1868.

You can read or download it here. It is addressed to the Utah Territorial Legislature and it seems quite progressive for a frontier school system. Campbell's note about the incomplete statistics for the previous year is curious:
The collection of school returns, which hitherto has been attended with much difficulty, has this season been almost impossible, in consequence of the absence of so many of the Trustees, who have been engaged directly or indirectly in the construction of the great national railroad.
The list of county school superintendents also provides some historical context:

Campbell includes a lengthy explanation of the methods of instruction into the English language in the schools and mentions the Deseret Alphabet system.

The statistical report provides some information about the operation and make up of the schools at that time.

It is not much of a stretch of the imagination to assume that John Morgan would have been very familiar with this report and the legislation printed in the report, since he would have been very interested in the quality and training of the students who showed up at his Commercial College in Salt Lake City.

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 8

Lester and Lucile at "The Ranch" with unidentified friends or family.

Lester and Lucile were both very friendly and made friends easily in any situation. They were active in church. Lester was MIA president and Lucile taught a class of girls in YWMIA. Sisters Melissa and Florence Glade were in her class. They also were both busy working: Lester at ZCMI wholesale hardware as a buyer and Lucile at White House Furniture.

Lester belonged to an investing group called the Building Society. He had enough money saved so he bought two lots on the East Bench. Howard and Leone (Lucile’s brother-in-law and sister) and Les and Lucile built lovely six room homes next door to each other. These were Howard’s first buildings in his own contracting company.

Lester and Lucile spent many happy hours planning their new home at 1421 Sherman Ave. The living, dining and front bedroom had natural finished gum wood which never needed staining or painting. The kitchen was narrow but had a large eating area separate from the dining room.

Lester, Beverly, and Lucile, 1925.

On Monday April 21, 1924, a baby girl, Beverly, was born at LDS hospital. While Lucile was in the hospital Lester and Lucile’s sisters Mildred and Leone moved everything into the new home. Lucile came home from the hospital to her new home and lived there the rest of her life.

Marjorie Ann was born on January 5, 1929. She was a beautiful blue eyed blond baby. Robert Lester was born January 14, 1931, a chubby boy. How special to have a boy to carry on the Glade name.

Beverly, Lester, Bob, Lucile, and Marjorie.

As a family we had an easy, pleasant life together. Lucile occasionally threatened us with a little forsythia stick. I only remember her saying it once to me (Bev), “Do you want me to switch you on the legs?” We learned obedience early. I was five years older than Marge. She was two years older than Bob.

Beverly, Bob, Lucile, Marjorie.

Marge and I shared the same bed and room and closet. The closet was big enough to walk into and turn around. It had lots of hooks for clothes both high and low and shelving at the back. We were very comfortable in a wonderful roomy home with lots of storage in a nice area of the city.

Lucile was an excellent cook and served well balanced meals. Cold cereal for breakfast in the summer and cooked cereal the rest of the year. Milk was delivered to our kitchen window every day until World War II when delivery changed to every other day. There was an ice box on the indoor back porch. Ice came twice a week in a horse-drawn wagon until 1928 when they started using a truck. I remember our first refrigerator and new stove fit across from the area of the sink and cupboards which originally held one big stove with waist-level oven at the side of the cooking area and all on legs.

Lucile was meticulous about cleaning and keeping dishes washed up and put away. She worked fast and was fastidious. For example, in the summer for several years, Monday morning she’d get all her clothes washing done, hung outside, dried, and brought in, folded and put away. That was using the system of three tubs and through the wringer three times before hanging to dry. Breakfast dishes done, lunch put up and two or later three children ready. We were put in the “Essex” and she drove to the Saltair Train Depot to catch the 11:30 train to Saltair, a large resort on the Great Salt Lake. Monday was free day at Saltair and a free ride on the train. The children would play: swing, play in the sand, watch people or seagulls, run up sixty steps to the dance floor, and play in the fun house for an hour if we were old enough or had a dime. There were three other families of friends to play with and eat with while our mothers played bridge. It was a fun day for all of us.

One day when I was in first grade I slept in. I got up and went into the living room where Mother was dusting her hardwood floors and shaking the three Indian rugs and listening to Captain Dobsey. When she saw me she put up her hands and said, “Aren’t you in school, oh, I forgot!” She wrote a note and gave me to give to Miss North and told me to run all the way to school. She was a stickler for getting her work done! It didn’t happen again that I can remember.

To be continued...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 7

Lucile loved to travel and did so every opportunity she had. She traveled more than most women her age. Several trips to California, Los Angeles and San Francisco. She went by train to the Northwest. She and Aunt May Green (Hinckley) went to Yellowstone Park in 1922 by train.

She talked so many times about her trip to Yellowstone. They stayed at the Old Faithful Lodge and traveled all over the park. May had been on a mission for the LDS Church to Independence, Missouri. When May and Lucile were at Canyon Falls (now Yellowstone Falls) there were four young returned missionaries there: Lester Glade, Rulon Sperry, Bill Birkenshaw, and a Brother Ludlow. May knew Lester Glade from the missionary reunions so she introduced him to Lucile.

Lester (left) and Lucile (second from right) at Yellowstone.

They met again at Mammoth Hot Springs that night. There was a dance held at the Lodge so Lester asked Lucile for a dance. They kept running into each other the rest of the Yellowstone trip. A few days after they got home he came to the White House Furniture to ask her for a date. By Christmas they were engaged. When Lester asked Henry for Lucile’s hand in marriage, he told Lester he could marry Lucile provided they were always at his home for Christmas.

William L. Glade married Lucile Green on June 6, 1923 in the Salt Lake Temple. They were married by Joseph Fielding Smith, then President of the Temple and later tenth President of the Church.

Lucile’s dress was beautiful white crepe with delicate lace of roses with pleated panels with lace on them. The yoke was beaded with little pearls in a solid string over the roses in the lace. The style at that time was pointed-toed shoes. No pictures were taken. She later dyed the dress pink and wore it after her marriage.

Lucile's engagement picture. 
Note the distinctive W.A. Wilcox photo and Lucile's marcelled hair.

A wedding reception was held at the Green home 127 F Street in Salt Lake City that evening. The Deseret News account is as follows:
In honor of the marriage of Miss Lucile Green and W. Lester Glade, which took place in the Salt Lake Temple yesterday morning, a reception was given at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green, on F street, last evening.

The house was decorated throughout in garden flowers. In the living room the bridal party stood in an alcove which was banked with ferns, palms, white peonies and pyrethrum.

The bride wore a gown of white crepe trimmed in silk lace and pearls. Her tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms and she carried a shower of Ophelia roses and sweet peas. Miss Beulah Glade, bridesmaid, wore pink organdy and carried pink sweet peas. Miss Mildred Green wore orchid organdy over pink satin and carried pink sweet peas. Miss Hazel Parry wore apricot organdy and carried lavender sweet peas. Rulon Sperry was best man.

A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the dining room. The table had for its centerpiece a basket of white and pink peonies.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Glade assisted Mr. and Mrs. Green in receiving.

Mrs. H. J. Layton presided over the dining room and was assisted by Miss Melissa Glade, Miss Lola Green, Miss June Birkinshaw and Miss Virginia Glade and wedding cake was served by May Green and Hazel Glade. Music was furnished by a stringed orchestra.

Mr. and Mrs. Glade will be at their home on C street after June 20.
Lucile and Lester spent their first night in their apartment at 331 C Street. Then they borrowed Lester’s father’s Dodge and drove down to a cabin in Vivian Park in Provo Canyon for their honeymoon. They visited where Lester worked his first job for Telluride Electric Co. in the mouth of Provo Canyon. They went into Provo and visited the insane asylum. They drove to Payson and visited the little towns.

After their honeymoon they returned home to their jobs and the 331 C Street apartment which was furnished by Lucile’s purchases at her work, White House Furniture, including a living room, dining room, and bedroom set. Grandpa William J. Glade owned the apartments which had been part of the James Glade home but were now rebuilt into four apartments. Each apartment had a bedroom, kitchen, bath and living room. Lucile and Lester lived in the second floor front apartment for almost a year. Incidentally their daughter Beverly and her husband John lived in the main floor back apartment 25 years later.

To be continued...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 6

After Lucile finished ninth grade at the age of 15 her father gave her the option of helping Eliza at home or helping him at the office. Rather than stay at home she decided to work at the office. Harry was a plumbing and heating engineer. His office was where the Temple Square Hotel is now. Lucile did typing, bookkeeping, and filing. She didn’t learn typewriting in school so she learned it “hunt and peck” working for her father. I would take dictation from Father on the typewriter. Father must have been very patient.

Lucile at 18.

 I decided I wanted to go back to school and get more experience in the business field. I borrowed money from sister Leone and paid a month’s tuition in the Utah School of Business [downtown]. It was of short duration. The third morning the teacher came to me and said there was an ad in the paper she thought I should answer. I was reluctant as I thought I really needed more training. She brought me the paper and I wrote up an application. I thought I could take my application over to the Tribune when I went to lunch. She had other ideas and I took it over to the Tribune then. I was called very shortly to go for an interview. It was The Salt Lake Auto Garage, Mr. Strickly was the manager.… He was impressed because I had worked for my father. I was accepted for the job and he wanted me to come to work immediately and I started to work on Friday the 13th. He said that was a lucky day for him.

I had only been there a couple of weeks and I heard of another job through a friend of Leone’s, Ada Lumsden, a convert to the church. Ada Lumsden and I became close friends and we would take in the special shows and concerts that came to Salt Lake at the Salt Lake Theater which was on State Street and First So. where the Telephone Company now have their offices. There were usually four or five of us that would go. We would always go to a nice place to eat before the theater.

Next I went to work for the Botterill Automobile Company as a cashier and General Office work. The one thing that stands out very vividly is the Armistice was signed for the cease firing of the War, which was 1918. This was a very Memorable Day. The shops were closed and everyone was parading the streets. However we were supplied with large trucks to ride and really had an exciting day. 

Mr. Botterill asked me to take another job which was in the Parts Department as a stock clerk… In this job I learned the parts of cars and the location of the stock. The Shop Foreman would very often say to ask Miss Green, she will know, if something couldn’t be found.

In taking this assignment I gave up my vacation for a later date, which was nearly a year later. Mr. Botterill didn’t see fit to let me go at the time I wanted to but the opportunity had come up and I was very desirous for a change. Aunt Win [Pettit] Reeves and her two daughters Virginia and Leone and Aunt Daisy were going to California for a vacation. Aunt Win on the spur of the moment said, “Come and go with us.” I took her up on it. I don’t know if she was serious with the invitation but anyway it became a companionship that lasted through the rest of our lives until she passed away. They had rented an apartment that was on 14th and Hill St. in San Francisco, a very short walking distance to the Department stores. We would walk to town and one day it was suggested we go the Remington Typeprint Company and see if we could get a job. We both got a temporary job, made to our liking.

Lucile at 20.

After returning from a lengthy stay in California, May Green got Lucile a job as bookkeeper for the Whitehouse Furniture owned by J.J. Daynes who also had a music store. Four years on this job also.

To be continued...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 5

Baby Eliza May was born to the Green family on October 5, 1914. About two weeks later 16-year-old Lucile caught typhoid fever during an epidemic. She was hospitalized until just before Thanksgiving. Before she was hospitalized the family could not go in the house. They had to sleep in a tent in the back yard. Her illness was so bad she lost all her thick dark hair. For a long time after she wore a dust cap while her hair grew back in. While Lucile was so ill, Leone’s boyfriend Harold Peck sent Lucile a dozen red roses. Leone seemed jealous of Lucile getting the red roses. Lucile always felt her life was spared to fulfill her purpose which was to have and rear her family.

In 1916 Harry bought a big ranch. The railroad was going to run a line to Bryce Canyon and Harry expected the value of the property to go up. However, the railroad never materialized. The family also moved to a nice home on 127 F Street while Lucile was at Bear Lake vacationing. They lost the ranch and the F Street home during the Depression.

May Green Hinckley

Fifth grade through ninth grade was at Jefferson School on West Temple. In the ninth grade she hurried home to teach religion class on Thursdays at Salt Lake 30th Ward. Aunt May Green (Hinckley) held a special class once a month for her teenage nieces. She wanted them to excel and use their time wisely. She instructed them in etiquette and manners and how to set a table properly. They had ukulele lessons. It was May’s idea to have a church-wide Gleaner program in MIA. She began the Golden Gleaner program in the Granite Stake.

We still have Lucile’s domestic arts workbook. She was meticulous about sewing, housework, everything including the way she looked and dressed always.

Left to right: Leone, Lucile, Mildred. Front: Harry.

I graduated from the 9th Grade at [Jefferson] school. The exercises were held in the Presbyterian Church on First West and Fifth South. After graduating from ninth grade she went to the LDS Business College for a short while. She never did get to finish. Her brother Harry was in college at Utah State University in Logan and Leone was going to high school and that was all their finances would allow.

When Grandma brought baby May home from the hospital, Lucile cared for her. In fact Lucile bathed and cared for each of Eliza’s babies before Eliza did.

Now as this is being typed while Lucile tells it to Beverly we can see that Lucile took the responsibility and learned to care for others early in life. When her father Harry lay ill in the hospital near death he said to Lucile, “The faithful one!” When his sister May Green Hinckley lay near death in the hospital she especially wanted Lucile to be with her. Her husband Bryant Hinckley said to Lucile he could never repay the debt of gratitude he felt to Lucile for all she did for Aunt May as she was ill until she died. Eliza wanted Lucile near her as she was in the hospital suffering from a tumor which precipitated her death at age 70 on July 24, 1949.

Eliza Turner Green.

The Green home always had extra people in it. Harry was very generous and always looking out for other people. Converts from England were welcomed and cared for such as Hattie and Louise Breedon and Jennie Griggs. Harry’s brothers and sisters all lived there except Uncle Will and Aunt Annie. Harry sent the money for his mother and brothers and sisters to come to America and provided a home in Salt Lake until they got situated. May, Will, and Al all worked for Harry in the plumbing and heating business. May, Flory, and Flory’s son lived with them for a while. Eliza’s sisters Sophia and Leah stayed there when they came from Morgan to go to business college. Soph also worked for Harry. There was always lots of work and cooking to do. Lucile says now she doesn’t know how Eliza ever put up with it. At 18 years of age Lucile said there were so many people in their home she would often call to say she wouldn’t be home from work till later. She and a friend would eat downtown and then go to a show.

To be continued...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 4

Samuel Francis of Morgan, Utah, was a missionary to England and through this friendship Father used to go to Morgan, Utah. Father was a great outdoors man. Fishing and hunting was a great past time for him.... Many a meal was provided with his success in hunting [and fishing]. Father and the boys used to make their own shells for the shot guns.

Through this friendship he met Eliza Turner and his visits to Morgan became more often. I recall going to Sunday School up there and on one occasion I was not able to go on account of illness. The Sunday School teacher Eliza Turner came over to the Francis home to see me. I was very impressed with the beautiful big hat she was wearing; millinery was her occupation.

Charles Turner Family, Saturday, July 11, 1897. 
Back row: Ann Elizabeth, Sarah Jane, Eliza Christina, William Alfred, George Charles, Mary Jane, Sophie Mary Ann, Janette Martha. 
Center row: Louise Ellen, Mother Annie Bosch, Father Charles, Mother Hannah Ringrose, Hannah Maria. 
Front row: Leah May, Albert Ray, Joseph Hyrum.

Father married again August 8, 1906 to Eliza C. Turner. The day they were married I remember sitting on Father’s lap and he asked what I was going to call her. I responded with “Mother.” The boys were older and I think it was harder for them to have someone else come and take our mother’s place. Two sons and two daughters were born to this marriage. One daughter died at birth [and one child was stillborn]. I am sure she was very courageous to marry a man with a ready-made family of five children. I’m sure it was even more difficult the fact our mother’s family lived just across the street. Grandma and Grandpa Pettit had ten daughters and four sons [and two foster children and one step-child from Edwin's previous marriage to Maria Pettit Bush Pettit].

Will Green, May, Eliza Turner Green, aunt Nettie Connley.

Lucile took a lot of responsibility to work and help out. Saturdays she helped in the kitchen. Eliza baked bread and cakes while Lucile cleaned and kept up the dishes as Eliza used them. Lucile scrubbed the floor and cleaned cupboards and organized the kitchen for Sunday. It seems like Lucile did more of the housework than her sisters. Leone did not do so much work, or helped Hattie (girl from England) and for much of the time that Lucile was growing up, Mildred lived with her grandmother and aunties across the street.

Henry would finish breakfast before the children finished eating and he would go around the table and kiss each one twice, saying, “Two kisses: one for me and one for your mother.” Coming home from work he would always greet his children with a kiss. Henry was such a strong family man. He would say, “It would please me,” and the children would jump to do anything he asked just to please him. Grandpa always wanted the best and his children did not want to disobey him.

If I asked father for a nickel I would always get more than I asked for. I was inclined to be thrifty and would save some. I think I bought more yeast cakes for bread than Mother Eliza bought. Father was a very good provider.

One September when baby Jack was about two years old he opened the oven door and climbed up on it to see what was cooking for dinner. He pulled over a boiling kettle of cabbage onto himself and severely burned his face on one side and arm, neck and shoulder. Lucile was immediately sent to Grandma Pettit’s home across the street to get help. Uncle Will Pettit was home from medical school. When this happened it was a stormy, thunderstorm night. The lights were all out as a result of the storm. They peeled Jack’s little blue romper suit off and with it came his skin, eyelashes and everything. So they took him to the hospital. When he came home from the hospital he looked like a mummy with only his eyes showing. Grandma was expecting baby May in October, so Lucile was assigned a task she remembered for the rest of her life: putting Jack in the buggy and walking for hours to calm him. This lasted for months. Jack had the scar on his neck and arm the rest of his life.

Leone and Lucile Green. Hats by Eliza?

In the summer the family lived at the dairy farm to get out of the city heat. It took a day to get there in horse and buggy. The house was so old probably one of the first built in the valley. Yet Aunt Lizzie and her husband lived there also. Leone wouldn’t go because there were bedbugs so she stayed with Soph and Walt Grass, an uncle and aunt who lived at 913 Second West during the summer.

Every night after work Harry would ride in the street car to 33rd South and State Street. Then someone, often Lucile, would drive over to meet him in the surrey (one horse buggy). I remember of two occasions when I went to pick him up. One time an old plow horse was hitched up. All the way over we zigzagged. I thought I would never get there. Another time a horse that just had a colt was hitched up and it went too fast. I was surely scared. I think both occasions it was devilment on someone’s part.

Once Lucile went with one of the hired hands to the Hamilton Bros. Dairy to get some cream. When she got back and her brother Harry found out that she had ridden with a hired hand, he really let her know that was not the right thing to do.

To be continued...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 3

1904 Sunday School. Lucile is in the second row from the front, right end. 
Her father, Henry Green, is in the back row, right end.

Henry was successful as a plumber and heating engineer. He did the plumbing for the Beston, Newhouse buildings, LDS Hospital, Hotel Utah, and Salt Lake Temple. He located his office on the southeast corner of West Temple and South Temple. He employed his brothers Al and Will. His sister May was his bookkeeper, and later his sister Flory did the bookkeeping. When May went to work at Dr. Richard’s clinic, Harry brought Lucile in to work for him, so she never graduated from high school. She says, My education was practical experiences.

Besides Harry’s regular work, he invested in farms, ranches, and mining. He was so trustworthy that people took advantage of him and he came out on the losing end of many deals. He lost most of his investment money and died without much money.

Harry along with Uncle Will Green and Cousin Arthur Townsend was paying a man to homestead some property in Big Cottonwood Canyon above Storm Mountain. They later lost it all to him and Grandpa could not fight it in court as he was not supposed to pay someone else to homestead the property. Father also went into the sidewalk construction. He would have been better off if he had stayed with the plumbing and heating business.

Sometime after 1910 he invested in the Riverside Dairy and Stock Farm, which imported registered pure breed Guernsey cattle. This was out on 35th South between 10th and 17th West. Father introduced the new type of bottle cap that fit over the bottle rather than down in the groove. The smelters in Murray a short distance away had arsenic fumes which affected the cattle or the alfalfa they ate and made him lose his investment. The Smith Brothers had a dairy farm east of our farm. Father and the Smith Brothers brought suit against the smelter. Harry hired an attorney to represent him but never did get a settlement. The Smith Brothers won their suit — either a smarter attorney or the name Smith was the advantage. [1] [2]

When the Greens lived at 913 South 2nd West they had a nice house for a large family. Downstairs were the living room, sitting room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom and sewing room. Upstairs were four bedrooms.

The Pettit grandparent home was on the northwest corner of Ninth South and Second West. Our home was about four houses and a big lot from the northeast corner of Ninth South. This lot in later years became a tennis court. My how Father would work to get the ground in condition. Father was the National President of the Plumbing and Heating Engineers and had been to convention. At this time he purchased the tennis equipment as a gift for the family. It was quite a problem to keep the court in condition. Prior to this the area was pasture for the donkey. Also in the back of the yard Will had chicken coops and was in the chicken hatchery business. One night we were wakened and the whole chicken coop was ablaze. Raising chickens was a hobby for my brother Will. We had a large barn and always had two cows and horses.

Lucile in second grade, first row, third from the right.

Lucile walked to Grant School every day. One day in second grade Lucile was looking like she always did with a pretty face and a smile. The teacher suddenly said, “Lucile, wipe that smile off your face!” She never forgot that as she didn’t know she had such a happy look. It gave her a negative feeling about herself. She has always had a very pleasant expression on her face. Many times walking downtown, people she didn’t know would smile at her just because of her friendly and pretty smile.

On the way to school she would walk past the car barn. This is where the only street car was stored on 9th South and Washington Street. There was one man to be the conductor and motorman. Boys loved to take the trolley off the overhead wires by jumping off the back of the car and swinging them out. Then the motorman would stop and he would get off and go around the back and put them back on the wires again while the boys would be hiding nearby laughing from some bushes.

To be continued...

[1] The case was fairly complicated and went on for years in various forms and with all the legal costs, no one seemed to benefit in any way from all the litigation. See American Smelting & Refining Co. v. Riverside Dairy & Stock Farm (Circuit Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit. October 14, 1916).

[2] I cannot find any connection between the Rowe and Smith families listed in the articles of incorporation of the Riverside Dairy and the Smith family which was much involved in the history of the Church. The Smith family involved in the dairy was originally from Pennsylvania and Connecticut and does not seem to have any connection to the other Smith family, even in colonial times.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 2

When Lucile was 16 months old (October 1899), Mary Isabell gave birth to another daughter, Ethel Rebecca, who died a year later (September 1900).

On April 1, 1905, Mary Isabell was doing spring cleaning. She wanted to have the curtains cleaned and rehung and all the other heavy jobs done before the next baby was born two months later. However, labor started prematurely and she called Henry to take her to the hospital. Her daughter Mildred, the first baby to be born in the LDS hospital, was delivered successfully but Mary Isabell hemorrhaged and died three hours later. [1] She left five children including the new baby. Lucile in her old age remembered her mother wearing a red with black print shirtwaist with a peplum, a long black wool skirt and an apron from the waist to below her knees.

Henry was bitter about his wife’s death and claimed the doctor was negligent and incompetent. Lucile remembers riding in the funeral director’s carriage home from the cemetery and stopping at the LDS Hospital to pick up the new baby.

Henry Green and family several months after the death of Mary. 
Left to right, Back: Will, Mildred, Henry, Harry; Front, Leone and Lucile.

Baby Mildred was raised in the Pettit home across the street. The Pettits had a large family and all the aunts doted on caring for Mildred, although Aunt Lily was in charge of her. If Mildred got upset at something or someone she would pack her little trunk and walk across the street to live with the Greens. When she got upset at home she’d pack her trunk again and go back to Grandma Pettit’s home. So back and forth till one day when she was about twelve years old her father said, “This is the last time! Your home is here!”


[1] Mary's brother, Will Pettit, a medical doctor, noted in Pettit Peregrinations that Mary died of placenta previa. This condition is very difficult to deal with and even with all the modern medical advances, American women still die from it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lucy Lucile Green Glade, Part 1

This biography is written in two points of view. Most of the first part is a combination of a history written by Lucile and a history as told by Lucile to Beverly. The later part is written mainly by Beverly. When the text is in italics, “I” is Lucile. When the text is normal, “I” is Beverly.

 Lucile and Leone.

Lucy Lucile Green was born April 14, 1898. Lucile was the fourth child of Henry and Mary Isabell Pettit Green. Her two brothers Edwin and Harry were ages five and three and her sister Leone was almost two. We have a special picture of Lucile and Leone as young girls. Lucile remembered for many years the pretty blue crepe and velvet dress she wore for the picture.

Harry, William, Leone and Lucile Green.

The earliest incident Lucile remembers is camping in Big Cottonwood Canyon. The Greens packed a wagon full of food, bedding, tent and family and stayed on some land Henry was homesteading. Lucile was about four or five. One time a herd of cattle were stampeding towards the camp and they all had to run to safety to the Maxfield Lodge. Another time Leone fell off the bridge into the stream. About fifty feet away was a big place in the stream where they put food to keep it cool. They ran to this place and held a tree limb out to Leone and she caught it and they brought her to shore.

When she was a child her mother Mary (whom Harry called “May”) and sister Leone went on a trip to San Francisco with relatives, leaving Lucile to stay with her grandparents. She told everyone that her feet hurt so she didn’t get to go on the trip. She said, Father, Will and Harry were baching it. Will and Harry would carry on through the day while Father was at work. My very special little table was used for a game to see who could jump the farthest. Well someone didn’t quite make it and that was the end of my special little table....

Lucile's father, Henry Green.

We looked forward to going down to Murray in the surrey to visit Father’s cousin Arthur Townsend. We would look forward to these rides as Father would always treat us to ice cream sodas. We especially enjoyed the sun shining on the windows of the Catholic School on Seventh South and Twelfth East. We always referred to it as the “Place with the Golden Windows”.

Lucile's mother, Mary Isabell Pettit Green.

Mother Mary was a very good housekeeper... Grandpa Pettit would come and visit Mother in the mornings. He would sit in the doorway between the dining room and kitchen and visit Mother while she washed up the kitchen floor which was every day.

On one occasion Mother had to call the doctor to come and sew my lip. I had been bitten. I had four stitches taken in it and why this memory stayed with me so vividly I will never know.…

The Parry family lived one house and a big vacant lot south of our home. Leah was the oldest daughter, the same age as my sister Leone. Jessie the second daughter and Hazel was the third daughter. Hazel and I were very close friends through the years.

The 1900 U.S. Census showing the Green family (Henry, Mary, William, Henry M., Mary L., Lucile, and Ethel) at 913 Second West and the Perry (Parry?) family (William T., Mary E., Ellen L., Jessie May, Mary H.) two doors down at 933 Second West.

To be continued...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mathias Cowley Morgan and Mildred Vilate Pearce Morgan

I haven't posted much on this blog about Mat Morgan, the youngest of John Morgan and Mary Ann Linton Morgan's three children. He evidently had a somewhat difficult life. Contact has been lost with his branch of the family, but we would love to get in touch with them.

In going through the collections of family photos and memorabilia, here are some lovely photos of the childhood of Mat and Mildred's two oldest children, Lucile Morgan Schow (1916-2010) and John Mathias Morgan (1918-2004). Mat and Mildred's other children were Noreen Vilate Morgan Byron (1920-2000), Warren Clair Morgan (1923-1977), and Bruce Lowell Morgan (1930-2008).

Note the picture of John Morgan on the wall of the home in the last photo. Combining that detail with the scenery, I would assume that this is the Udall home in Hunt, Arizona.

These photos are from Mary Ann Linton Morgan's collection.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lester Glade Posts

That's all the information I have for now on William Lester Glade. To conclude this work on his life story, I checked to make sure that his genealogical information was correct in Ancestry and New Family Search and in my genealogy files, and all the dates and places and people seem to be correct.

Lester, Ann, Lucile, and Roger.

Next, I will be moving on to biographical information about Lester's wife Lucy Lucile Green Glade, starting tomorrow with a history that Beverly and I wrote in 1998. It will take two weeks (ten weekdays) to post the history.

If you have any more information (letters, photos, etc.) on any of these ancestors or their children and would like to share them with the family, please send them to me at the email address listed on the sidebar. Documents and photos are best scanned at at least 300 dpi and I can use documents in most common formats.

Here are links to the posts about Lester Glade.

William Lester Glade Biography:  
William Lester Glade Funeral
Part 1: Remarks by Bishop Preston Parkinson
Part 2: Opening prayer by James H. Sullivan
Part 3: Remarks by Rulon J. Sperry
Part 4: Cont.
Part 5: Remarks by Bryant S. Hinckley
Part 6: Remarks by Spencer W. Kimball
Part 7: Cont.
Part 8: Cont.
Part 9: Cont.
Part 10: Cont.
Part 11: Remarks by Bishop Parkinson and closing prayer by George Blair Glade

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lester Glade in the Census

William Lester Glade was born on January 23, 1894, so he first shows up in the 1900 U.S. Census.

Lester was living with his parents, William John Glade and Annie Hamilton Glade, at 327 C Street (Fourth Ward), Salt Lake City, Utah. As mentioned in his biography, Lester was the oldest of twelve children. The other children alive at the time of this census were Mary and Beulah, and Annie was expecting Harvey.

The family lived right by Lester's grandmother Eliza Mary Litson Glade and his grandfather's plural wife Isabel Love Glade and various members of the extended family who lived together in the Glade family home.

This census page (and the following census) also shows John Timms, the brother of my husband's great-great grandmother Alice Timms Thiriot, and his family.

Lester next shows up in the 1910 census living with his family (William, Annie, Mary, Beulah, Harvey, Virginia, Elizabeth, Melissa, and James) at the same address on C Street, and the family was once again surrounded by their extended family including the two Glade grandmothers and many aunts and uncles and cousins.

Lester was 16 at the time, and the census shows him working as a clerk at a department store. 

When Lester returned from serving a mission and serving in World War I, he lived again at home with his parents and his ten surviving brothers and sisters. (Brother Edwin died in 1916.) It must have been quite a busy household! Here they are in the 1920 census, still living by the Glade grandmothers and extended family, including the Derrick family.

The last available census is the 1930 census, and by this time Lester had married Lucile Green and had two daughters, Beverly and Marjorie. They were living by this time in their life-long home at 1421 Sherman Avenue. The quality of this picture of the census is unfortunately poor, but it is decipherable.

The census shows Lester working as a salesman in wholesale hardware.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lester Glade Funeral, Part 11

Remarks By - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bishop Preston W. Parkinson

Brothers and Sisters: We appreciate your attendance here today, this large assemblage. These beautiful flowers indicate the love and respect and esteem in which Brother Glade was held. We are fortunate in Wasatch Ward to have three Glade families, Harvey, Lester and Florence Wells. I know that they appreciate your attendance here today.

We want to thank everyone who has taken part on the service, for the beautiful music and those who have brought these wonderful flowers here today, these floral contributions. To the ladies of the Relief Society who are taking care of them, for their fine assistance. On behalf of the family I want to thank all of you who have rendered help and assistance to this family, particularly those who have supplied their blood for Lester that his life might be prolonged. Many kindnesses have been shown, he has been visited by his friends and loved ones. This is as it should be Brothers and Sisters, to visit the fatherless and the widows and those in distress.

The Pall Bearers today are members of two study groups. The active Pall Bearers are Joseph M. Bean, Lester W. Fry, Carl J. Hawkins, E. Cecil McGavin, Nephi E. McLachlan and Carl F. Bierman. The honorary Pall Bearers are Howard J. Layton, Homer Holmgren, David H. Cameron, John O. Simonsen, C. Ernest Bowers and Frank Christopherson. The internment will be in the Salt Lake City Cemetary [sic], where the graveside prayer will be offered by Brother Howard J. Layton, a brother-in-law of Lucille [sic]. We will bring these services to a close by a vocal duet from Brother and Sister McMaster. They will sing "Tranquility." The benediction will be offered by George Blair Glade, a cousin of Lester.


Benediction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Brother George Blair Glade

Our Father in Heaven: We now wish to envoke [sic] thy blessing, and with thy blessing thy dismissal upon us. We feel appreciative for all the curcumstances [sic] in our individual lives that have permitted us to be here today, and for this service which has been an expression both in song and in the spoken word of the esteem and love and the friendship that we have held for our relatives and our friends.

We pray again that thou bless his beloved wife who has been so magnificent through these recent years of trial and uncertainty. Bless his children, his aging mother, his brothers and sisters and all of us who mourn today.

We pray oh Father that thou will teach us this one lesson, that although it is easy to neglect the responsibilities of life and to dodge them, that we will not be able to dodge the consequences of neglecting these responsibilities, that in the long [haul] at the end of the long run the great pendulum of mercy and justice will swing to those of us who have loved thee and have kept thy commandments. 

We humbly pray now that this service may be consummated with thy blessing, with thy favor, and may thy ear ever be atuned [sic] to hear the prayers and the wishes of our hearts and righteousness, and all of these things we humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ . . . Amen:

Lester's children and grandchildren at his gravesite, June 1952.